<br />livestock, and to growing crops by reason of the survey, construction,
<br />reconstruction, relocation, inspection, repair, re~;lacement, extension,
<br />addition ro, maintenance, operation, and removal of said transmission
<br />and distribution lines.
<br />4. Grantor or Lessee as their interest may appear, may cultivate,
<br />use, and enjoy the land within the right-of-way; provided, that such use
<br />shall not, in the judgment of Grantee, endanger or be a hazard to or
<br />interfere with the survey, construction, reconstruction, relocation,
<br />inspection, repair, replacement, extensior:, addition to, maintenance,
<br />operation, and removal of said transmission and distribution lines, and
<br />provided further, that Grantors shall net alloca any buildings, :.tructures,
<br />combustible material er property to be placed upon the above described
<br />easement area.
<br />5- Zt is further agreed that Grantors have lacy=ful possession of
<br />solo re=al estate, good right, and lawful authoritE~ to make such conveyance,
<br />ar_d that their heirs, ewecutors, administrators, successors and assi~:,ns
<br />shall warrant and defend the same, and wi7.l indemnify anal Hold harmless
<br />Grantee forever aeainst the claims of all persons whomsoever ir. any way
<br />assert an~* right, title, or _nter2st prier to or cantrar}~ t:o this con-
<br />veyance.
<br />fi, The Grantors, for themselves, their heirs, devisees, elecutors,
<br />administrators ~nd assi?ns hereby covenant that the rihts and privileges
<br />herein granted snail run with the title tc: sue.:: _ract of land and shall
<br />be binding upon, the oboe=e-^:entioned ~ arties.
<br />-ated ~~.4 i~', ~ ~
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<br />Ray Lilien~'~~--
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<br />Else ^i. L:~iercjhal
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