<br />~~~.~~1t#~~~e`3 iVIQItTGAGE
<br />This Mortgage is entered into between GERALD ~'' Jt?NFS and 5_HARO'~ R. JONFS, Husbara; and
<br />i+'ife as Joint Tena,.ts and not aS Tenants in Ctsnt~n __-____ (herein ";Mortgagor") and
<br />THE Qi~ERIAtID ISt1TI0I~'AL BANK +~' GR~-ISLAr1C, Grand Island, l~braska (herein `'Mortgagee").
<br />Mortgagor is indebted tyo Mortgagee in the principal sum of $ 24, 000.00 ,evidenced 6y Mortgagor's note
<br />dated N~`o` ~+ ~ t-therein "Note"} praciding for payment of principal and interest, with the baIanee of the
<br />indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and parabte en NCV~Itb2r 8, 1980 __
<br />'lb serum the payment ui the Note, with intemst as provided therein, the payment of all other sums, with interest,
<br />advt.^.e~d by Mortg=tee Lo protect the security of this Mortgage, and the performance of the covenants and agmements of
<br />rte Mortgagor contained herein, 'rtortgagot does hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee the following described
<br />property located itt Ha.1l Counts, Nebraska:
<br />Fart os` -the SOUtlraest ;h>3z-ter Of the Northwest Quarter (SGvl_tv'S;?i) of Se~--tia'~
<br />otirteen (14), in Tt~,~iship Ten (10) North, Range Tent (10) Gust of the 6th P.;`L,
<br />described as folltacas: t~am>`ncirtg at a point a~Li:h lies 16 1,'2 feet North of
<br />atx}ther point in the South ; ;-!e of said ;~~rter Sevtior., 33 feet East of the
<br />Southt~tst corner of said Nort2n.~st ~?t:arter, rt>nninc thence North, parallel witch
<br />the West line of said Northt.~st (?t:.az-ter, 208.7 fit, thence East parallel with
<br />said South line, 208.7 feet, them South parallel with said ty~st line 20E.7
<br />fit asp t~~'~ ;~} 1y°~ w,~h a~ 1~ 1l2_ *~t distant fran said South line
<br />208.7 feet, to the place of bErinnin.Z and taantaini.nq One (1) acre, in Hall
<br />"sanity, !~ras~a
<br />Together with all buildings, improcetnents, fixtures, streets, alleys, pacsagea~ars, easements, right, privileges and
<br />irpQutsenaaces located thereon or in anyxise pznaining themto, and the rents. issue; and prof ir, revervons and rerrs°inders
<br />t2fema#, i~tudtng, but not limited to, heating sad cooling equipment and such personal pmpert}- that is attached to [he
<br />improvements sc ss to constitute a 6sture; all of whist, including replacements and additions thereto, is hereby declared
<br />to be a part of the real estate secured by the lien of this Mortgage and ell at the foregaiag being referred to herein ss the
<br />`Prti>perty".
<br />Mortgagor farther converrarta and agrets, with Mortgagee. a< follovts:
<br />i, Payment. To pay the indebtednes and the interest Wemon as provided in this !mortgage and the Note-
<br />Y. Title. Mortgagor is the owner of the Ptrperi}', ha the right and authorit}' to mortgage the grape*iy, and
<br />s°atxants that the lien created hereby is a f[rst and prior lien on the Propert}', except as mar otherwise Lu set tnrth herein.
<br />The Propem• is subjecC Lo a Mortgage wherin
<br />is il>z MortgaEae, recorded at $oak , Psge of ?te Mangage t~ecor~ of C.aur.t}',
<br />Nebraska, w~ Mortgage is s lien prior to the lien created herebr-
<br />~'-''.. (jl3ter print liens ar rncumhrances:
<br />3. Tatcm, ,Ais~smeats. Ta pa}' whets due all taxes, spmisl assessmenb and a!! other charges against the Property
<br />xtd, upoat Britten demand by tmort+ee, iD add to the pay-menu inquired under t2ir `ore arxured herb}', such amount u
<br />may be sttf5rarnt to enable the \~1r>nrag~~e to pay` suet, tazze, assessments or other chat`ges ari they became dye.
<br />#. ittataance_ To keep the imptvements nor ar hereafter located on [he rFal saute described herein ituured
<br />damage by fire and ssach affier hazuds as ?klottgagee may require, in amouttrs and with enmpanies accepubte to the
<br />Matga~a+e, and with }o~ pav`abie to the Manesgee. In ease of lov under such politic the Mortgagee r5 authorized to
<br />adp~t, calker and compromise, in ifis discretion, all claims thzreunder at its sots option, aati:unzedtoertherappi the
<br />paoceede W the restoration of ttie Propem• ar upon thz indebtedness secured nzreby ,but payment: hereunder shalt iron-
<br />tintic until the sstmE seeuerd beseby are paid is full.
<br />S. L' F~erow For Toltec agd lnauaace. Notwitlutand'mg anything contained in paregtaphs 3 and ~l hernot to the
<br />anitxary-, ~ sorrel pay "sa the ~ at the title of paying the monthly installn~nts of principal and int~+e51,
<br />oqe-i+rel~ of the yeast} iastea, assesamenta, hazard insttranez premiums, and ground rent of any I which may attain a
<br />priority ours rlris Mortptge, all ss raaeoaably eatitaated from time to time by the Mortgagee. 'lTte amounts so paid shalt be
<br />held Dy ire Mns without interest :nd applied to the payment of the itetr[s in respect to which such amounts were
<br />depeaited, 'i'ce tams paid w ~ hereunder rue pledged as additional security for the indebtedness secured by this
<br />, t~a3salt pap to Man=ager rte smotmt of any deficiency between the actual taxes, assessments, insurance
<br />tprd gtoaad teats and t2re deposits hemtmdes within 10 day- after demand is made upon Mongagor requesting
<br />payatmt t~eteoL
<br />§, Rapa¢, Maintstanet and Oee. Tn promptly repair, restore ar rebuild any buildings ar improvements now or
<br />~eaftrr oa the Praperts; to keep Lbc Property in goad condition and repair, without waste, and tree Crom mechanic's or
<br />ot)u~liesis tot erapreaaly aubosdinated Lo the tiers hereof; not to mike. sufte[ ar permit any nuisance io exist, oar r.a dimin-
<br />iah or impair the value of the Property by any act or omission u act; and to comply with all requirements ut law with
<br />respect io rile Pzoprttp•
<br />