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<br />7g.,,~ ~i3'7~~~~ iV10RTGAGL <br />THIS INDENTURE, made this 5th _ day of November r _. 19 79 by and betweett <br />Larry L. Kimble and Deborah L. Kimble, husband and wife, each in his and her own right <br />and as spouse of the other, <br />of Hal I County, Nebraska, as mortgagor-, and Gland Island Trux Company of Grand Island, a corporation <br />orgaaieetf amI er:istiag under the laws of Nebraska Frith its principa3 office and place of business at Grand Island, Nebraska, as mortgagee: <br />R ITNESSETH: That said mortgagor S , far and in mnsideretion of the sum of .-__ , <br />Thousand ~yy and 251104 - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ DollaratS 2,4(I6s.25 i, <br />the of whir;i iu hereby aeknowledgetf, do --.. ht these presents mortgage and warroat unto said mortgagee, its sucaeasore sot{ assigns. <br />forever. all the 4dbrving ds+acribed teal eatnte. situated in the County of _ Hai 7 _____ `_~ <br />and SLate of Nebraska. to-cell: <br />Lot Twenty (24), in Block Two (2}, in Bel-Air Addition to the City of <br />Grand Island, Nall Gettnty, Nebraska, <br />Tatdechar :3ci all heatitsg, air mtduioai~, Iightsstg, sad plnmbirrg equipment and fssturee. itich,ding screea9. avaitrgs. strum witdawa sad <br />days, aed wiadaw wades a 61mds, used ae ar vt oonnecxiaa with acid properly, whether the same are aoa~ bested an said prtrpa~ty or hstaritec <br />Placed iboteea , <br />TO HAV£ ,L>tTD 1C1 HOLD THE SAAl6, talat~ ~eish ail and sitrgula the tmemeata, handitataenss and appurletsotae thetaunw 6e- <br />or is aspwiae apprs:meeg, ice, sad s+rranc tae title to the same. Said margagnr 3 .. hereby covenant _... _ with said <br />that -Z he g. 2 LP ~_ . at the ddisery- hereof. the Lwful owntr~__ of tfre premises above tnaveped sad dmvsbad, <br />at+d~.I.i=-_.._ ascend oI a Good sad iadelenSie estate of inheritantx [heseia, free sad clew of all eacutaD.anaes. and that t he~wtU <br />* and dehmd the ta]e thraen iarever against thr c~tms and demaads of ail perms whamaoevg. <br />~ti Il'}ED ALWAYS, sad this iaatrixreat is esetutad sad de&vered to aetms tlr payment Qf the sum of <br />1~ 3housasd Six sad 25I14~ - - - -__-_- - - - - - - - nollatats_ 2~OOti,25 !. <br />will isttreet tdtmaos, ta6aths erith atrh sad advause as gray br due s~ payable m said mnngagee uridtg the txYtas and aaaditkwa <br />of the Pmtmer3' sole of ereu dais hetalrittr sad seeurod hetebp, t,:etvtad by avid martga~ _~_tn said matagagae, ga_vaDle as espteasarf <br />is and asst, and m aatnte the of all ttSe tease and aoadaioas twntaiaed ihaoin. The terms of said notes aro hashy ioccorparattati <br />hata~ by slie tsiatmta. <br />h is 13re iateetisrs and ag+aemes of the parties hrao tkat this tmrt~sge shall also aentte ray futrtte advaooea made to acid taotigagar ~ <br />hY aeid aaatgtt~a, sad arty and ail ' in sddilion ie the atanunt aboi~ sated whirl said tnmtgagara, ar any of chem. may awe w <br />said soaitlysa, howstaevidtmmd. whether by ante, book earaaat or aiharwiae. This mongase shall :remain in frtU frxrr sad effect between <br />sire Pros hates and chair heirs, perormd taptereautivs, strtre~rs and aaepgnu. until all araaunta aeettted hereuodtr, including fttwre <br />adraaaea, re paid m 1u1: with imateat... <br />Tha>-~_ heeehs ams&n ~_- to said martgagee aIi r®tr sad incams arising at say sad all baits from acid propaiy earl <br />_ _• - and +S II9 '~"`~ , s£ 3 ttps. dl~a. 2LtS., iA iakt ~i2~E 0.t Said y k3.'d L'°c~laf:L all f~F.[a earl iaeat62 <br />eltrrae.e std ttPP~7 cite arse m the ptirymeat. # iarateat. Wiacipsl. itss.traatr Ptraauna, cease, atissttimta, tr~airs or itnprov~eats <br />aeeeaary ~ 1taaP said pmpasy ut izmatabie aoadition. or to at.hd rSarrKea tr paymeau provided far herein or is tLe cote itaehy sarurod. This <br />sees. arahall aantiaee in fawn aniil the ux~ad'aelaa~ rrf said nwe is fully paid. The takirsg of possession herreurrda shall in tto manner <br />P~'rv+ac ar >.R+ted ltlcii atatt~a/ea is Lie ca$atxrm d grid ttttare hp faeado~nae ar otitrs.>pe. <br />4$a lee es t]!e ~ assert s;r d its rights hrm®der at sap elms shall cot be eaastesed to a weiver a( its right W resat. the <br />seise at army Leer titm4 sed ten ia~ nPaa earl rasi~ auitY oaas~i ait6 a8 fire tarrmt and P'o+'~ns of said awe sad of tills miortgsge. <br />If add S ahaR seas w ba Arid m said asmtgrgae tha eacae ansztuat due it herettadar, sad under the lernts and provisions <br />~ said mete lssahd' aaored, iada~tlg iSrara advaet3s, and sap a:ue0aions ar teeewale t}~eof is atmrdutce ~tvitb tare tams anti provitians <br />tlaelaet. sad if tread m!>Psger _.i:_aial! with ag ttie ptitrr d tee netts aed of Lhiz! tarcgage, rhea these prtam*_s alaA Ge void: <br />+rtirwieab t~rala is friA irtaaasd eliaet, aatd acid atart~esahafl be rtasaled to tare porssioa ai all of slid N'ePa'ty, and may, at its option. <br />dat~aeadta~iriaalaaidneartaed a~A thereby to be itamadvtdy dae earl payable, std may iotrecktae this tttortgage <br />rr xtitie sp aLittr lepi riotiaa m pattaot lea +~, llpptniraeraat waived. <br />~•hte bieeil~ etptr sled mall sate to the 6aaetlt d the heirs, exeauta:a. rdminio2rators. attccrasora and asaigaa of the <br />IN 1RI9211~ I'', ad7d If3ueL~r 9 ha ve ~ y~T their hand S .the day std y~r Oust above <br />wt>titaa. ~ ~ ~~ ;~, <br />~w <br />e ore- ~. e <br />