~' 31-02-0313 This form is used in connec-
<br />tion a~th mortgages insured
<br />Ni(~RTGAGR under the one- to four-fatuity
<br />~{~~ ~~~/~~~c: provisions of the National
<br />~ • Housing Act.
<br />THtS MQRTGAG£, made and executed this 9t~. day of November ,A.D.
<br />19 79. by and between Beverly !Cathleen I,eichtnan, a Single '>erson
<br />of the County' of Hall .and State of Nebraska, party of the first part, hereinafter called
<br />the Mortgagor, and ,
<br />a corporatioa arganized and existing umter the taws of the United States of America
<br />patty of the second part, hereinafter valird ihr Mortgagee,
<br />WRTtiESS£TH: I'tsat the said M+mgagor, for and in consideration of the sum of Thirty ifiousand Three Hundred
<br />gift4. ?n3 00; t nOrt;s-------------------------------D~o;lars {S 30, 350.00 ), paid by [he Mort-
<br />gagee~ the receipt of whi.h is hrreby acknowledged, has Granttd and Said and by these presents does Grant, Bat-
<br />~ain, Sc)1, Convey and Conftrm unto the Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, forever, the following-described
<br />real estate, situated in thr Caunty of Hall ,and Statt
<br />of Nebraska, tta wit:
<br />Lot One {1), in Blok Twelre (1<'), in Bonnie Brae Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Also known and ntta~ered as:
<br />lhfl3 West nth, Grand Island, NE 6SS01
<br />od iht Sizth f'Yitw-ipat Meridian. contaittittg in a:! City Property acrrs according to Govern-
<br />rarn! satavev-
<br />Txl HA~`E 3hi) TO Hf)Lf} the prcntisrs shove described. with all the appurtenances thertunto t_lengiaR and i~c)udittg
<br />all heatietp. phtcrhit~ and tight+ts& ftxxusrs and cquipmenY naw~ or hercatter attachtd to or used in cenncction ++.th said real estate
<br />u~rnt+ihc Adcx"t. attd to its su.^xssors atxj assigns, forever. The Morgagtu represents to, and covenants with, the Martga-
<br />ftx. that the lltxxgAaor has mid right to s~tl and convey said prtmi~s; that they are free from tacumbratice; attd that the
<br />fdtittr x~l warrant and drftitd tht saint against thr 3aw•fui c)aims of alt persons whomsoever; and the said Mortgagor hors
<br />try it:tie@eishes ag rights of hvmestrad, sect a)i martial rights, either in )aw or in equity, and all othtr contingent iatercsis of t)tr
<br />~ aed ro the ai3ovedtscrihed premisrs, the intention being tc curtvey !>Crtbt an ahsa~tute tick, in fee simpk, includ-
<br />i~ ail ti6his of 6iwnesxead. and ozteer tights and interests as aforrsairf.
<br />I'Rt~'r`ff3£f3 iLtd1'.4~'S. sett these prcsenis ac txtcutrd and delivered upoa the fot)aw ing conditions, to wit:
<br />The M a$ers to pay to the Motrtgagot, txarder, the principal sum of Thirty Thousand Three Hundred Fifty
<br />a~ flG,'lY?orlis------------------- D.~Ilar: ti 30, 360.00 t, with intcrcst from
<br />date at the rate of El eves and Orte xal f per centum t 1.1- 50 rr E per annum on
<br />ihr tutpaid t+a}anax ants paid. The said principal ar.3 intcrcst shall he payabk at the oihce of Mortgane Plus Incorporate3
<br />is Englewood, t:alorado , or at such other plaet as the he?der of
<br />the nMe may nc-+.ignatf in w-nt~g. in monzily iastulltntnts et Tyree Hisndred Eight and 66/100ths-----------
<br />------- ------ ----------1`~oPars tY 30H 6" 1. cnmmrndi~tg on the first day of
<br />~~+~~' t9 SO ,and oo t~tte~irs*. day of each month thereafter until the principal and in-
<br />xrrrsi arc f~v pad. et~n that xne fens{ pay~rnrnt of ptias~~ipal and taurcst, if not soontr paid. =_hail be due and
<br />patixbk sia ~ first da>' ~ -et~ber ?DOd ;all according to the terms of a certain promis-
<br />sret~ anee of even data Iserr+r,~}t etux-trtrd by x~e said Mtmgagar.
<br />The 11:trtgingtr ~ alder max fps ~ ~oxc."t tl+e stxu-urity c+f this Mcertt":.ge. agrees:
<br />:. That he viii pn} thttadehtednesa, as hereiabtforc pruvaicd. Privilege is reserved ro pay the debt in whole, or in an
<br />arttmtat etptai to Dine ar aat+te >eont6ty payxats an the principal that are Welt due on the note, on ills first day of any month
<br />ptux w matxuit3'_ tlnsidtd. ho«rvcr. That r+xitttn rrcedcce of an intention to txercise such privilege is given at kart thirty 1±0)
<br />days pr~r uv preps}~mcnt_
<br />'- That, tn~rher *•iEh, sad ~ atlditioat to, zht monthly paymtnis of principal and interest payable under the terms of the
<br />ante aetarrCd hereby, the f~4tax~v witl pay tao the Mortsagee, on the ftrst day a<rach month unn7 the sai0 note is fully paid, [ht
<br />faSvwixyg sins:
<br />~$) Araoautt wffttaatt to pravide the hoidtt htrrof tvixtt funds to pay the next mortgage insurance premium if this
<br />ml?lUmEat and the iM4t aeCttted hrrrby are in>7tred, or a monthly ;;hargt /in lieu of a mortgoge inutrance pre-
<br />rrnt j if they arc hdd by the Sotxetary of Housing and Urhan Development, as follows:
<br />{f3 )f autd w 3eng a sad nee of real date and this instrutrmnt are insured or are reinsured under the pro-
<br />visieaxs t+f tlce Nations) Horuang Act, an amount sufficient to accumulate in the hands of the holder one
<br />vrevttues Editwm aw E?LSalere STATE OF \ERKAShA
<br />FHA-.~943M (t0~771
<br />