<br />79- ~~-~€~;3
<br />MORTGAGE _
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23 , 614
<br />w~auAl.L~ENSVnIESErRESEN~IS:rhat Tommy L. Smith and htary Ann Smith, each in his and her
<br />own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Mortgagor, wftether one or rtrore, in consideration of the snm of
<br />TwentK-eight Thousand Five Hundred and No/if10------------------------------------- ~It,~
<br />bsicd [o said anrtgagor kry The Egnitabte Building and Loan Associataxt of Grand IsVand, Nebraska, Mortgages, ooan ~$ 5 sham oC stock of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, £ertificate No. L 23 614 , do hereby grant, comacy and mortgage mto the said ASSOC1AT10N the following
<br />d~araed real ethic, sittnted :n Hatt £otmiy, 3'irbraska~
<br />LDT 7WQ {2), BLO(=K TWO (2), PLEASANT VIEW
<br />aogiher [rich sH for irscsrrnts, hrreditaments aad apfwrtrnanaFSS ihertmto brtongrag, inrluditiF attadud Haar mverittgs, al! wvdow sateen,
<br />sriados shades. bleds, storm wiridwx, awn.rr~rs, heatertg, are vtditw.airx, and pleunbirtg and water egrtigment and arttssnrfes thaeta, pua~, atayes.
<br />arfa99txarces, avid otlrv fittttues snd eepsiptnr3ca now or hcreaf*rr atrachrd to :u rid in mnttrt:tion with said real mate.
<br />Asd tsbereu tie ad a hxs sgtm! sad daes lasrln' ague tA,ai rile martgagor shall sttd seili pay all tazea and atpes>meats levied a'
<br />tmessvd vpoa >zad pteaeeas and upiv: rlus ~tfafx' and ihx bemd secured thereby before the same shaIl become delinquent; to furetisli apptaaed
<br />i tyrao the baidmEs ~ sad prcaascs siitaiea m the sue+ of s2$ , 50D.OD psyab& to ;zwl ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said
<br />ASQ7C3A7lON tlx poli,~ts fa aid an3vnrn-x, are; rro: t o . rmmit x permri any waste on or about slid prtmFses;
<br />la ape of drfaiih in the pezfc~tna®x of any of ttie tzrms and ~caxniLLiaas of [Iris ttvany~gs or the band xcvtrd hereby, the mortpgte aha11,
<br />m deasand, be miitltxl w maaeQiate pcmeses.>rs of tYt oisvtesgrd prrmiaes amt the mortgagor hereby asagrrs, tratnCcn std acts ester to the
<br />tanrtgarte aR the rrsua, m~iies amt iarteee to Ire derrved from the mutgaged prtmise_. dnritig such time as the ioortgage irrdebtedrresa shall temasv
<br />'~; and the ttrvtgtKrs sdsall Issue the pavers ra apntiut say r~ctri ar agrrns a ally drsur far fhe purp,na of rcpaetitfg, aid premises and ~im6
<br />the aatar and for r6tis, reteaears and intxme, steer ,[ gray pay awl of said imesinr aD tapetxses of repairiit; said peemmes sad tsetxaary
<br />oeis~au sad espeaset inaartd vn raitraF sal aana~tiyt for satxir and of rrrlkrt.iag rrmak therxftam; the balance rem, if say, to he
<br />tawxd the d+schatgr .il' aid tnart~c adebtedwea, these r>ftits. of the a+e tt~re may br exrrciaod at arty time drams t~ esi~r~ of arch
<br />irsespeciFae of say Iran vetiver al'thr same.
<br />7hrar Pseanits, howrvaa., ate srpao the Candrtiaa, That d the asd kfangagor shall repay Bawl loan on or before the uraturity of aid algres by
<br />paymear; pay taonibty to said ?1a"`S{X'l ATIOV ar? xhc seem speafiesi an the &xrd ~aun3 I,rteby as tnterat sad ptiacipai an aid kxa, on or before
<br />s!e Taecatitxh day ~' eat3t and t~ mxarth, wait sxi;? Asaa u fu8.~ past; pa}~ all taxes aml asarnvoenu levied uEaiA.u saw pKtniats atKl as [bit Matte
<br />std the Btmd aacured thereby, bdurr deLny~~. #urnsL xpprrtted tam:xasirc :rpnr the lxtildi~ iherwrt ie the sism saf S 2$ :50D. {~ PsY~
<br />to and A~CIAfli?N, nrpay an ~ i~CCOf~3'_tt{_Lti ~ Arasta~3 ~ ~xaey by :t ,~} b~ ~+:....es, •--~--°~is aml sr,.b ~: ~
<br />ibe ~~~ ~ ts~ these.:- Erse: dare of i~}ate; ~ a~~:.~!- trt.,°~th irrr*vs a~rasu to pay: €ert~t tw rra~t an raid pRiimrs;ktvtp agd met~y
<br />+nth all she agmesarnu and t;<sa3namt to ttte lft>atd f.+r 3 ~$ ~(}~ (~'j thn day gmn Ly iLe said Marty w raid ASSOCIATION, sad compy
<br />~ the ~tmeosmts of rLr C:mmanrrizro and By -L~y :.9'aa i .;~iSOC! ATI()d- tisec these presents sluli became artll and tad, otlieiw~it ihe}•
<br />#a8 remera is #idl furar sad may Lc faw+tR~aaed ar txx xi of trx sail A.SSl"ll'lATICtN slur fadnte fur three mootlu w mate say of sad
<br />psyaeats ae be [breve rnostt3is. of atrraes w makreg sasl iR,tatA}y pp5 xviesets, ~ t~ kacp arsd ~ampi} with the agreeasrhu atsd a~asldinns of sad Band;
<br />sad mars to hste a rs•<xrrn sp¢urnirol txsrtirwith w seeds Ezxea'k+tetrr pre crMrtr~ts.
<br />If elope a say m swarraxgs of t& era! wear YAati tsererq, by ok .>; olh[rivlse, thea the entire rerlLtinit~ Mosby
<br />anraoe$ sue. >g tba a¢awxt c3 TLr I:+,Irsitdrir B card L'wv Aasncaatim ud Gtaad iahmd,!aebrnka,hetaaree et>mediaedy due std payable tei2hoap
<br />ftottea nsiws, sad the atrwwmt temsau tsvp dnc em3re sail hood, sad any otixa buta9 for any adds•.ioaal adtarstrs made rhereratber, >~, form the
<br />dace cd etircac ~ sad aptw,rt, aeu mies~ ae .ar musmum ~ rare, snl tLa tnarttjpx may thec be foaectuxd to sarisfy the zrrtarmt due oo said
<br />bsadzud asw riidrm b.,ad fo+r additw+~ul altxrt~- ta~~ vr~-.h a ~.~ pig L-s ssd ?'l:e Ey°•wta';8
<br />BttBditvg snd Luna Asatitioa aGratsi Imo.
<br />Netaaatn for asicanae, [asst and aaramievmts, usd adiaraas~ rxsasmm eLarsex, wnL interest thereon. from dau of papmeni u the ttwcitama
<br />~ ~.
<br />As pr+seided i sbe Bord hereby, svht7c tAa mart~e rrzaaias en rfTrcx Ilse mire ittaY hecaher adwn~ additiaeal tattm to the
<br />taakaas of aid Bow, [belt asngms err astarvoaus is irrtatapi, srLreh titrrn scull be wrtlim the secvriry~ of [Lis rrrnrtgagt the same as the frteds arigoaHy
<br />auarad shearb}, t#r tonal atnmiat of priovapal dcl}t ncx to raascd at stsy rise the :xrigtru! amount of tins inartgage.
<br />33asedtl#ec 1}tb, -~Y~~y[~~~+ 7~li3YeFit~?er A.il_,i574
<br />~. ~ .
<br />t ^~:
<br />sTA~-~ ~ ., oa rlris 8ttl say of N2vember ly 79 , brfnie me,
<br />the tmdrasigtmd, a NeatarY Public in sad far aid canary, peraunally came
<br />T61~+ 1. Sasli2El aril 1~ry ~Ifl smith, each ifl his and her ottn right, and as spouse of each other
<br />' d re PAN kwrwe eo
<br />- ~ 1° ~ ~ PAS whose mimes are afttxsd m the abort instr~umerttaa~rtsortggor s sad they aeveraliy
<br />aduowieiBed the aid iaatrstsass to be tai f wedimraty act ttnd deed. / -.
<br />NiT2iffi my hmsd std biatata75ra7 the dare aforeaid_ % ,~._
<br />~ `
<br />~ [apses -~`~ f ~-~-~ ~3 ~~~ `-~
<br />~GbfERatL T#AY-fir of Nebraska ~' ~ .. Notary Public
<br />uaai7a n
<br />- JA!JES W. CLSCN
<br />'°~.- MY [seem. Erp. Nrv. 12. ]sL3 / /' „ f 3', ".' C~
<br />