<br />_--.. __- --- -.._ -- --- 1-F~.-Nebr. Form2
<br />(Rev. 1-.'-76)
<br />REAL ESTATE MORTC::1fa. FUI; 'i}:GRr`,5}~A
<br />THAT, WHEREAS, the undersigned T 6 E Cattle_Co. by TQm BaxterYPres~_- and
<br />~ of the County of. __fialt_ s
<br />f State of Nebraska, hereinafter called "Atortgagnr", has (have) executed and
<br />delivered Lo Commodity Credit %orporatio;1, ~ corporate agency of the United
<br />States of America, hereinafter .celled "MortF;gee" a promissory note evidenc-
<br />ing a loan [o be made by Mortgagee pure;uant to ttte Commodity C:redlt i:orpnra-
<br />I tion Charter Act, as amended, for the purpuse of enabling Portgagor to con-
<br />struct farm storage facilities or purchase graln drying equipment, or both,
<br />said promissory note being payable in four equal, annual installments of
<br />f principal and interest and being further described as follows:
<br />Date of Principal Interest Finat *taturity
<br />Note Amount Rate_ _ !late
<br />Nev. ?, 19?4 49950.00 ~ Nov. 7, 1487
<br />10.5
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, in order to secure the payment of said note and the several
<br />1 ~ i;;ir,r~sr, ar,d :env indebted:aess on account of
<br />ia$t811atenta of prinz:apas. cent. -
<br />any expenditures made as hereinafter provided, and to secure the performance
<br />of the covenants and agreements herein contained, Mortgagor does Icereby grant
<br />i bargain, sell, transfer, convey, and forever warrant ants *tortgagee [he
<br />fcllo;+ing described real estate situated in [he County of Hall ,
<br />State of Nebraska, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by
<br />virtue of the homestead exemption Iaws of said State, to-wit:
<br />{ Pia[ of a tract of land eoe~rising the southerly Faur He:ndred Sixty Five
<br />{465.0) feet of the easterly One iRiousaad Eight Hundred Seventy Three
<br />sad Fifty Five Hundreths {1,373.55}#eet of the South Half of the Southwest
<br />Quarter (sue) of Section Niae {9), Township Eleven {11) North, Range
<br />Tea {10) float of the 6th P.H, in Hall County, Nebraska, said tract caatainiag
<br />20.000 acres more or lass.
<br />with right of ingress sad egress to and from said property, together with all
<br />teats, incotees, revenues, profits, and benefits *_herefram, and the rights,
<br />aase3nents, hereditaaents and appurtenances thereunto belonging, ant all
<br />iaapzavements and personal property nw or hereafter attached to or reasaaably
<br />acceesazy to the use of the real property herein described, alt of which
<br />pragerty is hereinafter called the "property°.
<br />+fp HLttJE A2ID Ttf HCiLiS said property unto ?iortgagz;4 and its assigns forever,
<br />provided alvaye that if the ?iartgagar shall pay or cause to be paid the
<br />shave dssczlbed note according Lo the tenor thereof sad shall duly keep
<br />sad perform all of the other coveaaata and agreements herein contained,
<br />theme presents tc be nail aa;9 void, atharwise to remain in full farce and
<br />sf€ect. Page 1
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<br />LJ
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