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<br />MOItTC:AfsE _
<br />-----.____._-.__..~.._~~=Mai~rrJ'AC~ uee~tNJko. L 23,619 -- ~--9~6IC
<br />xivowAJa.M~NJ3~TIi1;sE1'1zFS~tvTS:rhat Ear3 Killefer and Chong Sook Kiiiefer, each in his and
<br />her own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Mortgagor, wJtethtt one or more, is cmtsideration of the sttm of
<br />Thirty-seven Thousand and Not100-------------------------------------------------- ~~~
<br />Yaaned to said mortgagor by The Equitable Building and I.r[an Association of Ctand Isdand, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 3 )Q shares of stork of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 23,619 MGI,GIo hereby grant, convty and mortgage unto the ssid ASSOCIATION the foHowirtg
<br />described real estate, situated in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />4ogether with all the tenements. hereditaments and appurtenances tberruntu belonging, including attached floor coverings, all window screens,
<br />window shades, 6Jinds, Sturm windows, awnings, healing, air wnditionirtg,and plumbing slid waterequiptnent and accessories therato,pumps,stoves,
<br />refrigerators, and other f"exturts and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real estate.
<br />And whereas the said nwrtgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and assessments levied or
<br />assessed open said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured thereby before the same shall betrome delinquent; to funais6 approved.-
<br />inswance upon the buildings on said premises situated in the sum of S 3) , 000, 00 paya!tie to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies fur said insurance; and not to commit ar permit any waste on or about said premises;
<br />In case of default in the performance of env of the terms and wnditions of this mortgage or the bond secured hereby, the mortgagee shag,
<br />on demand, be entitled to irnntediate possession of the mortgaged premises and the mortgagor hereby assigns, transfers and sets otter to the
<br />mortgagee all the rents, revenues and inwme [o be derived from the mortgaged premises drtring such time as the mortgage indabttdaess shall remain
<br />unpaid; and the mortgagat shall have the power to appoint any agent or agents ii may desire for the pttrptrse of [epairi[tg said premises and renting
<br />the satrte and collecting the rents, revemtes and income, and it may pay out of said income aB expenses of repairing said premises and necessary
<br />commissions and expenses incurred in renting and ntanaghtg the same and of caBtctirrg rentals therefrom; [he bahuce remaining, if arty, to be
<br />appJrert toward the discharge of said mortgage indebiedncss; these rights of the mortgagce may be exercised at any time dosing the existence of suds
<br />defauft, irrespective of any tempo[ary waiver of the carne.
<br />These Pre~nts, however, afe upon tltt Condition, That if tht said Mortgagor shall repay said Joan on or before iltt ;naturity of aid shares by
<br />p~aymcmt; pay monthly to said ASSOCIATION of the swn specified m the Band secured hereby as interest and principal on said lo:n, on or before
<br />the Tv.°entieth day of each and every month, until said lean is fully paid; pay all taxes and assessments levied against said prervists a~ on this Mortgage
<br />and tht Bostd st[:ured thereby, btfart dthngaency: fiumish approved insurance upon the buildings thereon in the strm of S 3) ,000.00 payable
<br />iJ aid ASv-~JATION; rewy to sa.stJ ASS£X_'IATJON upon demand all rrtxrtty by it paid fa€ such texas, a~tits and insuranc€ witJt interest at
<br />the traximum legal rate thereon from daft of payment all of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay; permit tw waste on aid prtmiaes;keep and mmpiy
<br />with all the agreements and wnditions oC the Band for S 3), 000. DO this day given by the said Mortgagor to saki ASSOCIATION, and comply
<br />with aIl the regttirertients ut tfit Constitution and By--Laws of saiil ASSOCJATIOJ+T; then these pres~tsrts shall became null avid void, otherwise -they
<br />shag remain in fuB force and may be foreclosed a[ the option of the said ASSCC[ATION after failure for three months to make any of said
<br />payrrxnts or be three rmonths in arrears in making said tnrrnthty payments, or 20 keep and comply with fhe agreements and conditions of said Bond;
<br />and Mortgagor agrees to have a receiver appointed forthwith in such foreclosure proceedings.
<br />li' there is any change in ownership oC the real estate mortgaged heron, by sate ur otltettxise, then the entire tet[nrniag indebtedness hereby
<br />:ecured shall, at the option of Ttte Equitable Buihiing and Iran Association o£ Grand Jsland, Nebraska, become imtnetfiately dtm and payable vritbuut
<br />further notice, and the amount remaining due under said bond, and any other bond for any additional advances made thereunder, sMB, from the
<br />dale of exercise of said optitm, btar interest at the maximum legal rate, and this mortgage may then oe toredosed to satisfy tM amount due on said
<br />bond,and any other bond fur additiatuti advances, together with aB sums paid by said The Equitable Building and Luan Association of Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska for insurance, tars and assessments, and abstracting extension charges, with interest thereon, from date of payment a*. tht maximum
<br />legal rate.
<br />As provided in the Banr'.~xcured hereby, while this tiwrtgage remains in affect the mortgagee may heresfter advance additiarul sums to the
<br />makers of said Band, thrir assr'gps ur suctxssors in interest, which sums shall be within the security of this mtrrtga®e the saax as the Funds oriigimily
<br />secured thereby, tht rater a nt of principal debt not to txtx.ed at any time Ehe original amount of this moitga~.
<br />f this say of November A. 0.,19)9
<br />gar i~ie ~~ ~ - -
<br />Chong Sea Killefer
<br />STATE OF AiEBItASIGA, ~ ss. Oa this 15th- day of NOVember tq )9 ,before me,
<br />cntJNTr tip xALL
<br />tfie nndersigrtad, a Notary Public in and for said County, personally catt>t
<br />Earl Kiliefer and Chong 5ook Kiitefer, each in his and her own rigw~a and as ~~~~r oxnown och
<br />'other are
<br />ma to be the identical permn S whose name S dre afTixed Lo the above instrurneni as mortgagor 5 and they severally
<br />acknowledged the said instrument to be their voluntary act and decd.
<br />WCENESS my hand and Notarial seat the date aforesaid.
<br />My Cammiainn expires ' .~"'_
<br />, __._
<br />terazBt nt otary I'ubJic
<br />