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5'1 A'1'1; Uh' N1.'t3HA5hA. Ceunty- of ........................................................: <br />Filed for record and entered in i+iumerical Index <br />on ............................................................ at ................ o"clock ................ BI., <br />and recorded in Deed Raeard ............................. Page ............................ <br />............._........................_................... $y ............................................................ <br />C-aunty Clerk or Deputy Cauni}- i'ierk or <br />Register of Deeds Depui~° Register of Deeds <br />~ ' ~~~~ JOINT fiENANCY WARRANTY DEED <br />BETTY J. COFFIN AND DARttIN R. COFFIN, wife and husband <br />l~rrei:t exiled the grantar tchetkar one or more, <br />in considrratian of One dollar and no J100--------------------------------- <br />reeeiced from grant.eea does ¢rant, bargain, sell, ec.rcer and ~orfirm unta <br />LARRY D. COFFIN AND *L4E ELLA COFFIN, husband and wife <br />s. joint tenants and sot as tenants in eamman, ilte t~~ilauiuA described real property in .............................. <br />--$81..L .................__...._._................... faun?c, \ehra.ka: <br />Lot Four (4) and the ltesterl~~ Fifty-Six Feet <br />(5b') of Lot Three (3) all in 3lock Se4enteen <br />(13), in ?_ernohan and Deckor's Addition to the <br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, <br />subject to all easemenrs,xestrictions and <br />ri atlts-of-W3V cf record. <br />NffiRAStU DOCI3MENTARY <br />STAMP TAX <br />ST'A'l~".;=t~7 A3iHCHED T ~~~ 1 ¢ ~r' <br />s ~; ~ F, <br />Ta ha~~e an=1 t~:+ hold th. 5h~~~r .irsenhrd l~reu:i:e: n3gether titiit;^, ail trr.e+u,~nts, berrdiuments <br />and al~pnrtenKnres tl;e..,t belan~i,:w ;u+t.~ tt:r };rant-w~ sn ~ at tensnLS. <br />_ Jo <br />~:td grantar dais hrrri~_ .:~~es;at:t }s:tl~ the ,- ar:t.e.. Lt}at E:-antcr i. ]a<<~iullr wised of said <br />t~•re*ni.r>: that thrr ~.~ frr_e frue~ rr.rumbranre. except mort~aae to The First National <br />Sank cif Grand Island, Grand Island, Nebraska, recorded as Dacument <br />?S-O02O51, filed Aprii lO, 19?S; <br />ri,,.r rrant„~ t,~. g~~3 .;ol,; ,.;~d ]~g~ful a „h_,r~*=~ •_ __.._ ..., .-,_, .and that „~,,• crRrranta o^.d ~iL <br />defend the title to sa..i i•re:uises against i?+e la~cf*sl cin;m; of all l+ersot:~ uhamsaerer. <br />Dated September 1 lv'4 <br />f~ <br />,,.., ~ _ <br />.[:.....- !~. L:r' ~;, kk ................. ,~.r •`?.: emu::--~ "S, ,._ . ~. ._._ <br />L ..... ~ . <br />Betty .4LOffin yy Darwin R. Cotfin <br />~~A TI?.r slF tiFl='RA~Is~, t. i~!i t:ti _.~t .-...~a.~.3, - . .. --.-..,..': <br />Before me. s Harare l+ublir ~valifir.'. fur said eaw3tc, persanallr came <br />Betty 3. Coffin and Darwin R. Coffin, wife and husband <br />'~"'aa;; ii+ ti~ +u ~r iliv identical person t,t persons u•ho signed iLa <br />faregaiug instrtunert and aeknau ledge the ezecution thereaf to tie his, <br />her or their Yoluntarc act and deed. <br />VFitar~ mg hand an tariel seal on ....September_.l..i_..2474 ............... <br />~illtip€AR+t •llbiliNr. <br />~iYiw. Ey.#rrr!!f, tl~6 ._ . ... '..... {~'~!. "' ""'..... '~otarr Puhlie <br />3Iy commission eSpiTPS ... t:."„ :,,,.,,..,`...:.T...... ~. {7~........, IJ.. Lt.V..... <br />Form 4.5 9pProvtd br Nebraska State $ar As.aniatian Fdtoa tl Wa71 Oa, L[nm1n. Nebr. <br />