<br />SAb1NGS FUND
<br />L PoaM No. 72[]-a4s
<br />Loan Number__43932___-__188_-__1__
<br />rro~ as~«
<br />79-~T ~~4~t3 M O R T G A G E
<br />THIS ?4#ORTGAGE, made and executed this ._.._. _...c~' of . _-~~-_t^~``".......__... A.D.,
<br />I9_1r1--.. between the ?~ior#gagor, -----. Rahee.t--IL.. A11en.. and..Susan _ e~l.len ,..husband.. and _wz fa.. _ _.
<br />..jnintap-.and...each.3n.-their..~tn._ri.ght .......... .............._......_..........._....._._..._...........-.........---- --~-~~-
<br />af ._.G=and.-~sL3nd_.---.-, County of -_._..--.Hall.-_.--.._ -..., State of -._'1eh:aska_..- ,hereinafter referred
<br />to as rite Borr+rwes, and the ?Mortgagee, FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br />LINCOLN, 1'35 "N" Street, Linrnln, Nehra,ka 68501, its succescor~ and assigns, hereinafter referred #o
<br />as Lender.
<br />@t'trxssshrtr: that the said Harrower for and in consideration of the sum of ...SIwCrE1v'xE.Rti..~QUSAND
<br />.. NU - - --- _... -~ --...Daliars (t~S ~ 0 QO......°.. ~
<br />_-AND......--~'~~..- - -~-~ -~ - --- _ .-... -...- ~..._....-..:_......e.....
<br />paid by said Lender, does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender, its successors and assigns; the
<br />#allowiag described property located in the Cotmty of _.---------Hall----...- _....._, State of Nebraska:
<br />Lot Ninety-ahoy (~), in West Lawn in the City of
<br />Grand island, Ha33 Coanty, Nebraska.
<br />Toca^rx1~ with sU the improremen#s sow ar h~•reafter erected on the property, and a.i easements,
<br />rights, apptu+t~attres, rents, royalties, mineral, oil and ga_c rights and profits, Rater, water rights, and
<br />tastRr stack, and all fi:hsres rsaw ar atereafter attached to the property, all of which, iacl~rding replace-
<br />messts and additirms tbeseta, shah be deecte~ to be and remain a part of fhe property covered by this
<br />3tiortgage; aatl all of the #oregoing, together with said property (or the iea_vehoid estate iTr the event tlis
<br />A~ is ort a I~sehold 1 are herein referred to as the "Property..
<br />Bat:awer covenants that Barrrwces law#uUy seised of the estate hemby conveyed and has the right
<br />Lo marigage, grant and convey the Proi_rYy, that the Propert} is unencumbered, and that Borrower will
<br />ivartant and de#Prd generalic the tide to the Property against all claims and demands, subject to say
<br />aaa~ents and rastrictians listed in a schedule of exceptions to coverage in any tit_`e insurance poHc}' in-
<br />>g Lender's interest in the Property, or (?l a#3amey~s apirtian of title from abstract of title certified
<br />b!v btxrderi ab~racLer.
<br />P~•roso As.tcaxs, and these gt~senis are executed and delivered upon the following conditions, agree-
<br />meata and obligatirms of she $armwe;, to-wit:
<br />Tim $ttxsawer agrees to pay ro the L~der, ar order, the principal sum of ..- S~l'$l?ThItAT. TH~?liS~iR----
<br />A~1.Bi31lI3Q__---. --_~~~~____- '--'Dollarstt'$5--17,Of)D.00----_ ---_.-i
<br />i+a} as provided in a twtte a=eruted and deliti~sPd, enntvrrenil}• hemuith, the final patiment of principal,
<br />if aei eoesyer paid, +~ t~ First. day of Or;tabe; ~ 20Q9
<br />l'rt:~atr Covrehut^rs Borrrnwer and Lender emersant and agrer 9_s faUaws:
<br />1- 1'nT~ ~} Pr~pal ~ Imo. Borrower shall promptly par when due the principal of and in-
<br />tesrcaL +aa the inds~rtednesa e4idenred by the Nate. prepayment and late charges ac provided in the \ate,
<br />sacs ilie prirl of earl interim-t cut any I~tutr Advane~ :n ured by this 'Mortgage.
<br />3. Fla ter iax~ ~d Ce. usrb}err to Lender ~ option under paragraphs t and 5 hereo#. Bax-
<br />rcrs~er Mail pay to Lt3nder oa the day tnoatiriy iastaliments of principal and interest are payahie under the
<br />Nate, aatrY tine I~oLe ~ paid in fuII, a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the }.each. taxes and
<br />its v.•itielr ~y at#sin priotst~• liver this h4or#ga~wt, aad ground yenta on the Propeny. i5 any plus
<br />ss~tae~f#it of 's~ar#y pr+entirxn irisLailruenta for ltarard insurance, pies one-tu°r=fifth of yearly premium in-
<br />far mnttgagr inaorgev~a, i# any_ all as rea.~onably estirtxated initially and froth #irne to time by
<br />' as titre basis of as~ssnrmts and br3ls end raasonable esLiraeLes thereof, Lender shalt apply "thy Funds
<br />#v ply .slid iaxa, aaaess~ts, iastuanae pretiums and ground rents. Ixtsder shall make no charge for sa
<br />and ~ Ftmds ~ verify sad enmpiling said aasesaenenrs and bills. The Lender shalt
<br />~ tSe , scit2rrru[ tsisarge, as anaual acrormting of rite Funds shaving credits and debits to the
<br />aaa tip n.^~ ~ vvlticls each debit to Ilse .Funds was made. The Futrds are pledged as additional
<br />atir~i#3' fiar the ttuma secured by this IGSartgage. The Borrower agrees that the Funds may be held by the
<br />rot tea acrd #se Zia shah not Iiabie fur te~# oz dividends ondRUCh Ftrnds ~eh items
<br />7# fbe ai'-the hP1d lay Ley ta~Lher ceith the future mantitly installmants a# Funds
<br />1~ psi ~ #ba tlne dates of tsaes,ntastrance prs~aaituua and ground rrst#a. shall ezceed
<br />~ t 1'aR ~ 9 said tam. insurance premiums and ground rents as theq fall due,
<br />ttedr esccraa ta>hsA lac, aL ~'s es#i+er' mpttV r~pazd to Borrower or credit8d to Borrower on
<br />S' ~ ~ i~`unds ?# t~ amasgt of the Funds held by Lender shall not be sufficient to pay
<br />i premiss acrd ground rents as they fall due, Borrower shall pay Lo Lender
<br />aaamurt Y #~ smite trp lire de~i~rey within thirty days after notice from Lender to Horrower
<br />PjaY~L Lief, try BrKras~ shall. by an iacrease in manthiy installments of Funds required,
<br />ray fire ae5c,ency .esthia the Ihma accounting per;ad.
<br />t°~ ~3'L in frill °f ail ss~ '~' ky tlaa h#or<, Lender rThai3 apply Funds held as a c°redit
<br />agairtsf all stm:a due.
<br />