<br />to consideration of the extension of the time of payment cf the original promissory note
<br />hereinafter described, the undersigned, RANDOLPH J. & JOAN L. SIXENDIANN,
<br />HUSBArJD AA hcre6y cove~~.~~~t and ar~rec to pay to the First
<br />Nat+onai Bank a Grand tsland, Grand Island, Nebraska, or Dreier, the principal sum of
<br />SIXTY TFTY ~N7? NO/1t11~'L--~_-----_--_-----_--------
<br />`? 6039SO.Q9 T fagot?er witi? +:iterest thereon at r2,~~ per cent per
<br />ar?nism from the date hereof, such sum to be payable on_ MAY ~-1r3$-0 Interest
<br />shat! be payable at maturity an MAY 6, 1980 _ __ __
<br />T?'re original principal note in the amount of SIXTY THOUSAND NINE_HUNDRED FIFTY AND
<br />iaGi'ib0--------------- ! 5 60, 45D. 00 _ was executed and delivered by
<br />the undersigned under the date of MAY' 14, 1479 to The First National
<br />Bank ai Grand Island, Grand tsland, Nebraska, and was due and payable on the 29
<br />day of OCTOBER, 1479 togetiser- with interest at 11 per
<br />Dent per annum and secured by Real Estate Mortgage to TI?e First National Bank of Grand
<br />Esiand, Grand tsland, Nebraska, recored as DOCUPiENT #79-002950
<br />in the A:ortgage Records of HALL County,,=S;,~~S.;,
<br />The undersigned agrees to pay such extended balance of principa9 of SIXTY THOUSAND
<br />NINE HUNDRED FIFTY AND NOj100°----------------t 60,950.00 ),together
<br />with interest thereon at --~ per cer~t por annum, such principal and
<br />interest to be payable in lawful money of the Uc?ited State, of America at The First Nat-
<br />ional Sank of Grand tsland, Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br />Ali of the covenants and agreements in such original ;?ote and the Real Estate Aortgage a-
<br />:Axs'e-descrii~ed, ether #„an ~i°criir~t'zcivr'c -°. ;ifi°~ ;hat! he acrd .~..,~~„ .~oE':;::g°d ~nd dr;
<br />fu{I force and effect during such extended period. if default be made~in payment of any
<br />principa! sum, the entire principal sum wish interest tl?ocean shall become immediately
<br />rsua and payable ai the election of the iegat haldzr thereof,
<br />in further consideration of such extension of lime of pay+~+ent of such indebieds?ess, { here-
<br />r3y ratify and canfirm such mortgage recer•ded as DOCUhLNT ~7~ D
<br />in Reai Estate '~tortciage records of ii~3i L _
<br />Caunty, NEBRr'~.SF;A as the first mortgage lien upon
<br />the real property described therein, and tt?e whole of the title thereto as now owned by me.
<br />T};e undersigned executes this Extension Agreement >iitit reference to and on the faith and
<br />credit of heir aro}xrty, which they now own or have an interest in or hereafter may ac-
<br />guire; the express intention besng to charge and to continue to charge any and all of such
<br />;.iraperty wins t'?e payment of the :.adebtedness, the payment of which is herein extended,
<br />If< trr'ITNE55 H'NEREOF, the undersigned have hereunto set this hands this 8th
<br />day of NO~•TE~~ER 1979
<br />STATE RF ~z;aac__~ }
<br />CGti!vTy {3F t#xs`,L )
<br />~-~
<br />Ra»~ A P3'~J BI ~ ~L~.h1_
<br />-------
<br />J~BI~~ ~!v'_
<br />Tree foregainc ins}xument w83•acicrsc*wledge before ma this Bth day of
<br />:v'iD'k'r.tiTI3EFC~_, i+S 14~": + F~AftDOLPH J. BIXENMANN S JOA"7 L. BZkEN?;'_~Nh,
<br />HL'SBAt+iI} AND ~FsF£~
<br />_G_
<br />~' Cazamission B`~ r ,. ~Y t. ' ,~ ' - -
<br />I ~ Notary Rub ra
<br />RECflRI3ER5 N.r.^t.~n: ~~~ ~ : ~`/n .,4f r ~~ 1 ~ l i.~' t~ - -
<br />ss.:~-~ Res. of Deeds
<br />
<br />