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?9-~(~'~~ a ~ ~ RELEASE OF lVi~RTGA~E <br />In consideration of full payment and mmpliance with *.he corditimis of a mortgnse <br />made by :'e r;.. _.. ..__ ,. ,., -_-~ ~ ~ :.< .. _... ~_ . 3c' _.. ._.. i_ . ~_ _ .. <br />to THE EQL'IT.IBLE BL'ILDI\t: .4\D LO:~\ .4SSOCI.4T[O\ OF t:RA\D ISL:ItiD, NEBRASI:.A, rnr the <br />fnllo~ring described propert}, ta-~F~it: :.-;?: __ _:. i ~ .. .. . -.„ . .. _ , _._._.,~a <br />ti. <br />K Lich said martgafe hens datr _ _ : _ .- . - -..... _ _ .. 19 "" , and <br />s recnn-lr~d in ,: al' zroaL.+i., on P.,4r _ _ ._ <br />of the records of~Nali Q+unt}',l\ehrasl.a, s;ard .~>s.x~~.t;ii~n hetrb~ a~kn:~;;ledt;i~s Iuli .atisfaclinn <,f sud rele:ties the <br />same. <br />in witness .rhereaf the said THE EQLITAALE BL'ILD1\C: .~\D LO-4\ :~SSOCIaT10\ OF <br />GR~'iD LSL,LiD, \EBRiS£i, has c:~:,~d t~'as vvtru.,er,t to be signed by its President and attested b}' its <br />Se.~x+etan' this .. das rf - .. :.- _ .a.D., 19 . <br />- The Equ±table Building and Loan Associasion of Grand Islsnd, Nebraska <br />.. <br />~~~~ l resident _ <br />:: , - - ~~7 <br />- ~ -~M ~ - ~ C.%..~. <br />~r~zri~r} _ <br />STATE f3F '~£SR~S3L+, <br />COL`7"IT OF Tim ~ ss. <br />Ox, this - - - day aI .:~ - i-. _ .3 D. ?3 -:, lxf,xr me, a \ota» Public <br />du2}' ar~+d and ~ualiEted s.v and residing in said Ixrs<u.ail; ~.anr ---.._.._. --- <br />to me Iasnwn to be the ideutiwl pex~sorv w-bose names are :iftLltcl to xhr aln,;r ;elcasr Zs Pres~dent and Secretar:~ <br />nd !l~xia~ aLd a33aov:'se.~L,'cs' .Ire said iusv.iment to ~ tFx:r a 1W,tare act an3 de•rd aead i!ie tit~iuntar} <br />u! and decd of the said TIIE EQUITABLE I3i'ILDI\G AtiD Ltl~ti 3SSiKLiTIOti OF GRAAD ISLA?~D, <br />W'i8nest rfly Laid and notarial seal the day and }ear Last abo.°e written <br />~~;..~ .. <br />,-,~ ' , •-' ~,F ____ ~ ary Public ~' - <br />- - '°- :} _ tSly commission expires(r.~- t~~~-_1__~yL-~-it v <br />>, <br />