79- ~lt3'~~~<
<br />idoaTGAGr: _ _ _
<br />- ---------_ ---- ',foa fG:acl. I.o~N No. L 23 , 615
<br />xNOwAt.t.MFNSVrtiFSePR~FV~s-rn~t dames E. Ross and Janet M. Ross, husband and wife, AND
<br />Delbert D. Theasmeyer and Lois A. 7heasrrleyer, husband and wife
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or more _in wnsideration of the sum of
<br />Fifty-eight Thousand Eight Hundred _and NoJ?00----------- _ allyAxs
<br />toatxd to said rrtorigagor by The [=quiisble Suildi o and }.,Dart Assa-iation of Grand Island, Nebraska, MDrtgagee, upon 588 shares of stoic of
<br />said ASS0C7AT'I0N, Certificate Nn. L 23,615 , do hereFv grant, convey and nxrr[gaa-e unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br />daarbed red estate, sit anted in Hs[t County, Nebraska:
<br />tc¢ttkr with a71 tik tenements, hemdrtamcstu and spi uneran :s thetsunt.> t>zlnntrng, intiuding attached Door wverings, all window scmttt,
<br />wv+dcw shadEs, bfinds, starrrt +,nk, ts, awru.:,~s., heating. as a.ndr[iaetrg, snd plur,tbinc and water equipt±rnt and aazsvxies themo,pnmps, stare,
<br />refrigcratzrs, and oiMr frxtwu and cy^ui~-.,-r~.r r .w o; hereafter attadeed .o or ;end in ainrnctatn wish said ttat erta[e-
<br />And s+xrus the said ta~rtgafiti bas a?cei anti daes ~,rby agree tita[ the r[wctragor shall and wall pay ell taxes and ass~ments kvied or
<br />mewed ttpoa said prcmiaes and ua-aat t'-is morsexge znd L4e txxrxi seu[ed ictercby before itrc same sh:fl bewtae Jclialuent, to furnish approved
<br />iannmrz [rg~t rise btsida+gs an ssrd prce.~rt~rs ~tectr:3 ct itu sum of S 56 ,500.00 parable tD saki ASSiyCFATiON and ro dekrer to said
<br />A5504'IA~4CEN the gxtioes fw sard maw-aa.•x, ae~ rt~~t :.1 ,-ammit rr pectn~[ any waue Dn or atwut ants prcmi.~s:
<br />In tee of rirfaadr do the pciorrrrancY ai .any ai rix rrrttu and ssndinons of this ti,or[gage or the t+and reared heretty, the abail,
<br />~ dcrnand> be nttitkd to irrtrxdnu Iaiacm. n .-i fir mcuttagc3 pamises and t~ rtx~rzwigau hrteb} assv~±u, [ransicrs aaJ sets over to the
<br />tmrt t»ee all ile rents, reven[>is and rzra ra to be derive tram the msrtgagcd premises during stech time as the t[xMgape irdebiedness shsIl rcnast
<br />uap~3; and i4k > shaft lvtr iarr ptwrr ;c, zppasrrt any agcut rx agrn[s it may desvr for the pur}><tse of repaving .mid prerrues and rea[irsg
<br />the vine asd miiez~ t!c rrnu, *rsratrs and vncaate, and it rrn}• pas ot[t of saw: iacot..e all expenses of repaizaitg said psetaisrs std necemry
<br />o~tu>smdsior[s sad ettpcnscs iorn[rcd m tcnurtg and ^n~:.~, ttk sank and Df cvlkctirtg rcntak thcrcf:vin: the trilartts rsmaini[g, if any, to he
<br />dd tcwva,$ the diseha~gr Df sad m,aetasec mdebt~3nrsc- ~hese r~l,ts of the mDrtgagex tiny be exertaned at any time du[i~ the titatttuz of sad[
<br />adt, irre~cctrvc al any tottgsrxan waver of ttk sari.
<br />'{T+esr P+esrnrs, hDWrver, ar: up<~ tisr• Cc-Yx;~i€ta.I-Sat ,.` the sand h#.?ngas'snr shall repay said Fawn en Dr before the tnattuity of said abuts by
<br />pay~cut; pay inonrbk to anal A.\tK'! AT1O':.i zlsc sort spr;afxd is the BDnd ,`cured busby as interest and principal,:: ;aid ban, o0 or beftxe
<br />the Txrsttirth day of cy~-. anti. ever} nsrt'-: rr:l said wxxn i; fnLty paw': pay all taxes and assrmaents kcied aga[rst said pre. ~ and on this Mortgage
<br />and t9e $restd atxarct tAcrrb} , txfDz dc!nxy:rn`} +[[rrus~6 app=avc3 r7~-anx upon t3K truxldmgs ihrrzan L. flee sum =:f S rj$ , $00.00 payable
<br />to rand .l4S0C1ATS(7',i, repay to card 41'Ci)C'l a.I7ON srpnc demand ai; mDxy b} it m[d far salt rants. assesmmeats and eawrante with istestst at
<br />the max~,mt 1^¢at race thercxm frDtn ±:.at^ ~: pss~mer:[ a8 of s.•h,.-3t Mar[gagx hrny agrees to pay: permit rra r^asre ao mid ptrmires; keep and tumply
<br />'r!x au th' _.~..-..ts ~d ~M:1st~:s ~~ ~+{ B.m~t ,en, c ,.:Z s}tfift, 0'~ y5,,s ,t.y. ~~,,; by ,s~ mw! M<r~,w:.v mwl !tS.SRrIA?'lOht, and =~sPfy
<br />_-.: aB iSr ra -arten~~ts .a tF~; .snst,t u.-~ and By-t.~css t=f sasl A.~.04-5-ATY0t2, tber. t;~ prrs~ts sltak iz~~tmc ntut asd tarid, aifstrwac tAty
<br />shall rtmin m full f[utx and =sac *_,t tu[t~-L;~d st the ~ Df flu said a]SOCU710,'i after farI:r:e far Lhtcx m+~ths to make air Df said
<br />pavmeets ix he three risrxt[hs [.~ a:•rm-t rn mac:ue sasd [awt:3c pay~nrats, rx tD lr;p srtd atmph Avh the agreersseots and rondatxms of said Brsod;
<br />sad Aixt~,vv to have a recrsrt xpghxistr5 farttsrr:arh m su~-h iatz,:krsurc pnkYe 3,r~.
<br />ff these s am t$ oasncrs~up ;u the rea? cstaxr sta~igagcd harm, b< sale at . t.fksvrxrr, thcr, the :ntue rtntaitsif[g iaakbtrdaeu hereh7;
<br />aecwed shat, N iht uptico crf Tfrr lsl[vtahk Bnrddir,g and Lisa Asaxueaan ui C:rmd island, Nebta~a, hrmok immediam}y due and pvahk •dtho[it
<br />fBtFsr n[atice, acrd thr asmant rcmarna.g dsr .alder sawt bond. atu! am :xlrr hK.sl far any additiD[xal adwnss made t&reoader, fall, from i!k
<br />~ dearsaar tsf sad a}M.-xt, tr.~t sa*.rn-ns at :lk martstas[tm k1e; rate, and t2us rrrxtgaes: may thrn ':*e farrchxsri [a atnfy rile amortni dex 2n ass!
<br />tmd, mtt nay other iswd for addi[aoaai .tdsanms- tccetts, w[th all sums pad by saa3 The i•:cltutabk Building and ioart Asaociati~ of Grand Island,
<br />ticbsatta fur sax, ones arzd asaesaitkrte. a^~" ahsilacY~ cztcnsian c.hargas, wig mtcresi thacan, frarn date of pas~ment at the mazimutn
<br />~ ~•.
<br />Aa prov.ded im ttk $errd aearted GcrcDy, t.hik [tus tnart~gr remas.RS in rtleet the rmrrgagc may hct:afier adnrsae additvrnal stuns to the
<br />~ ~ sled 6Dnd= t~ aaagsu ex us:.cr-tsers m eatetesi, wbx2t sms[s shall br trithsn thr srrurity of this tortgage the same as the funds at~iaatly
<br />a.esand thraeby, the LDiil anscamt .sf }vs:u~ detar sh+t to cxcxtvl a[ any rmsr the rrra(~ arnvrnt of thit nttertgage-
<br />Ehted alas 9th ~y ~- November 3. o-. lv %9 .-
<br />atwtgs ~ q5s~ ~;{ - - -- - er ,,., P~sme}per -
<br />"~ =.~~13- ~ ~. ?~` `3"~a.~.`.~ "~C..~.~t {./ ,s-~i trey .'~~.
<br />3a#+et t4. Rasa Lois A. Theasmeyer
<br />S[A~~~~,~as 0nYh3a 9th dayDf NOVember 1479 ,before me,
<br />cuxr>;m cl~' F3ALL
<br />the undervgsscd, a Notary Public in and for said County, pmrsonalry came
<br />James E, bass and Janet M. Ross, husband and wife, AND Delbert D. Wt~easmeyer an~yknD~r„ta
<br />Lai s A. Ttteas~weyer a ~tl:~i~.d, and wife are
<br />tae to ht [he itietniol puaoq ~`, ti{cf4~a s aP'e affixed to the ahDVe ®strnmcnt as mortgagors and they mcveralty
<br />atAmoarled~d the yad esp~i~t etS'6e `"' ~~T voluntary act and decd.
<br />nip fwd and Neaitual-Braid tin date aforesaid. - 1
<br />-, Notary Public
<br />aaaa ~[
<br />