I A-REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-With Tax Clause (Revised 1962) Huffman and Felton & Wolf. Walton. Ne. 68461
<br />fCPiOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT Earl J. Hardy & Linda R. Hardy, aS ioint
<br />j tenants and not as tenants in common, J
<br />', (Mortgaporg )
<br />of Hall Counh, and State of Nebraska • in Znsideration of the sum of
<br />One Hundred Fifty Thousand (;;150,000.00)---------------------------DOLLARs
<br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL sn3 CONVEY unto
<br />Commercial National Bank & Trust Company (mortgagee )
<br />of Hdll County, and State of Nebraska the following described premises
<br />situated in ?-loll County, and State of Nebraska Lo-wit:
<br />See attached Exhibit "A"
<br />In the event the title to said real estate is transferred, or contractec
<br />tc be transferred, from the undersigned for any reason er by any method
<br />whatsoever, the entire principal stmt and accrued interest shall at once
<br />become due and payable at the election of the holder hereof. Failure tc
<br />exercise this option because of transfer of title as above stated in oat:
<br />instance shall not constitute a waiver of the right to exercise the
<br />same in she? ~var±t- ,zf ~,~.~a~„n„~ -,r~-.-
<br />Tire inteai~ua being to aittvey hereby an absolute title it fee simple including alt the rights of homestzad and dower.
<br />TO HALE AND TO HOLD the premises aLw~ve ~ wcribed, with all Lhe appurtenantt~ thereunto helu»b'vtg unto t}te
<br />said mortgagor and w its belts and assigns, fnreve z, provided alw-ays, and these presents are upon the eapress
<br />l ronditran $tat if the afotrsaid mortgawr5 , t£lE'1r heirs, exxutors, administrators or asaigzts shall psy or cause io be
<br />paid to rate said zttorigagx its huts. executors, administrators or assigns, the sum aC One Hllndred Fifty
<br />.`Thousand (5150.000.00)--------------°---------------- Dollars. lA,`4i(Eyt~FxLe1~lEiC3!lt9dX
<br />~imms~xbe N3exx& xxlt~x
<br />xiiexxnc xxft
<br />Z[l~e wiattxk xx>rx
<br />Zt~tlexLe dttlfxu .kAx
<br />fat able ~ x3e0c~ok xxxixx
<br />~; rxib ivtrmt therecu. +rExxxxxxascl€xot~we~oxomfxersafialc payabiellCQ}IF7V~7 ail arc~rding to the tetxir and eReet of
<br />1 , tx:taitt prcaaisiurv note ~ or notes of said Earl J. Hardy &Linda R, Hardy dated
<br />i 13,x9'79 or as such note ar notes may be from time to time modified, ~~
<br />1~~~. sr.3 shall Pay all taxes and asaesaraents levied upon said real estate, and all othe
<br />kaiez and aaaeasa~+ts •ted upon this tarrrtgage nr ihr ante which this mortgage ig gitrn to secux, E+e::+re the same beccunea
<br />deli~uemt, taxi laep the buildings on said premises insured fnr the sum of 315 t7 , ~ ~ a~ . fl g .:~, if any, payable m
<br />the said marigaFce, then These pte~senu to be ratid, nthenvise to be and ra-m *, is fulf force.
<br />Z'i' i5 FC`RTHER AGREED tll That if the said inoriga gar shall fail to pau surfs raze? ar Prticttre such ittsctratxx, the
<br />~ said eacvtgagee may Pay such razes anti protum such iasuran ce; atx! the sum sa advanced, with interest at per cent
<br />i sLcatA tr Paid ly said mangna-,-?.r. and this mortga~~e ai:all stand as saturit~• for the same. t-'3 'I'6at a failure to pey aay of avid
<br />they, either gri>~ipal or interest w$test the saxae be ^c>tcm due, nt a failure to t3itnplg rith any cif the f:?mgotng agrew.*~n..ts,
<br />s1taR txuaz the shave sum of tnt~v 3aeretn serarred m betxiuse due sad exdiectil~e at cutre at rise rptioa of the atcsrrt-gsgcr.
<br />' ~saca this 9th day ~ November ~ 1~ 79 ;
<br />i
<br />- - ,.,
<br />in presence of ~_,..-.-~ -5~.--. -. '~... ~ :- _':..- .<
<br />~ - ~ _ ~,
<br />{ \1 ~E~- ~...Y- ~ Linda R. Y.ara~' r
<br />Nebraska
<br />A'f~ O _. ---- .------ .._._...___._._... Ccwnty of ... ~i~.j
<br />_. __ _ .
<br />tae, a aotarp ptrhlic gnatiffxd fur saw txruniy, persoaafiy came Earl J. Hardy & Llndd R.
<br />~art~ _ - ~~
<br />lmoara m me to be the' tsoa~3~~~,~gnad the fo t
<br />~sra'~c regoing instrument and acknnw•ledged the execution
<br />*.dereod to he biR her ar tftau -
<br />- itY
<br />;~
<br />Wifmw my bend tmd;LL~51r3a_-O~~r~k~~L..-.`}__,,_.L7~'=~ : ~.,~ ~-....-_ie~.
<br />t:owacr-. ,
<br />, _ ~• ~
<br />'m`3 m.. +itaS ~e._i§s- .. ..-..- ._.-.--tom.. _....=data:v FvNrc.
<br />---
<br />±<~ z'
<br />$T1F38 C~'----._....v.._......_.__,.-......__.-..---..--- L^"ntered on numerical index and filed for record
<br />as in ibe Regiatar of Deeds Office of said County the
<br />.......-._.___.x~ etf__.._..-.-------_.___~ 2$.~_T-. aL.-..__.-.'----_~'dnek and.....-._......_.._........minutea ........._.___...M.. 7
<br />aed xemrdad ffi $oaik_._..._.__......_.._.._.._._.of_...._._..~.._._...-.._..-..at parse-.._-_.._._-__........°.-'--_.._ j
<br />-_."____-_...-_.--_--'......._.._....._._.__..__...--..__.Reg. of Deeds
<br />By....-----'--------------.__-....-......_......-- ----.._.__.._ ----~puty
<br />