<br />79- ~l~'7~~.t
<br />Lender's written agreement or applicable law. Borrower shalt pay the amount of al! mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner ptvided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall became additional
<br />indebtedness of Borrowrer secured b}' this biertgage. Unless Brrmwer and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amounts shalt be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall bear interest from the
<br />date of disbursement at the rate payable fram time m time on outstanding principal under the Nnte unless payment of
<br />interest ai such rate would be contrary to applicable taw, in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest ram
<br />permissible under applicable isw. Nothing captained in this paragraph ?shall inquire Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />B. faspeciian. Lender may make er cause to be made reasonable entries open and inspections of the Property. provided
<br />that Lxttder shall give Harrower nati.~e prier La env st:ch inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lenders
<br />interest in the Property.
<br />4, Crredemnatioo 'Tire proceeds of tiny award or claim far dama¢es, dirctit or consequential, in connec[ien with an}•
<br />contkmnaiian or other taking of the Property, or part thern~f, or for ccm•eyancr in lieu of condrmnaNan, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid is Lender.
<br />In the even[ of a tote! taking of the Property, the proceeds shall hr applied to the sums xcured tsy this Mortgage,
<br />with the excess, if any, paid to Barzawer. In the went of a partial taking of the Propene, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall be applied to the sums secured by [his Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that prapor[ion which the amount of the sums secured b}' this '.langage immediately prier ta. the date of
<br />taking beats to the fair market value of the Pmpeny immediately prier is the date of taking. with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />7f the Property is abandotted by Harrower. or if, sfter notice by Lender to Harrower that tit condemnor afters to make
<br />an award ar xttle a claim far damages, Harrower faits to respond m Lender within ?Q days after the date such natice is
<br />mailed, Lender is authoreztd is rnlkct and appl}• the proceeds, at Lender's eptian, either to ratoratian ar repair of the
<br />Propettv ar io tare sums centred by this Mongaee.
<br />L'nhx; Lender grid Hormwer athttwise agree in writing, am• such application of pra.~.eds to principal shall na[ extend
<br />or _postpnrte the due date of iht taomhly instailmrnts referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such ittstal9tnttttis.
<br />1t4. 3arrottter Nat Rdasxd- £vtrnsian of the time far payment or mndificatinn of amanizstion of the sums secured
<br />by ibis 1Nartgage greeted by Leiden to any sitccecsu in intrmt of Bom wee shall oat operate to release, in any manner,
<br />the lial>ilit}• of the anginal Borrower attd Barmwer's saccrssors in inter.-st. Lender shall oat M reyuirtd to comtnenct
<br />pracendiags agaitrst stx}t sttccessar or refute m exund time for payment or otherwise madifv amortization of tit s:tins
<br />sarured by this Marigage bs• teasm of an}• demand trade by the original 8om~wer and Barrowrr's successors in intrrest.
<br />Ii. lratl~eataecr by I.esdv lot a Wtdsxr. Am forhtarance h}' Lrnder in evereising env right ar remedy hereunder, ar
<br />atlrens^ise aRotxkd by appiiwbk !stir, shall oat .~ a war<•er of or prerlnde the exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />Tax ptoeittcateat of ittsttnttce ~ the pa}•mrnt a# taxes ; r other item or charges by Lender shall not 6e a waiver of Lender s
<br />tight to accekrarr the ttaaturty of the ittdebtrdtitss secured by this ilartgage.
<br />13. B Gtirtaabtire. Ali te:itedi~s pmeided in this 'ttortgage err distinct and cumulative to am• other rigfit ar
<br />rtxtrvdy under nits Mortgage ar afforded be law or rquin•, and ma}• be exercised canrurrently, intlrpendently ar successivehF•.
<br />13. Sar~Yaaors tied Asd~as Hooter: 7oiet tied Severe! 13ah~ty; Captions. Thr covenants and agrrrtnents herein
<br />i:mtaiurd shag bled, and the rights hereunder ;hall inure to, the rapectivr sucxssars and assigns of Lrnder attd Harrower,
<br />strbjett to tit pmvisrans of paragra}ys i7 hereaf_ ,'.11 covenants and agreements of 8orror,er shall br joint and several.
<br />Tbr ta}ttiatss and headings of the paragraphs of this Mortgage are far rnnveniencr only and ate not ro he used to
<br />~ ar debne thin prorisicirrs hermf.
<br />I1. Natt;ce. bux3x for twy ixericr requited under applicable law to be givrn in another manner, laS any Warier to
<br />Borxvwv pravitiad for in this Mortgage shall he given by mailing such natice by certifwt mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Prtspem• !Address ix at welt etltrr address -: Bortow-rr may designate by tmtice to Lender as provided herein, and
<br />fbl atm• m9itt to Leader shit br givtn ls}• Cettifirxt mail, return receipt trquestrd, to Lenders address stated herein ar to
<br />ssrdi rahrx addres as Lrndcx may t3esir"aw b}• neit~-e to B.vrmo^rr as ptveidr3 herein. Any natter pmvir.'ed far in this
<br />Martga;e sltail be ilremrA to haves hem given fo Harrower ar Lrnder when given in the manner tirsignat:d herein.
<br />I3. 1!aYtana Maa~e; T,a~r+aug Law; Srsera6i~ts. ~fhis form of martgaer cnmbitres unifatm co:enanu far natitutal
<br />t>x and acxt•ttaifarm cavrrtanrs welt limited vanavaas ~• jurisdiction to rottstitutr a uni#arm s~urit}' ittstrumrnt covering
<br />neat pttu+erry. This Mortgyee shall be go vtn~ by the taw of *_he junsdictian ir. which the PrRprrty is ia-atrd. In the
<br />etteet Thai any pravirian u dattse of this Mortgage er the Nate mnfiirts wills applicable law, such canflirt shalt oat affect
<br />+at}v psavaicrs+s .~ this Morig ar tit Natr which can be given eif~t w~thnitt the canllicnag pmvisian, attd to this
<br />~ the pmviseoas of the Man{fage artd flu Note err t~la~r to he crsrrahk.
<br />K 1Ratrw>•ar's Cttpt•. 13armwet shag roe f~~*++; t,~ a carifortnrd ropy of ilx Aiotr attd of ties Mortgage at the titnt
<br />rd eteartiaat ar after roctxdatian itereaf.
<br />17. 'fStatdez ~ Iir F+opstp; Aaattttt~. if ail ar any patt of the Property at an iaretest therein is sold ar transferred
<br />~ Hortorvrr without Lerrdes's prior written .~.vnsersl exdutling tat the creatiae of a lien to encumbratrce subordinate is
<br />this Idoftgttgr, fbl the creation of a pntchasr :nanny stxunty intarat for hatraelmid appliances, (ci a transfer by devise,
<br />dtaaxat to by oprratirm of law upon tlx death of a jatnt tenant ar ids the gram a# any leasehold intrrut of there years or ksa
<br />rot t>io3 an opfitxt to p-ur=.ltaae, Lender map, at Lrrrdrr's option, declare al! the sums second! by this Mortgage [a be
<br />idly dse and papahle, Lrnder shell! have waived att.-lt aptian to accrleratr S#. prior to the sale ar transfer, Cornier
<br />~ ~ pt'a~ i0 s3trsm the Pr~pertyts to br sold m trans#rrrcd reach agreerncat in =x=tiring that the crtdit of such person
<br />is ttaticstrary to Lcerka and ~u the iattarat payttbk art the sums secured by rhos ?Aarigaga snail he at sew h rate as Lrnder
<br />t3ra$ - If Lmde7 has sraivad lire tgstion to airrlrratr provided in this paragraph 1?. and if Borrower's successor in
<br />latEtiR i~ a svritieat tts~p[itm ag>~rstst accrpitsd in writing by Lertber, Lrnder shall rrleace Harrower from tilt
<br />trbLigatirm »ader this Aitutgage roll the Notr_
<br />if Lmdra rsrrcisrs stteh tsptioa W accs3eratr, Lender shaft mail Harrower nnttcr of ac~tekration in accordance with
<br />pataigraph l3 htaoaf, Svdi ttuicr abet! provide a period of tint less than 313 theys #ram the date the natter is mat~rd within
<br />which S~otta>:Fr troy psy Me stets declared dtx. if 13orrawer fails ro pay Bach sums pr'usr to the expiration of such period,
<br />IaAdts may. widfnrtt futllrer twtitx m drrrsattd on Borrower. invole any rrraedies permitted by paragraph 1 B hereof.
<br />1+3esti-1=titi~astta C~..t+ta+~ti~. Harmsrt• and Lr further ;.ovrnant tied agtxr a> faliavs:
<br />2i Aadsatlaa; >Raaeties. a paevided i prapaph 1? hereof. apes lonowq's breach of nay careaaat or
<br />d?aereaer ii tlt~ litfee ieAwdiq Ilse covenants ~ pay wiea date nay sa®s tteearrd by tills TNas~e,
<br />I.stsier !star ao aeoeieuapoa tafeli teat ttorBce m isersos-m• as pro+idad is paragraph l1 bdeaf arariryia>Q: 1!) tee breach;
<br />{~ Hre aefiae ~ ~ caee fact bread f33 a d~ tint lrr elm 36 days fear tie late the tsatlce k mdkd to EottawYr,
<br />b ttriirl<tarcb itttttrdr tier/ 1ta t'retk aid H->liat [at9are to care tttarb bnprch net a ieforr tie tWe ltd M the tsotire
<br />trap aeatdt i of tie t~s trnrased ip• lifts !-iotfgaga• ~~ by ladicW psosee~g red tale of tie Property.
<br />3>te taat3ee.ttiral ithem 3easowea d tie right m tr~c atpv aeedaalioo tired fir regl~a ~ recst la tic fortxloaare
<br />geararetlilH ttia aostatrdatears d a tiefaak rr nay olYar ie[tass d lareower N aceelxtpion tied forodestve. N the breach
<br />i oaf aeesrd m ar beleae tie dale t~et~ed s ire eetiee, Leaiet' ttl A.eader's apWMt may declare ail of tie twins secured by
<br />f4is M to htatred~fdy ~ asd paytlie ssidrertt frtther detttr~d sad gray fareefoae by ~~~ Praad~[• Leader
<br />titti M arp®ed !o caiasX ie aaei putt >i ea}waes d farecloaarc, iadtrdlag, ~ ant Hrited to, costs of dornreatary
<br />c+fdaeoe, ailiarb aeti tithe tepaala.
<br />19. ltarrawt~a Hit la Reitstate. ?itriwithstandirrg Lender's atxtleruion of the sums secured by this Mortgage,
<br />Harrower ttball have the tiHbt m have airy ptotxadir.~ begun 63' Lender to enforce this Mongage discontinued a[ any time
<br />