STATE OF NEBRASI{A. l o;nit~- of ....................................................:
<br />Filed for record m~ -...._......_ .................. 19 ........ at ............................ o'elock ............_.......... DI.
<br />and recorded in fire '.`e:d Ilecoril ................................. I'aJe ..-..........................
<br />............................................................................. _..... li}~ ..........._.............................................................................
<br />Register of T,t_eds 1)epun lte~ister o± 1?reds
<br />~ ~:~~~;~,~, SUF2VIV©RSF-iIP WARRANTY I3EEI3
<br />r,--..
<br />Hori ten Homesv Investments, a partnership ,herein called the grantor tthether one or more,
<br />in co7;ssdcr.{tiau of Six Thousand 'I1ro Hundred Fifty and No1100 Dollars ~$6, <50.00)
<br />recei'red frns grsr.:ees d:~es z: ant, har_ain, sel': ~~an.e~ and confirm ttrto Jerry D. Hall and Sandra
<br />S. Hall, husband and wife.
<br />~: taint tentmts nth ritht _~f snn-icorsbi~. nd not as tena:us in eom;cttu, tLe following described real
<br />~rn,:.ert}~ ;.: tial i_.,..-,.. ..._......_ .............. to;mt>-. \ebra,ka: Lots Fourteen (14) and Fifteen
<br />_.
<br />~l5), Block Six (t,), Pleasant Hiil .>dditiott to the City of Grand Island, 4ebraska.
<br />STA~1P TAX
<br />- ~- ,-~ Nt~V 13179
<br />~~ ~- ~ X
<br />To l:i,cc snd to I:et.`. the shore aescrited ;•ttimisen tagrthrr anti: i;31 tenrtvents, hercdi;autenta
<br />and Yl'r'urFeaan'.'c~ >_: f'ri`t0 I.ii+Tl:,1u. llnti: il:e grata eeS and tD 1L'e:r ayiCtly. t+r ti: tli2 heirs` alld aa:lF,~i]3
<br />.;.. the ..,.._, _. _ .:: r'.s. -, _- .. ~ '
<br />,.~u ~{u*-Y,,- _, --. ':erehr rorenant ~sih ihr t=.ttd with t.,eir assigns anu +,ith the heirs
<br />=,3 >s~ g_. .,,: .. . ....} ti:em that grout r is ;sr i~.:"r .' ,, ., . ;..a:d , r *r.:_:_.:;,_st tt.e: are free from
<br />rnetvr:r;re except easements, restrictions, and rights-of-war of record.
<br />.... ~ ..; e .. . ... .a-: f~:i ur.??;a,-', .- ,, .., . _ .. .. r tc.,rra.a, a:nJ ~riYl
<br />., ... ~. ~..-.. t ,~ .. c.. L;,±t: ,.i... ,.. .-e x,. .. ,_- drat? ,..e ,:f ?~:~ ~t'ntttc'c' ,
<br />l3at~,, hotiember 3 3y?9
<br />Harman names ~ Investment=e a ~aaztrership ~~~~~ ..
<br />b~ I:iri, G. Aznold and Timotiz}~ L. L1mn, all ,
<br />a€ the partners .._ .. _ _...... ~~'f~~!a~ '~.~-~tc.~...r-J........
<br />he6 ES a .._..... ~ -., t'amup of ...-i~a.l.l _........... _-..........._.......:
<br />P.r~f!~te ^+e, a natsr~ 1•nhlie ~nalifie-d #ar sn:d ~ouet.~, l:er-onwt;;,~ «..>r
<br />kirk G. Arnald and iimath>= L. Bunn, ail of the partners, on behalf of
<br />l~arittaTt I?a~_ V Investments, a ,ter*_nars!tip.
<br />gncwn to rue to Le 'the idesstiaai 132rsr.n or persons whu signed rti,' foregoing instrument and arknatsledged
<br />the ezeeutian thereof to Le has., her or their rnittntan• aet and dee3
<br />V~"itne~ m}- hand xvd vottirinl seal on .... .....::..,.,,..-:-::.:. ~.:.::.,.. .. 39...rJ..~...
<br />Er*'iEa,; ,,-;t.~:.~i -_ _ __ ................... - ........... ......~.................... ?votary Pn61ie
<br />,= e -t ~ i -~~~
<br />~_....._ _ _ _ _ ;t3z cammtstoa aspt-rr ....... - .................. 1 .......
<br />l~s:rir. -1 . .'_- _ .~i,r:r;,i~_'d be \.~Mrr~-ka ~,#rztr Ii.+r .~<,r~riutiun FauM c. wwr n._ t.:,,a+a. x~u:.
<br />