U~trpotuvi COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1. Payment of PtincEpal and Interest. Bcrrower shall promptly pay when due the prircipai of and interest on the
<br />indebtedness evidenced by the No[e, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Noie, and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Fu*_ure Advances secured by ihis Mortgage.
<br />2. Ftmds for Tazss aad Insurance. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrawer shall pay
<br />`~ [o Lender on the da}• monthly installments of principa and interest arz payable under the Note, unlit the Note is paid in full.
<br />a stem {herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the cearh' taxes and assessments which may a?rain priority ovzr this
<br />Mortgage, and ground rents on the Property. if say, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments far hazard insurance,
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly oremittm installments fur mortgage insurance, if any. all as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />^^ time to time by Lender on the basis of assessments and hills and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the depasits or accounts of which are insured ar guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />' state agency findnding Lendrr ii Lender is such an ins[:tutioa). Lender .shall apply thz Funds in pay said taxis, assessments,
<br />insurance premiums sad ground rents. Lender may net charge tat su balding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account,
<br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest nn the Funds and applicable law
<br />~" permits Lrnd~zr to make such a charge. Borrawer and Linder may agree in writing at the lime of execution of this
<br />Martgage that interest on [ht Funds shaii Ile paid to Berrawzr, and unless such agn:ement is made ar applicable law
<br />requires such interest to be paid, Lender shall ant be required m pay Harrower any interest or earnings nn the Funds. Lender
<br />' shall give to Borrawer, without charge, an annual accaunting cf the Funds showing credits and debits to ilia Funds and the
<br />ptapase for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security tar the sums secured
<br />by ihis Marigage.
<br />If the amaunt of the Funds held by Lender. tagethzr with ihr future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />rife due daces of Laces, ass~smras, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />>«~~<n+P~ts, irue:ran~ premiums and ground rents as they fall due, such access shall be, at borrower's optian, either
<br />pr~ptiy repaid to $arn,wer ar credited to Harrower on manthl}" irstallmenu of Funds. if the amount of the Funds
<br />held by Leader shaii not be strdicient to pay rates. assessments, rnsurancz premiums anti ground renu as they fall due,
<br />H;irrowrr shall pay to Lzadrr any amount aecessar} to maize up the defidency within ±0 days tram the date notice is mailed
<br />by Lenrltt to Batrnwrr requesting payment thereof,
<br />L?yon pavmznt in fu6 of all swas srcurzd la}~ this ?s7.>rtgage, Lender shall prompu} refund io B.,rrow~er an}• Funds
<br />held by Erodes. If code; garagrsph 18 herr,t thz Prapett} is sold or the Prapert} is athzrw~ise acquirzd by Lender, Lrnder
<br />shall apply, no later than immrdiatr}y prier to thz sale ~>2 the Property or its acquisition b} Lender, an} Finds held by
<br />Lendrr at the titt:t of appli~tion as a credit against tltr sums secured b}' ihis ~iartgage.
<br />3• Appikatiea aF P~vmeits. Unless applicablz ?aw nro>ides othrruisr, all pa}mznts re~eivrd b}' Lendrr under the
<br />V air and paragraphs 1 and ? hereof sha31 hr applied b}' i.ender ti rst in pa}"ment of amounts payable to Lendrr L+y Borrower
<br />ttndrr paragrapt 2 hereof. rhea :o iaarrest }~~a}'able on the Vatr, tfitn to the principal of the Vote. and then to imerrst and
<br />ptinupal an any Future Advances.
<br />I. Ch~x I3eas. Horrau~cr shall pay all taxes, assessmrr~ and other charges. lints and impositions attrsbutab3t to
<br />ilu Propem~ whi.-'t may strain a priarity over this >`iortgage, and leasehold pa}menu or ground renal, if anti, in the trtantxr
<br />psa*•idzd ttadra paragraph ? hrreaf nt, ii not paid in such mar.^er, b}' Borrower making pa}•mcnt, when due. directly to tier
<br />paytx ihetre,i. Borrawer shall prgmpil} ftrnish to Lender all n.~ti is of .:mounts due under this paragraph. and is the event
<br />Borrower shaI1 tttake pa}•mrnt direct!}, B.,rower shal3 pr.,m pt!y furnish io Lender receipts evidencing such pe}men[s.
<br />Borntivrr shall pnmfptl}' discharge an}' Len which has pnority~ Quit this 14ottgage; pnvided, that Borrower shall oat ix
<br />required is disch~rgr aa} suit lien ;<, tong as I£.:rnwzz shat! agree in writing to the payment of the ob9tgation leveed b}
<br />such lira in a manner aa..xptaltk to Leader, ar shall in g~vd '.=with :antes[ sn.-h lien h}', or deftad znforcemem ,it :uch Tien rn,
<br />legal gmardings which operau to prevent rlye rnforcrrrrznt of the lien or tarfesturz of the Propem' or any part thereof.
<br />S. 1Hanrd feeeaace• Harrower shall keep the impravemrnts now e•.:sting or hrreaftzr erected on the Prepert}' insured
<br />agaiasi loss by ate. beards incltrdrd w:thsn thx [rein "'evttnded covrragr'". and such oihrr hazards as Lender ma} require
<br />and to such amtvtnu and for sxh pcr3~d+ as Lendrr ma} require. providedi, that Lzttdrr shall not ;rquire than the an•:,unt . f
<br />s:x.}s caveragt escreil Lhat amount of coverage rcqu:rea to pay the sxems secured M this Mortgage.
<br />Tht ittstsrance ~ariiar providing the insurance shat! l+t c!fasrn b} Ikm,wer sub}[+-i to appr>.al h} Lender: ps.vrded,
<br />that sus-ir appmvat shalt sot br unrras~anabl} withheld. .41i premiums an insurance policies sha31 Fe -paid m the manner
<br />ptc»idnY ts+tdrrparagr•~ ~ hereaf or. rf a.•,i yard in sash maaxr, b} Bormw;r ntakrng era}'matt w}tr.°°_ dux, d:rc~tl}' to the
<br />imutarsa ~.
<br />eS8 ins[+rarme policies aa3 rtaruak thereof shelf he ir, f~~rtn a.:.rptabie t+ Lendrr and shat', mcfu3r s ..ar,3,tr.: morgage
<br />ciaust in favar of and inform acc~}ttaivr to Lrodcr. Lendrr shaii have the rtgttt to h,,!8 the po!scirs and renewals [hers=f.
<br />and 8ormw~ shaii proasfptly frrraiatt in Leader all rtnrw al Hauser arsd ai! rr~,ttp[s of paid premium,. la the corm ~t 1. ss.
<br />anrizwrer t;.;taii give pri m~ asrrcz to t9r irn~rar~.'e ca-er a>.w L,<~-,: ~r ~~..u.... -_ ^:as.:. ; _ ....__ ar not n =i,- pr.imptl}
<br />by $o7;cRVe3. .~. ' ..
<br />U Lrrfdcr and $sirraa°rt athen«isr agree in wrn~ng, ins,irat±iY procrrvts she„ be apr~'tti t.> rest>xstia:; :>r repair of
<br />tlx Property damaged, provided such resiaratrun ar repair .s ec<.rn,.mi:alb ?rssrble and the xcurty of ths> !sixtsagr :.
<br />atx thereb} impaixrcl. I1 su:lr restarauon ar repair ss n;,t rconomv. ally :za.eh!r . r ~1 the sr. ant} of thr> '~fongage would
<br />be ttnpairad, the iasuraate pracceds sltal3 I+r appiitd [o tier runts srcurr3 ,~} flu, Aiongagr, wsth the excess, ii an}. yard
<br />to Borrawer. If the Prope^} rs abandorrrd by Borrnwrr, or i'. Boaz>wrr i.~~t> ?o rtpnnd t.> t_rader wsthm :0 da}s from ihr
<br />date agticr is mailed by Lradtr to Borrowez that the rnsurat .~r carrier .,der ro settlr a claim for insurance txrtriits. Lender
<br />is atttharized to txdiect arni apph the msurart_z pr.,cerds at Lender". ~>pti.,n either tr rastt:rat;on or repair of iftx Prnperi}.
<br />or tti the stuns secured by thrs Alare~sage.
<br />Utixss LeM1tr and Harrower i?•:hetuisr agar m wrsr;ng, any :u.h apptica;ii>n of pnxeeds to p,mcipal =hail not xvtrnd
<br />ar past}sane the riot dart of ihr mantbi}' instaiimcrtu rrfrri`d. re err pa,-ag;apF+ i and ' htrraf or change ihr amount of
<br />studs i c+~l7earnts. if undo paragraph IS trrrrx~f the Prnpern :s a~yu,red h. Lender. art nght, title and imerest of Borrower
<br />in aad to aa~ instuattx policies and in attd to ihr pro:tus rhrrroi rrsuiung Yron iia;nage to t3te Property prior to the salt
<br />or acquisieon shall pass u, Lendrr to the estenr of tlsr sutras secured h} this fit.+rtgage smmediately prior to such sale or
<br />ac+gt>;citsntt.
<br />6. Psr~rrs~hos a>ad Sltc~tesarree of Peopei~ts; ' -- =° Coadom~ltsm~ Plattoed L'mt IhrdoQmeats. Borrower
<br />shaii trap rlfe Proprrig in ~~ repair and shall sot commit waste nr perms[ impairtaem or detereraiion of the Property
<br />sad shall ~atgl-y x~h the p'nuaiaas '02 an} lease tf_hu Mangage s an a 'sasahoki_ If this Mortgagz is an a unit in a
<br />ax~aettinittm or a planned utter dtvrlotataeat, Borrower shall prrfasm all of Borrowers abligations under the dxclaratran
<br />.tr caveats creating ar governing else caadominitrm or planned unit devr!apmen[, the b}•-laws and rrgulatians of the
<br />ct'endnntiaittm or nlartned uaii devrlaamrnt, sad constituent dxumrnts if a condaminium w planned unit dzvrlapmcm
<br />rider ss eeecutetl by Borrawer sad recardrd tagethrr with then Mortgage, the covenants and agreements of such nder
<br />slsall be rated late and shrill atnead and supplttnrnr the covenants and agreements of this Aiorcgagx as tt the rider
<br />were a part hrra3f.
<br />1, (7'Maelloa of ]I.eaiet's Serrt'lry. If BotTawrtr fails to perform the covenants and agr:ements contained in this
<br />Matlgagee, ar i# arty action qr gsaxeding rs wmmen:,rd whrclr matrriatly affects Lenders interest in the Property,
<br />~, lea sat limited ic, tsnitterrt domain., insak'rncy, code cnfnrceatent or arratagrments or proceedings involving a
<br />Iraakrupst err deeedrat [taea Leader at I_mdtfs aptiar., upon natter is Barrawzr, may make such appearances, disburse such
<br />atmts atxl take axh sceirut as is twcrssazy in protrti Lender's. interest including, but net limned ic, disbursement of
<br />teatoaable attorney°s fees anti entry upon ihr Property to make rtpatrs. If i-ender required mortgage insurance as a
<br />coaditeon of making tlfe loan sa-ured by this Mortgage, Bertawzr shall pay the premiums required to maintain such
<br />insisaxe in effect tmtil such time as ihr requirrmeat for such insurance terminates ie accardarre with Borr ewer's and
<br />