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<br />~_:_ .. ,~:~, ~ ~ .~ ... ~~~ R~AiL "E~STATE~~~EORTGi~'~laE. ~~~~~~„ ~ . wren ~~~ ao~ ~(r?aw. 1-~~~~ ~
<br />~~ _ ~I-.~.._.- - ..._,._..-, ,~.~. r at Nowemtx'.ir 14 1,97'' .._._ ~.~
<br />E ~
<br />f ,
<br />Gertrude N. Bauer (also known as GerLiude Bauer}, unmarried
<br />- Martgagors,
<br />of Hall Cormty, Nebraska in consideration of
<br />the advance of the principal sum recited in the note h°_relna_*ter described, receipt of vlrich is acknowledged, hareby ( ~-
<br />mortgage and convey to ;~-, _
<br />THE FEDERAL LAND SANK OF OMAHA, a Corporation,
<br />of Omaha, Douglas County. Nebraska, whose address
<br />,, is Farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 58!00,
<br />Mortgagee (subJect to oil., gas, and mineral rights awned by parties other than Mortgagors; existing easements of
<br />record; reservations in United States and State patents; ardthe rights of -the public 1n all highways}, thefallawing-
<br />described real estate in Hall Cotmty, Nebraska ,
<br />SEC. 7NP. RG.
<br />ERNE'~--------------------------21 9N 9 W 6th P.M.
<br />~:
<br />__
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<br />containing $C acres, mare or less, to get.^.er with all of the richt, title, &nd interest -
<br />(now owned orhereafter acquired} of the Martgxgc,rs in said property, SncludLtg all buildings, improvements, fixtures, -
<br />:era.. .,r ore ~-€ eon; _ water. Sr
<br />- cr aPPurter==antes- t1 n }, - -~1' rio=tioq, and drainage rights; •..*.e tone.?.eats,
<br />hereii tamer ts, and appurtenances tho.e*_,; 3„d t~},e .en ts, issues, crops, and profits arislag from said lands; and €Sf -
<br />the Mortgagors rights i. the public domain are required DY Mortr-age2 iar security psrpases} all )Paws, Pet~iGS, - -_ _ --
<br />licanses, or privileges, agpurtenant c -!cnapp!n•teuant tc• saia morLi~ged premises, now or herea.*ter issued, ex±end?d. -
<br />-nr renewed to the Marr,garars Dy the Dr.l~ted St>r-ea or the state Sr. which the above-described-property is IacateC a^ - --
<br />filly deparent~ct, Gttl`e;iu, cr aaPl;:;y t3=1 _n~. - - - -
<br />.ls m,., L:F.32 ... t,..-E„ ,.! oc,.,,.c .,, ,~.,~ _ „~~t ,.. cr c., u~ ~ nerewltt., exaautad Dy „~^tGaxUra Ma:-t.T.-„Fia.s, if
<br />~,.~ _~; _ru k~_ ~ s~na-T€€s,3 ~l&i'EN? BN~~ Bt~'I3Ps nND Nt?~ lfl(r` - - - _ _ ~ ~z,c,va~a.
<br />v~
<br />--__pavabl_a w!*h-.' ]tei' cf =- ,'v_Si^.~T t^. ?''e --~*°R: _•i ~~ r:c'_- rt : :l_i': t 2)e1:yi _~_~~ r~y~:e_~ LhN-f.ra!'..-~,~r' _ ____
<br />of I'1ar1'h. ~L1Q~1 Il,Is can vey sn.^.e shall be void upon the payment a.* saia promissory nntP,
<br />'!'his mortgage Ss subJect to the provisions of TriF. FARM C:tiSL'?;° AuT and ail acts amendatory thereof or supPlemantsl
<br />thereto. The proceeds cf the lead secured hareby will De used ter the purposes sp?clued in the Mortgagarsr appli- -
<br />cation for said loan and authorized lly said Act.
<br />The Mortgagors, and each of t11em, hereby warrant that they arc, fee ewrers o_* the mortgaged real property; that they
<br />will defend Lna title against ail rlalmants whomsoever, and that said property is free rrom all ercumDrancrs: that
<br />they well keep all the improvements, fixt[:res, and .sppurtenw:ces oraapled and Sn good repair and permit no acts of
<br />waste; and Choy will relinquish all right:r at homestead in sai•1 promises, and covenant and agree with the Mortgagee,
<br />as follows: ) ,
<br />(1) That they will pay when due all taxes, liens, Judgments, or assessments which may De lawfully assessed against
<br />the property herein mortgaged.
<br />(2p That they will insure and xoep insured buildings ar other improvements now an or which may iteraatter De Plaa:ed
<br />on said premises to the satisfaction at the Mortgagee, such insurance }alloy e*iall ho andors>_d with a mortgage clause
<br />with the loss thereunder to be payable to the Mortgagee. A[iY sums received may be used to pay far reconstruction
<br />of the destroyed improvements; or, if not so applied, may, at. the option of the Mortgagee, be applied in payment of
<br />any indebtedness, matured or unmatured, sectu^ed Dy this mortgage,
<br />(~} 1'a pay all rents, fees, or charges now due ar to become due urEder the farms of each lease, permit, license; or
<br />privlego an-the public domain which is agpurtanaat or iwnspgurtenant to the mortgaged premises, which has Dean
<br />sued, extended, ar conowed Dy the United States ar the state in which the above-doscribed graperty is located; and
<br />tq perform and observe every act, covenant, condition, and. stipulation neaossary to keep each of the soma in good
<br />standing;-and to take every necessary sttsp tD segitre the reissue, renewal, or extension of oath of tho same; and to
<br />-.-- assign,--xaivo;:yiodge,:-orisiidarse to the-Martgageeeaeh lease-, permit; License, or privilege it Mort6ggors~.rights
<br />1n public domain-are required by Mortgagee for security P.trposas.
<br />-- - _ - -
<br />(4} -That in -the event-the Mortgagee is a pert} to siky litigstloa affectlgg tho security ar the lion of its mort-
<br />gage, includi[tg any suit by the Mortgagee toforaalose this mortgage or any suit In wnicri the Mortgagee may be named
<br />a party defendant Sn which it is_r?*1lgate€i to protect its rights ar lien, including condemnation and bankruptcy
<br />nrgaaedings, Lha Mortgages may inauC expensos and gdvanco payment for abstract fees, attorney tees (except to the
<br />extent prohibited by-law}, costs;"expenses; and.ather charges.
<br />i5} ,rat in the event-the Martgagors. tail .to pay when dno any taxes,-liens, Judgments, or assessments, or fail to
<br />--maintain irisurahee as-Mersinhofore,-provided, ar--fail to-pap-cents, Leos, archarges under the terms of-at~y lease,
<br />permit, iiaense; or privilege; or Mortgagee is required to incur oxgenses for aDStradG tees, attorney fees, casts,
<br />expenses, and other cpargos in canneetion with 1ltigatlan, Mgrtgagaa-may m€ika ouch payment crpravide such insurance,
<br />or incur such obligation, and the wnqunts pe,1d'titerefar shall Uocome a Bart of tho indebtedness secured hareby Cue
<br />and payable immediately, and shah floor inCeT•asC-from the-date of paymont at the same rare ss grovidea for aetault
<br />In tfie Hate.
<br />
<br />