<br />The grantor Regency Cor.structier,, Znc.
<br />a corporation orgsnized and existing uuder and by ciriue of the Inn's of the State o£ Nebraska
<br />inconsiderstionvf .29,900.0 ('_<,e~. ...::e .ho..~and nir... ,rt:nd.ad and no/1Q0---)
<br />recei:~ed from grantee, does grant, bargain. sell can~-e~- am? cpr,£irm unto
<br />Henry C. School, :1:. ~ .,....._.. _ ~e : °dsn
<br />herein ~~alled the grantee tcixether one ar mare, the €o?lo.s•ing described real property in
<br />~3l ~ .......... Ciwnty, \ebraska:
<br />Scut!:erly One-Hal_ (S'-~ ._ ~?;_` c2_'tai. _..~._ lo_ .~r*red by Fract~ :.al ;met
<br />,~_~~;C~ 1n :~3CL1on21 B1CCI: .,.tee?~< _ ~ 1... _._ ._. ;~ P3r'k ~'.dC11ti O?,, 311;"1 Fi"'3Ct it;nd=~
<br />\Ct ~il'e ti` iY; ~`iflCti On31 tii~C~ '=SS2~~.~ .^~~ _.., ... ... Cl3rk's rd~.lti Oil, both b2i.'"'ti'
<br />ad.;~.ionst ~~th2 Ci,.~' ~~ Ci-.}•d _..~ ,e`...::a, _.,re :~?:'t;cu~a~'l,; describc~9 3s
<br />_ 'iC?k~ , ~O-W1i. _ ~ 3Y;kc'1iC'_~.T.g ,..1 ....~ ...... c,... _ .~ ~"2C ~1 ...~ 1\ \ ~ , ~-Ta
<br />cC~_~^..~~~ ~'`~' ~k i`.i^2r a2n ~~ v~ ~. .-... .;e'l~ ~. ..,:1 j'_Ci r ..7?e' 1 ~ 2i _c: id
<br />~4~ *?'? ~~cbr8.: w r:.. _...~: ~. ti..:.i... .... _'t:.cr~ .__ 3?7d l;S~'?Ti `. he ,.25t2r~_y ??:~andas~' L1!le
<br />~= Sali: ~:'aC~i2ryi Tl±~ S'?_l' 4r.,~ _. .:~,~:_ l .'IJ `1'.:2.22 x'41 in ra,-.ir4'121~ Park
<br />.. :ST 1Jn tD ...^.P C-1t', ~=' v'r3-1C __ ~ .?b. r_ _~~. ., d1~t2--.C2 ~i i\`•,:F-~iX (bC.~
<br />~t r. _ ._- ' ~' _ ~i ~2i lvlth the NOr .: e:'ly
<br />bp;in <.2'J 1~2 ~. ~..?. :,'7`:~2t .. ~ .._`\ .. i`~Q SZ_^.::i~, i~2b?'"U.Ski3, ?C?' 3 d15ta7?C?
<br />Cf _i'_`i-~• '^~xn 3;,d ^2-h'. __..~.,a _.... _~. -.... ':1' `]~'?:Jc' .~l]t}]zrl}' t3T3i~81 Wlt}l
<br />t.'?e~1S E' ~t^?'~ -K%?;`?d2_"` ...~... _ __.- ___.. ~. -.i\ :1'3~.L.1C'li..~1. ~1~2i.}t iii 1I'i?tt't"'~t (i:)
<br />s ~^.~"c~-ew, :ark n:ld_,._~.. ., _^e . _ o' :ra?:d _niand,,,Nebraska for a distanv2 of
<br />.. }_ ^~ -~, ~ ~ .`-_ .,. L3cis?dart'
<br />~_xt~ ,.ix ; ~ ei ^~ -°,~ ? ._ we e r- - r ~^.e r''-hzri;°
<br />~_:~ ._ ~c.,~~ ~ _~ _iY ~. - _ __. _.._... _ ~, ~.:.:;ine_e_?. (lo 'r. :'ai_T't•iew Park
<br />~.~"'~~i`iS TG ^? ~1t ,.~ a'r32'k= S~~r- _ 2bru ra, -.,~ 3 ui5i°.":CE' ~_ "~i='`,y Ll+iO ?''k1
<br />,~ P,~~"`'`~ NOV 151979
<br />T~• hire a•d t, _~.~?3 :hr a?~-.+~r .?eceribe~ pre:x,ises together with all tenements, hereditaments and
<br />sprur2enanea, thereto he3argr~g :._..., ti:~ grar:iae sn:i to grantee`s heirs and assign; °=>r~~cer.
<br />.:nd tA~r grantar for it_ceif and its -::-:e~4ars d:~es hereby racenant with the grantee and vrit:L
<br />_,~ ..... ........,...~ ~ .. ,F.a, .._,;.+- _. sofa:? t..c--.', of said premises: th:x*, the} rt free from encum-
<br />.. a.e... a,.~~ =c,S_a_~.___.__ ='7;1 't=~ __ ~..' ~:..~ _ - reg.-'_ 1
<br />to at tzrerxt.:r i:as rood right an,l'awful :rnti:ani1 t.o rnnc<ti th~~ ~n,ne: .and that grantpz warrants and wiil
<br />~Iefer.;: tl':r wile ti, ui4d prrc.ise; al:a^s~...i t!xe iae-ful ~i3ar, ~:t all persutts Khosacter.
<br />l , witness whr!-eaf, c*rat:ts:r a, 1:~:~untp :.~..'-:i _. : •:r::•,rnt.. .<..~ to t3s affixed and ;hex
<br />prr,,.-its ;;,n~~ h~~ itc Prasidrni.
<br />r
<br />,,.,,_,
<br />r - ..:. .
<br />.._. ...~...._ ..._ ....._............_.z_. .....................
<br />. _~~~~' _a. . _ _ o' ~ _ _.
<br />13q ........... _`. ~ :-.. ~ _...r .,~!-~j~.......... President
<br />f'~-~-2' _'•- -
<br />-;~-,
<br />~T.~~ txF \~lili.~.Sb~. i'ourt, cif ,--.'
<br />$efvre rag, a natoay public ~uahfied in said ennntY, ?:ersonell}' eeme
<br />RoE2r -u? `.. President of
<br />R2geney ^onetructicn, Inc.. , a corporation,
<br />kfloxn tx+ me to be the President and identica: peron who signed the foregoing instrument, and arknaw.
<br />lodged tltr eieeution thereof tv fie 'his cainntary act and Bred as such of€ieer and the coluntarv act end
<br />:leed of ,aid rorlwratioss auei that its corporate aealw'as thereto affixed by its authority.
<br />l;itn=se my hand and notarial sea9 on ..............._....i~:y /??~'er......j..............., 19....~.....
<br />t
<br />_ ^
<br />~LLI~Y'uuem;__:_~~. .......................`.Lt>ti.-~~..:.... ....... Notary Public.
<br />91y rammxssxon espxres .............::.t-.a'!:....:......................, 19i;:........
<br />