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<br />~ ,~.~rinrP~xiK a'~~t1~ de'x'~d, lt~~td ¢4'r` flm~~^ ~uru;ierHf,;~'~od'~d ial , chr~s~o~rtrtntls"ii,ai ~:f 1r.Pt ~.~t•tr~f sal t>j a.~r .~l,run, yrfpf ~~,tfl;a'r +a•Grttl~al•tr• "rrt~z,f_
<br />. ~! :•r `. a: n•ral.•~"r9 ",lPr tr rr'tit, strii."r',"rrllrfr~~F:r^'i' r:rec'1 rt•tY.¢sc• ~ ~~
<br />Mc.thnnic's Liam made by Plattu Vnlls'y Co:tateuccion, Co., in the amoc;c:t oz S`15,514,7G
<br />recvrc}ed Febru.try 21, 1975 in ':epic 12 i':ige 101, Piechanic LSen ;'records, lt~tl.t Count}•,
<br />Nebraska. .
<br />The East 1/2 of the Southeast I/4 except t}te t:esCCrly 75.0 feet Cherevf,
<br />' and except tl;.~ North 2/2 of the itiorth i/2 of the L:.st l/2 of the Southeast
<br />1/4, all in Section 12, 'lcw•nsh~p 11 North, Range 10 l,'est of the 6th P, M.,
<br />j }?all County, N<braska, - ,
<br />' ? ~ x11so Known as Conestoga Hall Subdivision, an Addition to Cl:e City of ~ .: '
<br />` ' Grand Ys-land, ,Nebraska, more particularly described as Follo:a:
<br />- Beginning at the Southeast corner of Section 12, Township it Sorth, ~
<br />E Range 20 :Jest of tl;e filet Y. ,1., pall County, Nebraska, thence.tdest along i
<br />the South line of said section 1233.8 #.eet, thence i:erth on a line 75 feet
<br />~ .East of and parallei to the Nest line of the East i./Z of the Southeast If4
<br />.1980.68 feet, thence East 1341,43 feet Co a point on ttte East line of said F
<br />{ section, said point being 19S2.55 feet North of the Southeast corner of said ,
<br />!~ section, thence South 1,982.55 feet to the point of heginning. ~ ;
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<br />` ' Februa 76 t
<br />t ' Dated tku..--- ---•---_. ----. ....... ......• 9 •--• ,
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<br />Gtrt hits-------/°-..--d°y °f ...............~'.c~~.~u~~Y....-..-----.-... .-..., .tit.-.~6..-, 3efere :re a 4'otary AttLtit in c~cd fo stud
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<br />' Niedfelt Partner of Platte Vall~:y Cons*ruc'' on Cos.
<br />j county. personadty camtaleTx'~c...-......--•-------------~.....................-•-------•---..._....,-.,-. ...
<br />...-.,fo ttse I-nowtt to 6t the tdetrtic_a! Qrrsaa..1, ~ -.
<br />! _. -rha execflled tke Joregozr:g ret~ase, and:......_~?t'...--..:•-•-..-•-•--.....ackno~t r^dGsd tl:e sortie to be ...~~~~... vatuntmrp ~
<br />~; art and deed. and the s;aluntary act and deryc? of Platte Valley Construction Co. ,i
<br />~{ a partner>>iti~.j :`
<br />i{ In uatness, 7ohereof, I lsazc. here:snto set nsy hand atsd seat t{te day and yens last aforesaid. ~ ;
<br />,,
<br />1~ 'ter Atofary Pubtsc. i
<br />d
<br />•AUI/ARA LANGFt€ai~
<br />{f ~ ~X[8wni. Fsp. o~c a, ;979 ;3
<br />