<br />~•"-. -
<br />* ~". "
<br />Thab;he.Mortgagor will psy'the-Sndebtedness sa hereinbefore.provrded
<br />That tbe-Mortgagar Is'ihe anyner aF said property in Eec simpFe and has good right and law[ut nuthurity to sell and
<br />mnvey the satrtesafl that fhe same is Sree'~strdclear of any hen or-eacum~srxnm; and that Morlga};ar will warrant and defend the
<br />title to said -preririses against the claims of elf persons- whensoever-.
<br />~,-, To pttp irdtnediate(y when due and pa}=able aiS geriersF taxes, special tares, spea:iat assessments, wa?er charges, cewrr arv-
<br />I: -- ice eharges, andother fares and charges against said pm;x ..*ty. and all iaxes levied on t}ri. debt seen rail hereby. and t.. furni+h the
<br />Mortgagee, upon request," with iris ot'iginal or duplicate rtteipts t]>t•refar. The eta: tgagar agmrs that then <hall he adder} to
<br />- ~ each monthly ps}•ment reQuired heteatnder nr nodes the e-i<tenc~ of de}ri =scored hereSL an amnt n? ttrnat -1 by the \turtgagee
<br />~~ii is roe sug'iri~>a# to etiahie t~ze Mortgagee to pay, a. ihea tu«m> Fu ~.. all taxi, assessmynt yr-1 nrtlat charge. uixtn the prem
<br />sS ise>s a.abject. tlremto; any deficierica hetau-"• of the Sn<ufiur n y f w.h addihnnat peen i hall t.e tuthw t} rltprnited by the
<br />&Sarlgagor ad#h the ~9ortgagee ui ~n demand ha- the U~ rt {,'c A r,detautt un,ter thr, },xragr..i h ~hati he der mad a default m
<br />payaren! of taxis, a_cses`sments, nr similar charges n^rautrrK? h.rev 3
<br />The 39ottgagor agrees that them abets also he add ~ to a 5 manthh pay mcnr of przncipad and interest requued haze
<br />under an art<nrnt estimated by the \Sorigagee to ?h suffici: rt to enabla~ the \hxtgagre fo pay, ss rt i,cm,mes dua•, the insurance
<br />premium ,xr any rn.-atranre paiicc delvereci to the Mortgxg ~+_ -4n} de:xsa-ncy }a•: ausr .•( thr n ~:: fficn•nry of .ucb additi+,nal pay.
<br />nretsts shelf t+e forthw;fh de[xsitevi by the tta+rtgsi<or with the \`.ar?gsgn• a;>catt deman;S by~ the :atnrtgsgac. Airy default ender this
<br />' ^ paragraph shall }re dcv mc~d a deiaait fn thr payment of insurancr premmms If thr jx+Si. ~-.~r ga+_IiaSas d.~posrtr,i are Such a-a }n,mc•
<br />owners or aft risk ;ra}ici.•s, and the depervts ar<~ insuKrcient to ;?a,' th:• .•nt; r,~ pr.•mit:m, the \i„nga;:ee n'+at- apply the de}.>.~-t to
<br />- pay pmmiurrrs nn asks requirrd to Fse in>a:rctit by ?his mnrira~e
<br />Pav'ment-." made ?+3' the Moz{gagur under thr alma-,• paragraph. n;s>. ei t?,.- .,},fie=n .,f th<• \}„rtgagee. M• h<~Sct b}- it and
<br />.-,xntningFxd with aiher .uch fund. _,. He own Fumis ;or the payment .af such zre::rs an.t t:mir, cr, a{a:1S,-d, such payments iris he rrhy
<br />piedeed a_c security far thv un;asid halsnr,• m th.• m:rttgutc indebtaincs:
<br />Ta p;va-uH. delnr- i-. rea ataintarrr fur ;?:,• h,•r:,~ti:.-f ihr til.,ritar: r.- du„n:; Q,e hte ;+t this murf5age urigina. potiri, s ant!
<br />< a
<br />-. renewals iherxtf, deiivrra';3 ai least yen dais i,efure ti,:~- {.-rs:t,~n ,.t :anx- :t~'r ,- .:. :.~.. 'uren_, agatn~t [~r+- and ,:h:•~ in;. rn}ile
<br />bazarzis, rasuattias, and rnntingencirs as the '`7o:t;,-a;;t~- n;a~ti reGvin, in an ama~unt cyuai io the indrbi~8ness ;c: ur'ti by this
<br />Mertgsge_ a.'td :n Wmpanies a~14'i.,t.altlr is ihe• Ai.,ggai:n=, aant: ]. _~ pa} ahk ,~tstux ,n davr.r of aced m f.=rrn a: reF+tahle to the Vturtga~
<br />bee. In Lit.' ezent anc t*+hty m not r••rrw;tl an or Irf„r.• tin ale., e,t i?> :•z to rata-n, ?F.r 1t::rtF,+a,~r r,:ay pr. n'urr m!:atrz. err on the
<br />impromtxarerta pay the pr,emiunr tt,erelrr, end such .sum .hail i~e.•e~.,mr tm?n.-d: atria .i,te and psi al,i,- .v~ih rote-ra-.t at thr :sir art
<br />ftuxtt in said ante until ;*sid aniF shall F><' ~w ze3 h} This mortgage t•a:!un= .=n t?ac pan ~~f t}u. \S+vta'agcr nr Evrnisl:.uch n•m~wF@a
<br />.a.. ate herein requi-r,3 art Latium to par anc soma advarnvd t,.. •under ,~^.a7f of th ~ ont}<wt at t3+-.• Atarrga~. ,,. a=htutr a ,i.•fault
<br />raawet the rarity of ibis m<rri,age T}re drFicrn- :,f sorb p+*lic:-<'c}-aii, n *. ir.• ,.<..-.t <+f :tr?salt. t+mst,iu;r an a.:ignnre•nt of the un-
<br />eerxud ptxznium
<br />A~n,. sumi rexrrvea 1.+ ilri• \tor7rageF h} rea::,n ~+T i.> r +9antsgr in~a rr•d a.cainst may }4• r<•t»znr;7 by the \lortgagee
<br />and applied zs.ward the z,aymeat t.f thr da•I,t brio-hr s,-cu rid, +~r at the ,g,±ie=n .v' thr \t,+rtt;areti*. ~..a•h cams x•ither wh;,ity' ur in
<br />part xnsy be t>9w . r z„ the \Sa.,-tgagerr ta, ta<^ -::,w•d ?<, n;Trvrr „e~h :,uildinKs .,r !.• hu;}.;'n. .+ h,ui;;3ant;~ r , th, it iliac,- -.r f+,r anc•
<br />atSret put}toe c+z ctb}ert ~ait_dactur: tc• fha~ \4 c.rtaga•e atihnut afte•. rink rh.= liar. on th.+::t.,rtga;;r t.,r t?tr ;alt anc.,,, nt s-^eurr,! h,•rr~
<br />by halter uteSt ;r.yare.nt ever fatok place.
<br />To prattrrptly xpair. rc~tnre ur rrhui3d an}' huiidtnt~s .ir impruvrnrr*nt. now' r.r hrrrattrr ;:n ihr ptemi-w:•. which may t.e-
<br />twear damaged or des[zvycd: tv keep said premisi:•s in ~ax;wi Sandi bar, and repair and fres• fn,m any m.ti hank s !i,•n .,r other lien ur
<br />riairn flf iiem cwt ettprrsd.' .ttlmrdinaxed to the Len herrarf; n,rt to auiter ,tr pernnrt any uraawtul usx• of or sm nv>_sanca to scat an
<br />seal properly twr to permit waste :us seat ptemi-sea ncr to d+, sn}' ethic sit a~hs-n•hy the i;n>prrty- heret,y ram-eyed shat} hct^ornr=
<br />leas :-atttaHe, nes ra dimrni:3t or impair its •alue by an}' act :,r cam S+:.irn te, s.-t. t;+ .+.nr{.iy wiih alt rv-tuirrmerzis arf isw with rea;xt~t
<br />fo ti+e mortga,gtvi prratises and the ass zLerec:f-
<br />Thar rirvu}d ttx prerni.es ,*r any part tf,.-r.-:,i h~ ta;,en .: dsnuar;.•ci F .. a++, t, ... _ ,uhl:. +rn}+r~... ...a.... ..c n.iernnab..:r
<br />pavrredirtg. to rarwer ttx• right at amine sal +tcupain. nr ire sny~ c lhrr manttrt, thr A7a,ngag,•v-nshall f.<- <•ntitiri to tan ravnp~nsaii ~ttc.
<br />- awattia arced sax ottser paymrnt ~az rrbef t}rcrr•Fuc, acrd shalt be entitled, at ifs opti+tn. ter ttvrzmrn.+e, appear in and prettsefute is its
<br />own same ace;' aetsxan c+t prcxxeding• r=r is> mnkr a.szy tun.;,raussxvr us 7atil~->zr=•r.t :n c....,.n.-.znon xzth s.urh taA;rtg =+r aiam«.ge ASF +:K6
<br />- s~pe!•sstioa: swards: dtatragea.. nit od action arxf -itra"~"Tqs are taet+'hs- ~.sgnr~~, r€, ;,ate ~ ~ir:ag~~. w#h-. rear. atimr d~-ta:.tirg
<br />thrzsfeaia eat its etper sea, referee aeY mmegs so re,ueived b} it ur aT>Yiy fire satne• r+n any inrke3nedrr~ scrum hrtsfay. T`be Merl-
<br />- ~ st~stva- m r~xttr s+rta-ivrthrz a,tssgntnrats eat aa3' zs;~ttfrensattc>R, awwr. ts.. cisar.9ge+. atai rat~hts ,±f srcii.wr and prtratirds as i}se
<br />- Itdau#~7<er twat' :qtr+rr
<br />' T}rst an sear d failurr a prrfarrm any rd the z4.vi•rsanin lucre; n, ttx~ 4dz-,ngtrX+re may ,ice «n zt:r Xtr.rtgagru's tselralt everythirtR
<br />Les ;mod; that fhe 11Atuy4s,tzw may elan sin any act h array deem ar<aYSS:ry t+. prutt~ty ty«- l=rn tf~r.+at, that the 1t+artx~at:.or wilt
<br />ttp~y spar tieeertted any' mwre~•s paid ta' dislwrtrd try t3te M:ulgaa^n+ fa'+r airy c.d the ahrw•e Tptry+curs end wrh moneys togethrr with
<br />rnte'.t'tat thatran ti thr rate prarsdnd sa said aette sira4l ?aee•.ame sa muc#r ae}ditmrtui tndrt+t;.-inr<cs iw-rnc~ s.~r•urtttf AMi maY ~ ifl-
<br />~ is asr9• derte+e ~ this rmxt;rZ^c and !tr paw nut ari tip rents 4-er ;,rr.-awls: +.',f sa3a• of satd 5rr'am+iwes it nut rstlsewir+c
<br />~- thu ~ ~ q,et ttr' 'wt-r u;w-n; iris Mortgaggee i.. inquire inr.+ 2hr k~siidiz. ,-f am Izrn a•ncurnhrarx~es .,r cisarn in ad-
<br />+> tar+tatya ae risanr ;~.. but rxtitirrg, time-in ~rartais¢•.i w~ftait #r<• tstiaz= ace. n>~-rr:sng Ilse Mr.;:gaitrt to ~vanct• say
<br />tatetaa}rtpar ~ attrah p4trt+rarra ear to dry seat' sit iterruar#ez, and that M~rtgag:!e rdrm'i ruc?•t rrsrur any persurw4 hatslity tretaw.se of any_
<br />t#jpt it aA:igr da s resit 1o dr herenadser.
<br />to the eas+nt of i§le tle~artft by ldratiLal'a*r m tfre payment of any installment. ss aeg}uirrd by the Note secured trereby. or
<br />- - in ~e ~ r$-~ ~-axe is i3eia.m^~*~-;~ err is the m+ir aerstred therrltr. thr Riurtgagee. shai9 6e rntitfed to declare t-he~
<br />d6iR:tatttaed doe earl payaltlr wztbeat radio, and the ItaEarldatr_ s,#utt tie raxttk,f at eta ~+tirn, w;thmai noting- either by itaen
<br />- oa 1tl aasrtav+ier 3e ire ap~tr±Hred pry #Ssr t~rrt t}~avtaf. and .vittwut retard to the adr•yuary at any 58r:rrit}• fnr the indebtedness-se+-
<br />~. opsatd ite~by.. Lis seater tupeut aced fake ptrYeraaim of tEhr ran+-'sttged premises. acrd to rer,t7eH and re+rrivr- the rents. issues and grufits
<br />tom. trod ~pp}y #ks ~, jsss aoata t$ oiperata~an Gaut ruilectiea. npae the irrdrt+trdm:as secured by this merfgage: said mats,
<br />- i+teoea'ated pivila hasiti9 aaeilsseed fo t1`e Aitutcsgee'as farrt9eer axtMity tar the Fapv'meni et cell indebtedrreas ser•urnd hereby.
<br />$'!~ l[rrtiarFee rtta~ have the pewrer to appoint say a#leat ar atrenes it toy desire toz the purprre of repRirinC said ptem-
<br />isrnt: trts0.tip~ tl!_we ittlgPg;'~ tie tt!r~t. meveatrast and isw+y'irae, atsd it tatty pry rear td swd inctmta all expenses izrcttrrcrf is rent-
<br />. ~ sad "lie taattat9st1 d the tlsrerfrtaa. The hakttce remsining, ti any. shelf tr applied toward the
<br />rrI the pteetrap This ~ is to terminate arid hetvarrrt• null and road uWn reletiae of this mortga6e-
<br />sw---" -- -. - _. _ -
<br />
<br />