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Farm 1-76 <br />I~/'-s3~ <br />CERTIFICATE ©F REVI~'AI. ~R RE~~~~7~'rci.~~rzsc~F,c._ <br />OF A DOMESTIC OR NONPROFIT CORPORATION N,4lL000t~Ty tiF5RA5~A <br />'~7"" ~~~,~~~~`T To be submitted, in duplicate, [o: <br />Secretary of State, Suite 2300 Slate Capitol, Lincoln. Nebraska 68509 „ _ t an ' ~J7~ <br />., !.+ Pi, <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: '~`? ''_ ~;°'' ~''';:~~~!''i" <br />~. Now comes----------1281fl_RCtLtSh__----.---------.---., President, and -----.-B~Lt®---RIIU3h-- ----.-------.---.- .. <br />Secretary and/or ?7eastuer, who on-._--..--OcgabeT-_ 10-__,-__...,, 19.7-4-----.,were duly elected as officers of <br />. -- --- - - ---- Rot?sh_Mo~.~.Is.-.~41aQ.S:_.~;'~~,. - - - -- - - - - -- - __.._.-..._.. _..... <br />Co: re:t Co: po; a:e Nar.:e as scate~ ::. .K. Jdes.! 7.ncc: cezatcn e. meter recrr.: Amer'men, .. <br />located at.-.. 222_N.-_ Cedar- SL-.-,.. P.O._ Box., 878-=--Grand--Island,-._Nebraska_._6880~,-,--- <br />Fu!: Aja~ess or?.: -;pal Fie z- of Fnsiness <br />a Ne?~ras4a corporation d::lr oa7arized u^3er and by vrtue of the laws of the state of Nebraska, for the <br />purposes of revising or renewing said corpora*_ior.. <br />2. The exstence of this corporation became for will becemel inoperative on.__-. Allgtl;g.t....2.-._.-.--__.., 147-~-_., <br />because of dissoiutien by the office of the Secretary of State by expiration of existence, ar for nonpayment <br />e# occupational taxes or a?tnuai fees. The re~~val of this corporation s'nali be perpetual unless sooner dissolved <br />by proper actior, of its stockholders, cr by due process of law. <br />3- T'ne registered office of this corporation in Nebraska sha11 be - ~.=~-.-~'---CedaT,- St_,-,-- P .0.-- SOX--$78 , <br />try} .y ~ =T==- <br />z;ra<nd Island, Hall. 68801 ,az,d the r g <br />------------.---.----- - . -------------- -------.--- Nebraska _...._...-.- .. egistered a ent of such <br />,,. .. <br />address sx>talt. be .---li. -G._ Blackburn -- <br />"Adm`-es; sha17 bz rampietz, usi-,o f'~,[ suezt address. Abaa ..^.unbzr s axeptabie a~ly;n *_hose casts trhere strzet addresses are <br />"If tfre above-named ragsiered a;~eat or registered cffire ~ronsti[~tes a ci:argz from the previous designation, thi, in:ormatiaa <br />will be enterev cnio the rorpo:aao.^~s rnct~r^s i~ :,ifice. he ;:~rther notification or:il:ng ai a repai'aie form is news, ry. <br />SIGNATURE. ~i/~/ LEAST TWv OFFICERS ~EQU:RED: <br />i I~NG Fes: ~f~it:.~+./+~~i'f~'!'~ <br />President -` <br />DamesitcRerival_..-.....S12il0 ry/- -~ ynr......_. <br />21~nproiit R.evival.........5 8.00 Secretary.t:..~i..eLei~!~L.2-....... ..~L~T... <br />\\ <br />Trzasaret_----~------------------- -_.__ .-----~~---.._.._-... <br />DOir6EST#t CC1ftf'ORATIQNS.:e stars Las lien has been filed against this carporatian. The lien was feed with the county <br />mn-airix:g tixe poral address of the ?art-nams~ t~ystered agi:nt obtained from tl:e tax temrds at the time this corporation <br />became disrobed for failing tc meet the statutory deadline f~ the filing of the awual a~ttpation tart report. <br />'ts.. t~ w:7t ;,,., .a.t~s..a ~:~. ~ ~f~ dxc~ent ;~ nt.~j w;r?, .hz cep=nry clerk and rei~~er of desds in thr c:tmty in which <br />the t3~ge~ted re~srird r"'P€s.-e teas as sh3arn by the c-orpatatz re,-ot is in s'se'a^z of the Sn~etary of Seta at the time <br />the ?lea was . <br />ttf()AIYROFIT COAPOft~71QNS. Notice has bees m3dz to the app;opriate county that this corporation failed to pay its <br />iictaia! fee The notice cards fled with t3sz county coettaitury the postal address of the lan-named registered agent obtainzd <br />from the Las tecards at the tithe this ~xporatian :riled to mzex the staxt~tory deadline far payment of tsennial fees. <br />?}se notice will tre darted arhzn tins eetiified dacamant is filed with the n~unty disk in the county m which the designated <br />registered nffine was levered as shown ~ thz corporate trrards in the office of tl:e Secretary of Sta[z at rise time the notice was <br />5led- <br />CERTIFICATE flf GflflD STANDING IN THE STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />1, ALL£N 3. BE£Rh+lANN, Seeratarv cf Stara, do hereby certify the abnve-named corroration to be in coed <br />sta*tding. <br />IN T£~~'I"1?~i'}NY Yr'fiEREL^F, the Set:rstary of State of Nebraska has hereby affixed his signature or fatximiie <br />thert?; f and steal on the date ~t cut Ira the recor-~.ia;g data. <br /> ~4 <br /> _ <br />;: (5rate ;lea22 ~ . c c ; . r. t - f nr r. rar~l ~ ~ <br />~ i <br /> . <br /> <br /> <br /> s}'~a p t $tntt <br /> Not valid for release cf lien until recording data and xtaie seal have been affixed. <br />SG:n docoaen! oay .in retied r,. :he .._r.r5 .': nee :r ,ne ::.::,:.: ,:~, .~.:.-, <br />- falnd. •eF3: ere F <br />ch• du`aaeac m - - - .- - <br />..h. ('..e wry r_xi - - - - _' - _'_ ~ __. --.-.._ <br />