<br />.. _ t<
<br />That the Mortgagor wilt pay the indehtednevs ac hereintwfore provided. -
<br />Thal the Mortgagor, is the owner of said property in fce sin>p#e and has goal right and taw[ul authority to cell :+nd
<br />rnm•ey the same and that the-50me is ir0e and clear o[ any lien or encumbrance; and that Mortgagor x'il! warrant an,l defend the
<br />title fo said premises against the claims ov all persons whomsoever.
<br />Tn pay iimmediately when due and payable alt gr~nerai-taxes, special tnxcs, sprcia! a,W,vm: nt., rater +~nargrs. ~ . cert-
<br />ice charges, sr>3 other taxes and rha des ztgains# vid {,rr, tr-r, c. and all tas,~> 7Paird <,n the rleht se,, urr-<! h,, rehti-. and In furnish the
<br />\iortgagee. upon "request. with the ariginai ar dapiicate mceipts then fur. The plartgagor :rgrr<•,e that there ..hall be added !+,
<br />each munt}tly payment r~uired he rri:nder nr under the e+-idenco „[ eir-#z; .ccurcd i+,-re-hr aer <:n,+.•..oi era intatrc3 f.v the Aiortgag<,•
<br />to he sufficient to enable the hiorfgagee to pat-. :~~ ?hey he~,:n. • :iur, ail taxes, asc+-,ssments. anti =.nniiar charge„ u?x,n the Pn~m-
<br />~, ia. r61e..t +ten n- ant dr5atrnq tnv a x r + r - : ~ tTi 3- iri ill ? 1 m: ~t ~ # } r th- .itt- i ,,oc:ter! rm :6e
<br />'tif rzaago ill the \inrig, t;a,^ # ~ t.- t- ~• ~t t- ~ g \ ..,u:r ,,t-i,-, ,,.- + -„ +~ t, ~hsli .. 1 .•d .r h-6,,.,h :n
<br />_ ent ,.C Fn=.. aw: smcrrc x ,n.d.rr .h err,., rcyu,n.t r+r, und.,r
<br />.,. Th 1 t ~t_ t r' ~ ,u,.•, ,.. u, ., t i} i1 a i i r- i t t hEr
<br />t.n- F t ib 4ti ~i :.'<' ~ ~ t ?-. -r t r t 1: ti 1 n
<br />m+nt ..ha.: tti ..^thxi .. ,, h. ,.[ .~ >2, ..,;:,,. r ., , ,n< yi-r .,av<r .?x , .k n.a.:,i b, t},e \i tt,a~, .• .~ v ,., fault + , . r . ,..
<br />pa i s}.h .s}, }~ .t ., a .t [. rr i - t ra ~ F x ~i -~. . i ,h ., t .. -t + ~ ~ . u,4 n.
<br />~ r,w.rr+ •,r ab _.sn Jh'=- , . =3=w. th .. ., .._ _.f5 <.a. , , ut+r, : ua .h. ?2 •~t t?-,,3y th, r ~ _ to
<br />i•.~ pa,}' pmmiums~.,n rsks n , r.+„ + i-4- :nw r.,3 t•c t}n.< ear:;:-z,
<br />Facmvno- ma#r h, ..<. lI. ,a,; ..cd.- ,,,< -_,. Ph. .. t. ,.. n, :f \2r ,. 1. h~!a t. ,....
<br />,.. ?eac =.e..,r.ty roe t?';,~ u;axa,e::~,..nr; ~<i ;.x _.•rt_s.::::d,, :~i,•dn.~,.
<br />To un #.-.. .; t,. .7 ... .,.. ..~ ... -.. ._- `.L,r'_.- , . . !dr -, ~~ ._ ..-:erns,' ~,.. i.l
<br />liar. hr'Lrx. Ca. x St t arr~ :t,nt:ngr 1'" th [ rt- !<'!yL i . ' Y' ty 1' i - a "r'i~rrcSi i r t,+n
<br />-° ga„r. and :r -,vnts.;n,:~ .. ,:r•:, ~r _ t. , ., : a t - , t y .t t ti \S + .
<br />g fa h r+rni am .y t .. -i.+ a \c, r -.; - .. , ar t.~+
<br />: p :rri~ati lay the - i ~- -, f, - r :~ :, _.ra :.. - .. t tt t r - I
<br />irt-ih r•.:at3 n,.,e ttn^u { .vr. , . u ?....? r ><, ., .... , , .. .. ,.::4, }e,. ., : the ;,a t + r a.- yt- ,, ,. .,., „t, _n t r , .o,u<
<br />as are ?terc-rz rrduire, ,:. x.,,tur. t, n: + -,..- - ._ .<.. . , - .. , aL a. .n. , - .. . ,< ~{ ~.rt ~+aK. ~. :<t,tu ,;nAt
<br />un~ ~ the xrati of :}r m,r.~a~ I.. -,<...r ,. ,.,_ • ... ., .hs-, .. .< ,.<. ,. ~L-ia~, ,- .:., an a. ~ xr .r rt ,. the u..
<br />earned premium.
<br />?.Nt .uin? <_ __, ~. .e,< <!,• ;,a.-~~ ., n-a>nn 1s>. ,. San a ., •. .,1 - .-,•. s:a, .-_ n.ean-,r-# !,y the A!,:riec+.ee
<br />.-, i r } h
<br />e_ - app:.rd t - ~a 1 t . t t ',c - a 1 -t r} ~ t, u ~ ., . , . _ , 1 t:< , , r anv
<br />pari naa>' t+r }..._1 ,~<- .- .,: -. - :, -_ i ,.. ! a- _. .:. ti 3 ., - , .
<br />ax2,rr purpase nr ots}rx_ v...:iacL .t .k<~ .. -a~«- -. -fl,. .. -,., ~~..,.., th .nn n tr . --~r-sr, i .h? `:;a -_..,-,., . -+, ar.r a..-
<br />hy lector-e aurh p+t}~mrnt .-. ,•r t,... ;•:a, ~•
<br />T',e prc+tn!u1g ;,a:r ., .+ . .< ...- . urn ~.:d:c~, , r n:pr...o- nt, n..,. :r .. ,,r.,. n.... a, - 7 ik-.
<br />r.- ,<,
<br />:nrne 3hsai.,a? or de,t nn ,-,i :.• i a ; n i --. -3-t : t and s,--t' an,{ i:<-+ tr,.n: , c.n -- 7 ~r t r:,r
<br />rlp:a+ ca 'l~n not rag:mset+ su}><+rv_..a.< = i-, ttx< : <n err sd a... t., wl!et .,r tx: rant an. .: r.}a,. i,.) ~_< ,•1 , am :. n< :st ., t.
<br />card }'•rapr~rty r..=r t=.= ;;,-nxzrt r.a-tt- , .+.. . rrin:..,•. .:.. ..,, ,... an!:- ,<t lore ,:t xh,~~r:h: t},r• l.r+,}'w.rt. h, rrh} , a..+.-rf ;hai: !•<tv-xnr+~
<br />]es .-sItiatd+r n., , dxn,m.~.:,r •mbzt~r n. , , < - cn. >, _ .:., n ,c art ., - ..ah a'; y:±',.rme~n~ = E inn .. t~ y,.,--t
<br />ix?'hr tell+rt C:alee~i r ... `r...n.! t?:r u~. ,.:r^„_~~ it
<br />Ths7 ,tea:,;,: @x ?xr~a ±c,•s a=r azr~ ;-art [hre<=d % :aL~n ~.. aama,#rd by ;<w-,n .,... _, put'du !mpt. . m st ,¢ cor ierv cat+.,n
<br />p.,~w,xr~:uR- s;r ur.3rr 3,e r:ghr .:{ - c -a r- .r: any nih.r manner tt ~ -. r a-_ 'h I! }>:- tnt:2.,= ~,. c+r t -a;=.,a?.
<br />axatvfs. a.nd any ut.Yu-t p,symr^.t - ni e- :h -S r n.=:. nat3 1-,r ea titlest at iE ti- ., r: ,..ten:}' ap;~rar nand prxxva~u..-• to it
<br />t, ~•ti ttr;inT an-, ac^cr:<n ., ,,:~>~~:?rni;. „c t,• .ral.r ,in} r,. n,,=r,.sn:,r .t K~ttlr.,,. ::t .~ nn,rtt=,a x,•h +uc#r tai.inc ;+r ciamaR+' .a11 .urh
<br />cgmpeapaiiru:. a+aar..in. -u.mat;r-. r,fi :Y <,# ~. r e':r? s -- _ ~ 4-v a '-~ - ? _. the ~t.aixx'- -,. h n ;+-' niter d 41u. f mR
<br />t[aenairam alt! its eaprra,t,s, re!easr ant n; vier! s.-+ r+rcxv e,n bi it -•r appli ;t -- ,.=.~r =,,: ark ,a ]~i~t53ne1- v-s...~? 1'.=. eb} 7`x+:~ '.t-!rrt-
<br />„aGOr in eateevtr• sue3r tun#rrr ~+6 -mrntr: r3 arxv .-n ant n..atre,n, axar.?,, -lamab_s. next rrgte~ ru ai lion s_-xd pr:.c,Kz1-+ a, t3k•
<br />~' ntay r+t+~ttrtw.
<br />Thpt to rare of iai3urr to prrf;.rm any .-f r}x..~,,..~naatt~ even-+n ?:,<• 14„rt<azr..- rr:ar 1-., ::+, the \1r•rteag,:r'• tr~half <-.-.-r: t}'.:nR
<br />sae cenxetxaateui, that t}ee Mort&agee mar also i., ant .n•t :t rr,ax d:~.-n. ;; .»r;.. u, {,r.,rra~t the- h,-n thrrrr.f that the '.Sortgag+,r x'ul
<br />trpat' ttprca d.-mend pot mnr+ey5: paid ar distwrs.^d by the S!+~rtga.e.+ [+: anx +.{ ihr atx+.r }+urpxar=. anti such mnney>; togaiher with
<br />initteet r~1a2P-rut ar 23tr rate pt.^vidrH'! m said atsfr sfiai? },ekv sxxa .a nxur#: w'l:4rtx,nal :a3rtarxtnts. Aerrba >erure~t and may hr in-
<br />rlraderd in anv t3ectree itnea^k+sutg ties murtg+~e and t~ paid ,.ut ~~i rite r<..> :,r 1, r,,. ~,-ds of sate ai sard premises if nut niherv:tse
<br />paid: t!lilt n p}ralt Srni "he aFhgattn?' uprn tAe lisrt.gagx t;. ,r:~qu err rot,: r!},t. .ai:r.s,- .f an} lien. rn~,; n:hrar:. es. or c?a:m in ad-
<br />m~t+ria rui~rra,~taut, t:ut :r:.N3ung hwr~!n rc+nt~:~d mss!! 1+• c<~snstru<+t a~ reyutrcng the !+9:,rtgagr-.- t.+ advanc~: ant
<br />moneyp #aa any sue3r purpave t+rx 3+r do an}~ an }ter+rurtder, and t!aat Murigagrr shalt r+..t tnrur ar++ ,x r:.=oat Iratxiltty het'au~ a# any-
<br />tlHiiZ i; taiY da ar t+mii w do het,eutnier.
<br />is ihE' evens ti the dria=att h> MarigitRur in tare }xYymrnr of any tnntxlimrni, a= :rqutr rxt Y.,y :hr .`~e=ir s.•:-u red hereby- cr
<br />~ ~ iaea{ivmpiiae ad tl+e shtigati:ut in thin mortgace :+r rn the nnie serur:•d i}yeretrx~. the '.!ortgagr'^' ±ha;i t+e entitled to dvc law the
<br />ileita. aeen+ad hrzt~+a' dtic arxi y~•abfe s1t:x+ut rR+iic~, next the .*.Scr tgagce shall be rniitled at ns a*piion. x:xtt+,+ut n+•tice. either by it_ori3
<br />>~ ~y a ietptver r,c it +iyrat~r7 3+y t~ routrt #hem>f, and without meard to t#xe adequafi~- of soy =cruriti [+u the indehtedne%-, sr~
<br />~~ i~X ~ ter trfpto ~] teke ptasrersatnn n{ },}.- mr+rtgaged premises, and to rr,2?ect artd r+-xrnr the ern'- tnwrs and profs±s
<br />Hirred, and ygrly t!x ~xnn, iesa .roam n! t+pt~ratinn .nd rnlte~-tinn. upon the 9ndebtn-dreess arum-c# h}~ this mc,rtgage; sai:i rent!.
<br />itwes aid pt+a6ta 1>,rans }tt•r,eAy pp~sed t. the• M,3rtgagee az furfhrr gt+ru7'ity !nr the pati~m~nt of tli ir.drhtf•dness .a.ti'urPri herrh5
<br />'Tile 7dor(~ayee tetp!! ha.+e thr+ po>W+•r Lu sp!auint any agPrtt or agrnis ii may dritrr fav tfre purpur +,[ rx=patnnR *~d prrm-
<br />ipee: r28tti1j tit ism!: callnctiery the tent!, revenues and in<wme, and ii mat pay out cf sa:d inrt*me alt expenses ttxurrid in rrnt~
<br />~ nail tatmi~itrt~ ylfe p?tnte and of caTlnetittg t#ce tr»rals therefrom. The hatarsce remaining, it any: shall t,r applitKt toward the
<br />>~ a( ilia ~- 7'!tta ssint is tx+ terminate and h°cnme null and void upon release of this mnrtgaRe.
<br />~~
<br />
<br />