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79®' 00'~3~9 <br />}:XTENSII)Y AGREF:M}:N7' <br />Zn consideration of the extension of the time of ,aym~s2t of the original promissory <br />note hereinafter described, the undersiRnc~d, THEODORE L_.S_TAVA AND KATHLEEN J. <br />STAVA HUSBAND S WIFE hera•'.~v covenant .2na; ai;ree [e pay to Tite First Na[ional~ <br />Bank of Grand Islam}, Gran;! island, ~lehraska, ur arcler, the=rineiS2a1 sur., of <br />_~'IFTY-TWO THOUS.t~ND ANB NOf 100-------------------- °-- (S 52 , 000.00 <br />). <br />tagethe* xi[h interest thereon at_ t2~_ l,cr ~e;t rer anttu;r, fray tY,e :late hereof, <br />such. sum to be payable an_~S~y_5,_ 1980_____ Interest shall Le payable at maturiCy <br />an ~.t~}> S. 1980__. < <br />The original principal noiu in the .2nx+unt of FI::TY-Tt9O THOUSAND A1VD NO/100---- <br />{._ a2,000•i;Ctvas executed a12d delivered by tine :nilersigned under the date of <br />479 _,, to The Firs[ \ iianR of ;rand island, Grand Island, <br />Sebras a, and vas due and payable on the ~~ day ni_Npvember, 1979 together <br />vith interest at ll lper cent per annu.a mid secured by R=a1 Estate Mortgage <br />to i#le First Sati.ansl Ban. a~f Gra:23 Island, i:r:2nd Is;.~,ld, aska, recorded as <br />i2t3c~3.1:'?eri__~79-002&Ei3 in the t4~,rtgagc Rcrorcl~; uf_ ~`~'f' CountY,NEBRAS?{A <br />The undersigned agrees to pap sash extended bal.:n.e ~f principal of_FIFTY^TWO <br />T=t"j('~A2vD ~riD NOi100-----_-{$ 52,OOO.Oq tc,,;a•tl..r rani: interest t},ereon at <br />lCrs ~~-der cec2t pa•r annua, such princil•:~I .:n:t interest to be payable in lavfui <br />maneY Wf the t'a2ted Ft at es of America at Thu Fist tiatic~nal Hank of Grand Island. <br />Gra2r21talar.-,-'., ,':c°°,araska. ------- ---- <br />All of the cavens.2is a-.;: .:hrecmz•nts in such ari:~in,2'_ Hate and the Real Estate *lartgage <br />abor•e-describea;, ot'rerTthan hereinbefare madifird, ;12.211 be and reman unchanged and <br />in foil #ar~e a^.d effect during such extender? p.•ria~J, ii default be made in paycaen[ <br />of nay psir.>=ipa1 sum, the eriirc arincipai sum 2,1;;2 intetrct thereon, sha32 became <br />il~diately d2.z aad pa~a~.'_e at the electiot: of .,._ iega} holder ti2ereaf. <br />?n further ransideratzan ~f sash attcntiin: of tim~• o ~.~~en* of such indebt.dnzss, <br />? hezeby ratify^ and caaf3r~ c;~ch m~,rtF,age ree.~rr?t ii .- ~ Dt~_c21Fr~.^.~ 8':9-`J0280~ <br />in heal F:statr Maztgagr re:urdti -- -HAT.T,--- Ca.unty, NEB_RAS_KA _~ __ as <br />Lhr first axsrtgal;e lien ul*z~rs t..~ re.,: p.raperty ~.t•~a~ri}~i•ci thereEr., and tie w•t:ale of <br />the titlz therrta as Huy .•vz2td^by .•c. <br />Tare urdezsig:lyd exetutt•s this E~ ,::s::•n ,iErraa,•nt vitis rofczerre to and on the faith <br />and crrdit :~# tf:r9r rarir~•rt-a, vhici. t:u•ti now ev:l ~.. l2a.e .rr, ~.,.ttest i.^, or hereafter <br />~~ al; i~i!ire~ tl2e ex'rt'SS tai ia!:1 is a't n$ ['~ i}:.2t t'. a'Y:2illi t:2 CUk2t:':'.2i t: ~, Chdrg~ any dad <br />all of ,uch pzo,^.crty viz*: the ,^.a.^,E;•;t of ti2,~ i:2a.a•htadness, Lhe ,aynnc.t of which is <br />herrla eatendt•d. <br />1}: L'iThESS ia7lbii£ilF, t..r un-,lersi~;ned i:av~ h '~ t_2 -rt *_his ha{ i2is <br />N(?4'I:;i+iHER: 1979 ,.-~,,~,~_._~_ ~`1`R day of <br />`~'P~iDOBE~ a'I~AV irf .~_f-_~1-~ - _ <br />~. <br />1tA1'HI.£EN J ." ST <br />7 : - <br />t~2 this 5~_day flf NOVEMBER _, befort• re, the un3e: siggned a idatar <br />1st and for gad, Gu2rnty, persanully came Ti-TF.t':F2[)RE ice. STAVA AND v'1~3'~T'E~J'. <br />"'°>~.'= ?iliSs'iFalsir a air"'rperstx:aily knavn to rac to Le the idea*_icai persons v}2os2 )somas <br />are aff3sed tts the above and faregoing £xtensiar. Agreet~nt as makers, and they <br />atitac+vledgsd sail! iastrurtsent neat} t}~ execution thcre~# La be their voluntary act sad <br />Bred for L.he gur;wsc tYaereia ex;.zt-ssed, <br />I# 3ES2i ~> <br />to affixe~wn hand and ut;tu' S seal at 202 WEST 3RD <br />~~e ay ;u2d y •sz , la abo _ yr <br />'j ~ } 'y <br />~' Ct?i~81.SS1t]IS Et.Xp1ZeS 1 fi ~ ~~~ ~ O fif -- ~- - ~ -~ <br />D KZ$UR ____ Notary Pub11c <br />11~r ..ort- ~9rtt <br />zg. of Deeds <br />