{, ~'
<br />~~ u
<br />I.•rolras~r 8r11 Naem, Jlpat xi•e ;~'ut aFndersirJndd m"i= rorasidergitiarp ~,~ frKll f+nirntrnt r+j ra,nr ilarirm, rimct etlarr xv~liait.ft consid-
<br />rrrtinn rrcriscd, da hrreby eFk;i:Y, rrlingvish and rrttase
<br />Mech:tnica Lien made by tJatsrtn Construction Company in the amount of $83,375.00
<br />recorded June 20, 1975 in fiaok 12 Page 213, Mechanic Lien Records, hall County,
<br />Nebraska,
<br />Mechanics Lien made by Wntson Construction Company in the amount of $3I,600.Ofl
<br />recardrd June 20, 1915 in itoak 12 Page 220,~Afechanic Lien Records, ball County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />.Mechanics Lien made by te'atsan Construction Company in the amount of $242,7b2.00
<br />recorded June 20, 1975 in Book 12 Page 22b, Mechanic Li.=n Records, Hall County
<br />'.Jc4raska.
<br />The East 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 except the tdesterly 75.0 feet thereof,
<br />and except the North IJ2 of the North 1/2 of the East 1/2 of the Southeast
<br />1/4, all in $eCtion 12, Township 11 North, itange 10 tdest of the 6th P. M.,
<br />21x11 County, Nebraska. -
<br />Also Known as Conestoga Mall Subdivision, an Addition to the City of
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at the Southeast corner of Section 12, Township 11 North,
<br />Range IO [vest of the 6th P. Ai., Hall County, Nebraska, thence.tJest along
<br />the South line of said section 1238.8 feet, thence North on a Line 75 feet
<br />East of and parallel to the [Jest line of the £ast 1,12 of the Southeast i/4
<br />1980.68 feet, thence East 1241.48 feet to a point on the East line of said
<br />section, said point being 1982,55 feet_North of the Southeast corner olw'said
<br />section, thence South 1,982.55 feet to the point of beginning. °
<br />' i IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said WATSON CONSTRUCTION CO. has caused ¢~ '`
<br />" i these presents to be esecuted by tts%Qresident and its CorQorate Stal to be ajfrstd 1 :~
<br />`r j hereto ehis 18th day of Februar .1976 ~ ~i
<br />1 Y
<br />'. j d~'itt%ess: WATSON CONSTRUCTION CO. , '
<br />.............................-._•_.......-... .. ».... ...._-...................- f
<br />,rte ~, j ....
<br />i- ~ ~ .
<br />~~ ....,a~. ~ ... By..,f,~:t-~`r~~-~~i~•<J' /,i'--• •_ - jj_ Vic -President "
<br />,,
<br />~E -
<br />ii ---Attest ~ .., Gashitr, Secretary
<br />STATE OF_....rdIN:~1ESYI'A......_.......^..._._...
<br />..---
<br />• - • ~ Orr this 18th,._..day of...... F~~tl#J'" ..._..........., Ig ?~.
<br />~~ ~ }ss.
<br />€IENNEPIN County f before net -the undersign?d,-a-Notary Fuklic ix and farsard--~ - - -
<br />~' County. personally tarot ............... Ricl}ard-..~:..-4~.14~~1................. ..................._.__. -.kiCp~resident of t!u ~ ,
<br />to me QersonaRy knou7t to be thq~rgident and identical person whose name is affixed to the above reteast and ~'
<br />~; 1 acknowledged the execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such officer, and the votuntary act and
<br />deed of tke said ..........................._....-•---.1VA.T.SO.N..~QI~,i~R.UPI'.Ii1N..G4....-............-............-....................._...._.........-......._.... _.--- i
<br />~f ~ Witness my hand and Notarial Seal at...-.-.Minuet:col.is.~-.Minnu.:;ota ............. in said County the day a»d year
<br />i(
<br />{Last- above written. -"' -'
<br />., F
<br />My cornrnission expires ............................................... :9._.................~'.:~:..,......~.r....'-„-zFf..~..,~._............, Notary Publu ~ ;_
<br />r
<br />S- - .~ Np7ARY AUa,IG--~gNN6SOTw ~ ~ - {-!
<br />r~~ ~ ~,
<br />