<br />Fownf No. 72n-479
<br />__ _
<br />Loan Number_!,~.~6______rpe_____Pa_l88
<br />~~ 1~ ~~~°~ ~" ~ M O R T G A G E
<br />TFIIS MORTGAGE; tttade and executed this ._ .1LL.._.__..._.._ .day of ...-_. -Atoszmbex-._._._._ A.D.,
<br />r9 .-.°r.,between thelfcrrgaror, ..W-11ard R__Larsen-_and_Laurel- .i ,Larsen.,, hu_sba_nd..-
<br />ar.d...x.i_f.~. _14.titl<.~,._ ai;d zach ir_,.thzir _ ~iwn ri.gh_t
<br />of_aiRQ.d_.F.iy.er__._..,Countcof_-__-H~11__ _-_„ .,,-„State of. yob;asl:a,hereinafterreferred
<br />to as the Bormw•er. and the Mortgagee, FIRST FEDERAL SA~'I(TS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF'
<br />LINCOLN, 1°_35 "N" Street, Linroln, Nebraska 6b501, it. successor. and assigns. hereinafter referred to
<br />as Lender.
<br />~r;Tti~srx: That the said Boraw~er fez snd in consideration of the sum of . F_o:..t}. S.hr?e_..Tltausand
<br />_.._. _ :, o..Hundred ..and --.1'Q11.Qt).-----------._ -----.- .Dollars ;L~B S ;3 , ~ O.Q_ QQ .. _ . _. _)
<br />paid fay said Lender. does hereby mortgage, gmn[ and Canvey in Lender, ii, succecor~ and acigns; the
<br />failawing desc~bed property lot~ated in the County of ..........Hall State of \ebraska:
<br />A tract ,~f land located ir. the Sortheast Quarter (~E^,) of Section_~, Township
<br />Tt3 `-i.rth, nan ;e 1- i.'est o: the 6th F.M Hail County°, tiehra~a and core
<br />r.arLicularly described as folio=..•s: 6egir.ning at ti;~' \ortheast corner of said
<br />Section _ thence- Sa:;th 0°0_''tl"' East along the Fast line of said section 24
<br />a distance .: Three. Hundred (3'_10) feet; theme Sout'r, 84°57' S3" b'est a distance
<br />~~i l>iA.96 feet to the centerline of the wood Fiver Channel; thence following
<br />the. centerline ~. k'oo3 Ricer Channel South ltoi" 33" East a distance of 138.'_7
<br />ieet• thence S.~utit 18°~4'l~" ?.est a distance of 78.'~ feet; Lhence South
<br />,~°4?'SJ" west a distance of 143.44 feet; SFE AT1aCHER E_l"HISIT "A"
<br />Tc~ci•^rx£x with all the improvements now- ar hereafter erected on the property, and ail easements,
<br />rights, appurtenan.~=., rents, mi~alties. mineral, oil and ;as rights and profit.:, water, water rights, and
<br />w-atcs st~a&. and all fixtures non or hereafter attached to the property, all of whiefi, including rettlace-
<br />nsent and additions thereto, shall )>z deemed to be and remain a part of ilte pmperh• rocered by this
<br />?worgage; sad all of the fon~guing, together with :.aid proxrty (or the Sea ehold i~staie in the event this
<br />Mortgage on a lesceholdl are herein referred io as the "I'mperty".
<br />Borrower eovenant_c that Borrower is iawfulh• seised of the ::;fate hereby r~nvey~d snd has the right
<br />w mangage, grant and eom-ry the I'mperiy, gnat the F'raperty is uner=cumbet±~d, and that Bam~wer will
<br />w7arrant and defend generall}~ the title to the I'mperty against all claims and demsnd., ;ubje-tt fo sny
<br />c~;cments and restriction: listed in a s.hetlule of exception: to coverage in any tide insurancz poiicy in-
<br />wring Lenders in:eresf in the Property, nr t'i attorney's apinian of title Tmm ahstraei ,.~ tide rertifted
<br />by bondtad abstracter.
<br />Prns'meu At.w ss s, and these presents are executed and delivered open the iallaweng rnnditions, agree-
<br />menL.-. and ohligatians of the Btmw-rr. to-wit;
<br />Tl:e Borrzawer agree; to pay° to the Fender. ~,r order, the prin~inal ;urn crf - Forty Three T h p u s a n d
<br />T~a_ Hundreu ,and ';011-Can---------'--------'Lycrliars +I.~S% 43,'i70..0'J )
<br />payatsle as ptt~s•ided in a note exei•utrd grad dehser~rd. rlncurrrntly he2x•with. the final payment of prinripai,
<br />if rtot ::.x+ner paid, an the 1st aay of `ec;=z•-:r=_• .!y31>\_D09
<br />L'~rrxsg~ Cr}a:rva~r;. Harrower and Lender cas•enan*. snc-l agree as it:Bow's:
<br />2~ Fcy~sartt ai ihiacipal and Intg~gt, 33arvw-er sha13 pn+mpti> L~ty when due ths• 13r!t:•F,al of and in-
<br />tetr_•t ur, the indrbtsdn~;.s evidrr.,•-d by the \atr, prepayment and late .nan es as pmsidecl .n the Note.
<br />and the pr'uscipal of and int.ere:t .:n ary Future Adt•an.r:c-c'urrd t,i this \iortgage.
<br />i. Funds for Taxes and lasuraace. tiubjerf to Lender'x option under psntgraphs d and i hertti,f. Bor-
<br />n~wer :~sall pay' tzt Lender on the day tnon[hly insralanaents of grineipai and inter::st are- payable under the
<br />Note, rusti3 the Nate is paid in full, a aum lltenin "Fund.>") equal to ~ne•-twrlitn of 'the yearly' taxes and
<br />aas2saments which maj attain priarirs' over thin Mortgage, and ground yen*.• er. the Property, if and plus
<br />an~twrlfth oS yearly prt~taitxtn itt,tallments for hazard insurats> e. piu. one-twe}fth tat yearly premium in-
<br />stallments far rortgage insurant-~, if any, aU as reas:,nahly estimated initiallE• and frrmi time- to Lime bs~
<br />Lender on the ba_cis of ascesfimeni: and bi1L-. attd reasonable estimates thereof, Lender shall apply the Funds
<br />to pac svid taxes, sst;eessmt3rta, instrrsnce premiums and gmtmd rents. Lender shall make nu charge for :;o
<br />holding and applyvgg tlse Funds or verifying and compiling said assessments and hills. The Lender shall
<br />give La fire $ornswer, without charge, an annual actounting of the Funds showing credits and debit.. to rite
<br />Futtdx aad Lose purpose for erhirlt track debit to the Funds was made. The Fundy are pledged as additional
<br />aewrity for ts5e t»ums aacttred by this '4ftartgage. The Bormuer agzees that the Funds may be held by the
<br />l.p..ndet and txsmetirtgled with other funds and the Lender's own funds and the Lender may pas' such items
<br />from iG: rt[rn funds and the Leader slsali not lse liable for interest or disddends nn such Funds.
<br />I? Ilse anxsun# of the Flrsds hekf by Lender, together with the future monthly installments a# Funds
<br />payalsle pritu to the ds~ datrx~ of terse, aasessrncnts, insurance prremiums and grottnd rents, shall exceed
<br />the amount trogerired to pay said tease, amentx4 insurance premiums and ground rnnts as they fall due,
<br />such a:tae shall be, at $ortawes's option, either promptly repaid ftt Borrower or credited to Borrower on
<br />monthly n,~P,mantl, of Frurds. If i3te amount of the Funds held by Lender shall not br sufficient to pay
<br />tatter, aasestuneats, insurance pr~iurns and ground rents as they fall due, Borrower shall pay to Lender
<br />any amortnt rsece&sary to snake rep the deficiency within thirty days after notice farm Lender to Borrrwer
<br />requesting payment thereat, ar Borrower shall, by an increase in monthly installments of Fund; reyuired,
<br />repay the deficiency within the Fund accounting period.
<br />?';n=n pa3=-,en t in full a# s6' ~~-,s ~~red `oy this ~,ortgag<=. Lender shall apl,ly Fund= held a, a crrd;t
<br />against all sums due.
<br />