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<br /> !'.1'r�urtcr ui the 1'rupertt•or s��3eurfkia)lnterest fu i3�r�rawe�•. If all ur;�iy p.u't uf th� Pro{krt� ��r;u�y intcr�:t in it
<br /> i�sr�'.;<+c�r.�i�.l'r►rctl iur if';�t►:ik::i:i.►1 i�u�re,t i��0.�ira�er is snlJ i�r ir�r►tit�rrcd:uxl ki��rmucr i.iu,t�ttstural {xru»>�u�ithout
<br /> [x►►,ler'y µiw� w�itku ►.::t►�tu, t.uwi:� �iu}, rt il+ �tiva. r�yuir� im��ti.::liate Fu}nkns in i�uU uf ali �um� �ecurrci b�• thi�
<br /> �:eu;ity D�.uruaknt. tluuc�•�r,ihi�uption sfull �uu bc ezcrax�!by i.cndcr if cxcrcik i.pu�liiGit�v;try F..:.:r::l lssti•as c•!'t!►r dntt
<br />' uf lhis S��.urit�- Inuiunxnt.
<br /> IF l.ctxkr etierriscs this i,pti�,n. [.cixler�full give Bnrrov�•er ixui��e nt';krelet-aliun.l'he iw�i«.Iwll p���ri.k a(kt'i�xf nf txu
<br />. l,:+.. lh:u� 7�d:��•s from tha d+_tc t"tr� r!��iN•�•i.�1,•li�.ntii nr nk►ilai withiii Khi�h Ei��rrow�r mu•t }u� all wn�.ti .cti•u►•�yl b�• tl�iti
<br /> Securit�• In�itun�nt. If&u•rnw�e�t:vk t��pa}• �hc�c wn�.c prior ta�hc rxpiratiun nf'thi�peri�xl. l.��xicr may im�uke�u�y reiixaclies
<br /> �xrntitt:J h?•tt;ic Sccurit) Instn�ment w•itficwt furtficr noticc ar dcm:uxl un Burruw•cr.
<br />= t8. lio�vwer's fti�fii to Rci►ti�te. If &tirn�wcr nk.�ct� rrnain ru�xlitiuri., I3urruwer �hall ha�� tlie right tn h�ti�e
<br /> enfi�rrement o�'this ScYU7ry Inucument Jiwii�itinu�vl at any tinx prior to �he e:uticr at': la) S da>•s lur �uch uther peri«i as
<br /> applicable law• nuy spccify for reinstatenkntl NeFor� v�le uf the PropcRy pursu;mt to an}• p�w•er ot �Ie runtai��d in this
<br /> Secusity L�strument;or(h)eutq•of u judgnxnt enfnrcing thi� Security Instrunxnt. Thuw caiulitium are thut&�rrou�er: In►p:►ys
<br /> Leni;c u{I+ums which th;n w•oul�t+e due wxlcr this Stxurity inurvn�cnt atul the N�HC a•if ix�acceleration h:ul�xcurrecl: (bl
<br /> cures aa�y default��f any oth:�r��e►wnt: or aFreen�ents;(e) pays all expenses iiuurred in enfurcing thi� Secu�ity In,ctrumsN,
<br /> includi�r, but �x�t Ii��stM t�,masonzble att��meys' fee�;and �J)takes wch action;�., Lcnder m;q� rc�nuhly require to aasurc
<br /> tt�:,t the lien uf thi;S�carits•instrun�ent, lxncic�'s rights in the Property and Borrower's nbligation to pay the sun�.c �:ured by
<br /> tnis Sctiurii�� itc�ilq�u:�i1 ahal� c�nrinu.: uttchangcJ. 'Jp.�n reinss�tement by �rrower, this Securit,y Inurnn�ent and the
<br /> obligatiau sccurod b'rr�:ny shall remain fWly effective as if no acceler.uion twd�xxurrad. However,dus right to rci�stule shull
<br /> not�ply in th,:casc nf uccelc►ntirm+mder para�raph 1'7.
<br /> 19. Syte of IVale; Chiu�e �rt` i.oan Servicer. The Notc or a partial intcrest in the Note (togethcr with this Security
<br />- instrumeot)n�y►�e sold or�e or nu�n times without prior r�oticc to 8orcowcr. A sale may re.�ult in a change in tiie cntity(knou•n
<br /> as the"L.oan Scrvircr"1 that collects monthly p:i;nnents due under the Note and this Secu�ily Instrunu.nt. There also may be one
<br /> or more char►ges of tlr•r.Lc�a,�Servicer unrclAted Ua,�.�ale of the Nate.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer.Banower will be
<br /> given N•�itten notice qf iiie change in accordaiue wnh para�h 14 abave and applicable law.The notice will state the n;une and
<br /> address ot the new L.r�n Servicer and the address to whidt�rrymenu stfould be made. The notice will also contain sny other
<br /> infornt�tinn i�cquire�by appli��ablc faw.
<br /> 20. Haturdou� Sub�taa��. 3orrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, s;osage,or rele;t.�c uf any
<br /> Hazardous Subsianors vn or in the Property. Borrower shal! not do, nar aUow an��one clse to do. any►hing affex;ting the
<br /> Propert;, that is i��vi.ti�t;x,tion of any Environmental Law.The precoding two sentences sNall not apply to the prtssenoe, use, oc
<br /> starage on the Propecey of smafl quantities of Ha�ardous Substances that are generall�recobnizod to be appropriate to nan»1
<br /> residential uses and ta maintcnutc�uf the Property.
<br /> Sorrowcr shall promptly�iwe Lender written nwicc ef'�iy investigation,claim.dert�and, lawsuit or other xtion by any
<br /> govemmental or ngulawry agen..� �r private party invulving the Property and any Haxardous Substuncc or Environmental L.aw
<br /> of which Sorrawer has actual knowl�dge. IP liurrowes leams, or is notifiod by any governmentrl or mgulatory authority, that
<br /> any removal or oihec mmediation of any Hazzn.i:x.s Substance affecting the Pr�eny is nacessary,Sorrower shall promptly wke
<br /> a11 necessary remedi;ci::ctions in accordance wir.�C!'.VtTO:IR1CIlL1I LSW.
<br /> As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazardcws 5abstarues" .�re those substances definad as toxic or hazardous subst;u�xs b��
<br /> Enviirxunenta� Law ;ux1 the foliowing substances: gas�(ir�, i�er�sene, other flammzble or toxic petrolcum pnxic:c�,toxic
<br /> pestici�.s and licrbicides,volati!e solvents,materials conta:;ur•o�sbestos or fortnaldthyde,an�i radic�active materials. As�.sed i�
<br /> this Qaragraph 20. "�nvim�unental I.aw" meanc federal iau�awi laws af che jurisdiction where the Property is lay:s::d tl�at
<br /> relate to health,safeiy or environmental protecei4ii.�,
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Boma�w•cr and Lendzr turther covena�t�nd agree ac follows:
<br /> 21.Aocder�tlon;Remedics. l,ender sha11 give notk�Gfa Borrower {xlo�to s�cccierstioa foUow�BorruR�er's br�srh
<br /> of�nv CovlOiot Or iQPClmeLt ia WiS $CCYritY IQSLiYG�C`1fC (bYt IIOt DrfOP SO aCC�t�i.�IOO Yfl�k'!' Q�1'�RraD� I i Ylf�tl�C
<br /> ... . a�Dk!aw pmv�des otl�rwise).T6e no4ke�shatl spee's��s: (a)tlx default; (b)the actloa re��ein�I to cure the de(auh; -
<br /> (c)�e date, not less than 30 days trom the�iate t6e notice�s given to Borrawer,by which the def;r�t must Ae cueed; aad
<br /> (d)that failun to cure the def�ult ot� or bef'�re the date specifi�in the notice may r�sult ia�rcele�tioa of d�e sua►c
<br /> secw�ed by this Security Instr�neot aud ssle of the Property. Tbe ootice shall[wtlicr infona Borrower ot tl�e rl�ht to
<br /> reL�sLatt after aooela�On aad tbe rigW to bring a carrt aMion w a.ssert We oon-e�nsteooe of a defwlt or �r,y oiher
<br /> �fe�ut Borrower to accderation snd s91e. If the def�is not cuced on or be�ore the date specifled ia c6rz natia,
<br /> LencGe�:sit its ol�n,m�Y re9uire immedlate paymmi in ful! ot all sums setured by this Seearity InctsumE�a¢ without
<br /> iurtEeer deaeand omc�nwy invoke tbe power o�sak�d any ot6er e�edies permitted by appiicaWe law.I.ender shall be
<br /> entltk+�to eotieet�it�cpeases incun�ed ip pu�sulug the reu�es poti�i�e�dn tl�is pnra�rap�6 Zl,in�dioC►but aot limited
<br /> W.cr�saoa6le AtWnaeys'tas and eost�of title svidetue.
<br /> GT tiu power ot sak is involced. Trustec slwll reca��ootice of default ia es�h oouoty in wLk6 any port ot tLe
<br /> Properly is bcatcd and s8a11 es�El mpics ot such notice ia ti�e nwna�r prescribed hy applica6k law to Borrower�nd tv
<br /> the otha�persats prescribed by sppiicabk law.After tbe time reqoired by applicaDie Yaw,Tnutce si�all give pabYic notke
<br /> of sak to the personc aad in tbe manner prescdbed by applicab�e law. Tru�stee,wttLout demaad on Borrower, sl+�Il sdl
<br /> . the Propaty s�t public puction to the hi�hesf bidtler�t tLe time�1 pL�e and uatkr We te�ms desigoatal in the notke of
<br /> sa{e ia oae or more poncds and ia aay order 7�ustee detem�ines.i''r�LSta may postpoae sak ot all or Any pwral at tbe
<br /> �P�Y bY P�k anoouoce�ent at tbe tio�e aad pince �aoY W'xY+ouslY scLeduted ss�1e. I.ea�ler or itr dCSignee m�y
<br /> purchase tLe Propaty at an,y saie. .
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