<br />~9- Ot)'73:3~
<br />Ltab~P;z~ee
<br />Tfrr '!'rustres sh:311, m for capaeit> of 'I'n3~t.rs and nut individually, assmne or incur only
<br />such liability as n+:;v :+tuu 6 to Said 'Citl!SC property assns. Phis Trustee llablUty shall not
<br />in any m:untcr j+Y,p.+rdin their individual ur personal ltoldiugs and for any losses they
<br />sbaxtlJ sutler iur :wv 3n+n,n3 thruugi3 acrv3ara, they shall be reHubursed fro»t '1'RUS'I' f'ltUP-
<br />f?R•1'Y to dtr a,uuc e~3c»t as would uuu-interested persons.
<br />~lL Wt~aJ
<br />titxiee is hrrcht ~3~e» w ,311 !x•rsu3e., .ouy3:wins ur eorpurmiuus extending credit w, con-
<br />trattiug with, ur h:+rn3g al:uu3s ag:uuat 'l'ilts 'CttUS'1', that they trust look only to the
<br />funds and pru}x-rty u! li;r Tn3at lu3 payutrnt ur Eur settlentrni of any debt, tort, damage,
<br />Judguxtu ur decrra, u3 !ur :t»y iudcbtrtitnsa whit:l3 way become payable hereunder; that
<br />'Chr Trusters, arc titii personally hahir whc» draltug wlth '1'hr 'Crust properties or matter.
<br />~oGUnenL
<br />It is rap3raaly dr:1.+3+<i 31,.33 a 7 n+st, :wd »ax a pun»cral»p, is hereby orated: and that
<br />„c;:~r 't_t,~-'1',,,.+.-,,,, =_.iti.a-,_~, ,:r ~rrtiira~atr ht,ldcn, prrae»t ar iuturr, have ur pwsess any
<br />bcttr[tc3ai interest 3u 3hr inui3crty ur assets of Said '!'rust, nor shall ti:ey br 'personally Uab1C
<br />hcravudrr, as }3aru3r3a ut uthrrwix; that uu "1'rustcrshall be liablr for the xtx or amission
<br />.tf a {:u~ l'rustar, „3 ,u,e other perautt, whuutx•vrr, whetltrr employed by such `Crustex air
<br />oast, to fur anythiui; utl3cr tha» his own, prnw3al 6rcath of 'Crust.
<br />~~~ ~~ 1~e,~~ ~ I~~-~
<br />'fhc 3_fertritrtai 1»ta3ra3+, as a euuvrniatrr, fur duvibutiun arr dh•idrtf into One Hundred
<br />l li~l lluiu, substautiaily it: tla: crrtihcatr turn hereto aitachcd. They ate ran-assessable,
<br />nun-ta;able (u3tdcr dn• p3uvrsitu:a a5 Scatfun, filUY of Internal ffCVCnu[ CodtJ< atm-
<br />tttgauialtlr but tr:u3>.te3:tt;lr. and !hr l:twlul possrsaar ihetxofshall hr copstrtttd the Lrue sad
<br />and lawful uwnrt thrreui. i'hc lawful owner ntay, tf he so dcsues, cause hts ifatef'fcfa!
<br />t:rrtthaate to br rrgtatctavl with tltr S#nmaty of the Truauesff.
<br />~~ ~~~~Rf~~~~ ~L~~~~
<br />Uasath, ntsulvrrwv lit t3:a»1ru}3tc_v ui at.y a3wiicate holder, ur the tt3lusier of his tertd(icate
<br />by gilt, dn•ix ur daxr3rt, shall ant operate as a d[ssaltxion of THlS TRUST, or is say
<br />mau»rr aflatt 'Glee 7'ruat ur na aalarratiasn ur wade of business. (htrntenhtp of a hme9tla!
<br />a~rtlfra-atr shall »ut crrtnlr tftr ftaifdct to :any legal tole itt ar to The Trust f/rarpertY, aor say
<br />undivided itr_+rmaa ahem», our in t#rr tttanagcmcrtt thcrcuh oar shaft tftt death ad a httldts
<br />Crftrtfc his heirs ur legal rrpresrtuativn to ~n3attd -say pattiiiau tx diviaioa aaf the ptsperty
<br />~ 'CILr Trtst, »atr a»}' apcci-al aaruuntitrg; but said successor stay t3ttcteed W the saute
<br />dtsuihutiunal itrt+rrrax upon cite surrnulrr ad tlsr tt~ttifitaie as held by the dam far t5e
<br />psirpasc atf rrixauc ta, the Qx-rt law•!ul /adder ur owner. ~ ~ ~ n
<br />~~~~~4~* i IdJUC1
<br />i'his True shall ruauwur iur a puaeef ail rrcttty-live y~rs from flair, ta3afrats The Trsitam
<br />shaft uttaniatrrusly drutrutatr upwt au rarlur date_ The Trusters may u iLdr dlscrttloa.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />