<br />~ nss-sa¢r OF MOEt'FGAG£-Cozporaiiaa Huffman and Felten 8 vrolf. aa~toa Ne 68101 -
<br />?"~ ~) r~3a7J
<br />p IN COlt'SIDER.4TI]\' of the pr._,n;r+,t a! the d,bt naand therein. the r~0~?E rE^ SAL SAVINGS 8 LOAN
<br />.ASSOi~IATiGz3 OF ;zRA~'vD (SLnti3 hrreh_y rete~^s€s the mortgage made t., ,
<br />ho BERT L. '~~T?EN@Ri?t5, JR. AND DANE K.
<br />i~it~ivD:ii trK, :`;u5-and oitu ~i, .. ~...~ i^ his an., her ore.^. .uhf _.~.. as sp~~usa of the other
<br />tAt ~.~tloecgag descest~ed rtal esfair, t ~c:t
<br />lsee below: ~
<br />o,'+' the F. 1I., NAIL
<br />of Setiiaa , ix Tvux;kip ~,:'rv'.
<br />Slate c ~l=EiRAShA ..;ti~;e r. ,~.:-u<-d in R,,~,.; .... of R<•a; Estare :SfJrigages, page 61 i
<br />Coawtr, f ,
<br />z} the rec3r3r of svid C:a~a31•.
<br />t??1'Y is'?IEREi?r. t};< s,:ad N`,3"E FSa_RtiL SAt~i`+iS 3 L4A;~i r.SS01,lATii~. Iws casised
<br />t ~~ srcufr3 b~ •Ir4,~~'....rtrti.°'ysl~ x:5 . ..'r.:«. ~:.:1 tnr r ar3i.red h:,rata this 29th
<br />_.~"r"~ :~-t~i,~r .i ,? NO%'+:~_ FEOcti.4L SAVI\SS 3 LvAid
<br />~ is _!~+# __... ._.._ _. i ~,r'~~r1 r2.~ ;f.-'.. ~-,.,..._ .,- . !.i c~'aesideht=~cr.
<br />. ~.';~..~~ ,` ~~sn ,< ell
<br />-- - f~ -- - .. .star _ - ... _ Q'''CX~~R1f~Pt4P'{9i~
<br />..~~Di=.A~.~A. . County pi ~A=.l .................:
<br />QTil~if .
<br />irtc-trument was a~knnvsiedged before rie . .. . . . . . ......... ~ ~teb_~ r . = *........ 29 .' ~. .
<br />Irv.~#?~h??,~.--~?.;tzz;-~..yic~-;'ter--i.;~~':-:e~6i .^vh'~..cECc"r'LPL.Si;`ii'vG~..3.L0A.'y.:~,SJi..^:t~..
<br />- .. iir~±tiA.i_ii;,.. ...... . i~,rpors,;en, an oena)f of the rnrporation.
<br />~~61MfFfrsrwsaa
<br />htl
<br />i`h'i"~rl' Wit.?` { i C
<br />.. .-..r .............. .. e............ ......., .,--~ t
<br />11111 SI11~ Qt )~~~b, s+s A T#i141;T t1F LAM[? fflA+Pf'! ~ 11'Hi ~ FsRT i~ Tt'~ R1~R11~iEST QLtAb2TER fPR~ 1 4F
<br />5EC7i6N T1VE1+iTX (2S)), Ts?hRdSHiF T1pL!V'[ 112) NTH, RAtlut ti1hL i97 ~e'EaT C•F Ti~iE oTH A.M, AApRE
<br />t-~112T1~:LLY 13~S1:RiB€i7 A5 FD! LLkF~S: £+e~innir,g a` the Sou#hwzs# ce^ner of said ~iorthwest ~a
<br />t~ {his:; tl#a.ca, f#artl~er7°I al::n~ tfi~.e ire=t .ine of sa;_ N,ar#h~?_T quarter {NN,-l, a distant
<br />~f E mdred fiiittety-seven and three -hi:svredths Fee- :-9?.v~'?; thenLa, Easterly ~aralle
<br />fie ttie SisJtts iits~ of said tkarthrres# t?Uarter is'tWr,J, o distance of Gne :~undred Seventy-five F
<br />rtrer+c~e, ScwthEriy ~araitaf to the West line of slid northwest .^tuarter rrdWs?, a distance of
<br />F HJI NIAtETY-yEl'EW At,lp Ti~2EE-tiUt~rRi~Ti-tS FEzT i~y'.D;') i~ the =euth 1 ine of said
<br />1~Ortfarest ~uartar tNliz.), thence, Westerly a!c#r,g the Sauth line cf said Northwest Guartar
<br />it~a), a distance at dn~ Hundred Savanty-fi~,;e Fc>et i,".0') to t*2 civice of badinning and
<br />ut~tait3'ing 1.497 Arras, mere or less.
<br />-a
<br />J
<br />
<br />