<br />~~"'~ ~~~`~~`{~ EXPAI~TDABLE MORTGAGE
<br />ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS Loan etc. 51689-7
<br />KNOW ALL MEN 8Y TNESE PRESENTS: That Robert E. Schroer and Jeanne M, Schroer, husband and wife.
<br />(hereinafter cat!ed the Mortgagorsi in consi~e~ration of the sur~~of
<br />Twenty Five thousand dollars and No/100_____________-..______________~ollars(5 25,000.00 }
<br />loaned to Mortgagors, do hereby grant. bargain. sell and convey unto COMMERCIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION of Omaha.
<br />Nebraska. ;hereinafter called " ommerc,at"), its successors antl assigns, the tollowing described real estate, situated in the County of,
<br />State of Nebraska, to-wit
<br />Lot Twenty Niae (29} Hestroads Estates Third Subdivision, Hall ~otmty, Nebraska,
<br />7'D HAi'E AND TD tiDLD iiiE SANE. with the anpurizrtan[2s th2rzuntc be!ongirg. unto Commerc,al, cfs successors and assigns. forevzr.
<br />Sand Martga~is hereDyr covariant with said Comrer[!ai. ,is su[c2sscrs ono assigns. that tlcrtgagers are iawful?y seized of sa,d premises, that
<br />ifizv are tree Far+ encumbranc?s, acd that fiey will forzver »arrara and defend the title to said premises against the lawful clams of all e2rsons
<br />w;t.mSJeroEr.
<br />Provii+ed, nzterthz!ess. these ,nresen'; ate upon the fa!'cw!ng condrt!ons:
<br />T'~? wh?t2as Zh? sa;d Mortgagors as memb2ts of Gomm?rc!ai hat.. this date exzcuteC a Hate ev,dencing such loan and agrzeing is repay said
<br />s<:m of meaty, w!th int=rest, in ~y>nznts as set ferdt in s2,d note and ha4e agtzzd :o ao,de M the terms c,` sa,d Hate and Charter and By-Laws cf
<br />Cot^.rzr[ia±.
<br />Thai wler~s m,s mortgage srtai's szcur? am a"ud,tiaza advances. »:th mt?rest »t,!ch e~ac, at the opt!an of Commer„!al. be made Sy Com-
<br />m?rua+ to the rmdetsrgned Martgago:s o, that s[czsso~s m t tiz t:: ant c:rpasz. at am t!mz Before the rziease and [ancellafion of [his matgagz,
<br />Sat °RDVtDED. riDaEVER. at na timz shat! fie a~er2gat2 pnnc~:wi a^ount szcurzC by this mortgage. 92,ng ti!e amount duz at any time rn said
<br />Cti~~; Hutt: and ~y a~itloaal ~va~~ces ma 2, zxrzac ai ai^aunt aqua; to t1J p27%ant of the amount cf thz aug,nal note, "x'T in na e,.~nt shat;
<br />said m,fz z.-a~i the max!u::p;~ amauni ~rmi;Ied M~ [:w_ aad PSJtitGED. NC4yEVER that nothsng hzr2!n [anfa;n2d shaft Oe cens,CZred as iimdiag
<br />the ~neuni that st~!1 ~ secure? hPrefi wfizn ad>.'an[c' to eroi?Ct the szcu; ty ar ,r, accurdaeca w;th covznan[s cantalnetl in the mortgage.
<br />3~e-_ il ~ sa!d 4~irtearcrs ~f! ~v or cause is ~ !aa,C the SatC ssrs ai xonec when ,tae. as set forth ,n sa,d note, and an4' other note for
<br />asitSalai ar^s'ances m3dz untFl said ozSt !5 fu!Ir pa,d »:C ~nteres+. ;kt:: mes2 eres2nts shall bz void: o:^zrnisz. to be antl ;zmstn in full force and
<br />effect: tn,2 +# de#a,;tt should De rode:
<br />~a~ ir- anp of the payments ~+'e on sa,d ate and am are rat? t;r add.b~ina! adeances made, as ihetein agreaQ to L~ matle fe= ihrez nanhs, or
<br />tDt #n ±,~!ng tf!P ,mproven~t5 on sa,d ;uemaes ~asa~a; against ,r>ss Sv reason of hr, I!ghtn,ng. and aCszr hazards mo!udcd m erttendeA
<br />wve2gP ins;;r~;cz !n an amount nut t~s th3,, +!t? un,.a~d Saian[a cf Baca ~-rorigag? loan, ,n a company cr cc«-panies a:ceptah;e to C;k-!-
<br />metcra. thrz ottg:naf cf sL[h pal!n' ur pb'ici2S L ~ h=;= fir' Ga-,n:2:c!ai and w,ih a mcrtgagz cause aitac"2d to sa!C po!,Cy ar policies.
<br />en level of Gmatmerc:al; or
<br />._ th ttsz ;r<ay~narf al lzxes and asszs';rn2.n~ i2vlzd a an said °e-•s-; _.; an this ^':crigagz. L:.furz then a;e C?1inGuent: ar
<br />h ttre;z is any change .n ?fie cwnetsh:p .-? thz rzai zst3te mace' h?ta+.n. 'uy sa!e z: the; ~_Ctg2'.t c: >>} land [ontraci..,r Dv asscgnr.,2nf of
<br />env ,ntet2st thert>en c; ohrar»as2;
<br />tt~. in arty Ci ~ above szt-forth zvents. C+z w~c.ie :ndZi+teinzss r:=ziw s2arzd shat:. at the upt.,cn of Cnm.mz.c~a1. ~mRedcately ires7m? Cuz am?
<br />pay~atzl2 w,tnnuf #ar~r :tat,ce, and the am0~lnt due unttzr saiC note ono any other Hate tar add,t~onai adva*.ces -:ar- saaii trot:. me der .f thz ex2r„sz
<br />~d ngEoi,., Dear m'ktesi of Zee >R3ximuT r>~g31 rate ~ annum. and this m7rt~~ may ~ `a; zcesed r sai;sty th? 3?StJitnt Cue 'a'. sold note, and
<br />o±,her rp~ fx Ott ~; advance. together w,th all sums pa~G W C'ammzrc,ai ivr ,rsurancz taxes. assessm~; SS W'cd afistract z+ten5#san C1Laig2S.
<br />with nkr~i mettmrt from fire date ni payrnen? at the marrir, um sega< rate.
<br />FRDk9DEP. that ra n=_ event. ecther ffifcr> ar ait?t dzfau!? ~3i1 the ,n:atest t:ve t<mde? lain Hate anC irrsmo,igag2 arm any CtDer note `ot ao~
<br />nittnna! advances n~DZ ?ueed ±hz max+m;rm tawrul :nt?rest tats.
<br />t'r?Yl?;E ~-tncr lhwi ,n hP zrzni that ~3u'. xcu,s m "r? mancng P ~ par,.,~is uue vi sa:C c'.e ,c or. ors cfi:2; ao~~ '~r aCa:aana?
<br />arc_.~;~ as n agra2c to t* :.ode or ,n keep,srg fie a c~,ses sr:s<:,ed as a~ ve ,,~. ~ - = :a,=-! 7P : a • :^z ant _f Dte 3aaes
<br />aS52SSmaP.S 12tl,E'd ~t ;_'?2 pr£m,S2S adcv: 625[rlDa", yr ui*on ~i~S mortgage. :f2fC~? i4~ 3'.e t`Y 'aK g2':r,.uen?J ~~'. `.ett::3: S?_:i. ',t,'. °_n'.; i4?'u
<br />:'t'r (Tm2dt3ffi AeSS£SS!'.rr't a' tfs2 pram!S?s 3-Cie-t3P5C*: h2 ~. ~gcit?r with a.. ;?na :y 3[ic c ~'C ;SS.~eS ~ n_ n:t cl c'.fir? :.cT.iS2>. aria .;3z
<br />.,: i~ ~iY_rP-iiDrt JSl' ~ f2n'v .W^ #ai 3S ik'c':'f!5 '<2'.fSSa.=j .-.. ''31e ~.tipCS2 1 fi3~+^g `_ _ c~??.~, !!>e „^`.. `?; 525 ~:" tC.•. *„^e .1"r"=2ni ?~ :aSsPa'!C2
<br />prom?ums ffix~ an^_ assessmar:ts _pan suet p amcszs_ and f t n2ozssasy zxpzrses ~ncu= =v, nt s s .. ~*-r sP< 3 a ^eie ,.sg :eni the:r'tto<t m~.
<br />~. ~,tw ~~.g ~; ca~~ n;to ~ ;,y nntx au3~ ne i + ,~ x;~2t?rr< !?272i_. a .~ ~; fna ~.nlrnraT~*n_~, ~~'? t--~. ~~4: ~ t„ ,~ ,'..r'x~;r5
<br />~ t~r~cr;;:g~, fiat ~ szi! ~,~. s?+. o~ x,u :, . , .. ,-~,..~ ., _ _ ~e;~ _,.... ->;-t, •,rc c~rtg any !and .os>-raft
<br />,jSi'&i~-lf~u' ~ ?iS'tt"-.~gP w:'tE'S ~Jr ~JY ~thet tn~.'..^T.t25 '-'i a.^k>'~r.'k' R,~..t>Ysz -.- Sc'-",' :k'--:i tL !irk.... ~.:" ?1@ '~GieS aiCak`~ES£i;.'!°'a tiLi Sa#!i
<br />L,~!aF!C: is=. S.,a;.'~2 *><~ LaSP a2 i,at+i? dnl fie fa ![!`. L~ jkaco~2 't2ttar,U ... __.~2Li 'en'.s .. y.. s..~?e „_. ~. , _ -_,. V2 ,>"°SS?SS`3f ?1 :3 ~ r .=^..: SYS
<br />The ibn,ts i,:ithPr a,~a;at ;arrtmercra! a# ;mwt^a. NzDtassa in2:' an:=rn2y - at? :- e.ng ~ : att,-n2} ewe, : =2ru ah,t a.±nz• cn is rrn
<br />ttam2 ~ YarsgZgc.>' names th eke air. rrh.essa;y steps ic. pra ez, - ~_ : ;r ;,?~~tr~ -_ ...ass2 ,a ~ .+2tr~ses tk o2 aie.sr .G tc"sect -et~.tat5
<br />;+4~' rn-~cs , an8,arc~n ~~n?, m rrrt ire same. Y rmt? .: ,.:~srn.c'.:..,;a a3 ~~-'a~ao ~+- s3 t .~.>. ~r,,r;ts ~~!•act e~ay= _`n!s er
<br />.nom s~ r ~ as iuch ititngs 2,ther ~h>< ,th ^wr: <tt,aers a. tr :,1r e~ its a,;~t a~*' - ~ _ aaC = - ~~_ i?C oy~ •' as .?s zgc ,e of sa,d ~r;>use at+a
<br />L .nstgP [r ~± a xasanaDx #~2 tar ss[f+ se:'vtczs e^' o• *~~ ~~:~,+r tzP a~n2 a? sL : -}2~ a-c 5~:~, :~,.~r ~ s~ _a, ,,,:m tents as :a me,; sa.,
<br />a`t;,msa sssn Dent. witty #uii power of suffibtut,na
<br />?'nt gar•rz 1>"'rCtty agree Drat ,? Cum^:-[la! r't ir!2' vr~unti~~ ~~ [ -r.v_.:.<r,a~::s o2=a?nes ~ s r3?= ' ;a:-} ~~~ ant s.:;+ ar pr~eeC,nb te!aLng
<br />tar DPxwnaerP fl2St:;tred tt~i t~r~ .;c t. =h;s rs:^.~grr . ,a,,; ,.,~ ., ,~, -~ *.,. , :,.?. s.,.: _ t ~ to C:a?m:etc,ai Atettga,gats w+i.
<br />rermtnrsr i;ars~roat tffi ail reastP lists snul`te0 ~ C.;umr.c.a: ~e ,a „ ,,,.. , p:~ee ac rrr as . g ..;,5 r~.d,?. ag'=e that .f se h2r2in~intz
<br />tasrt~ tea; estate fir arty part zneraaf De t:nntk~ared Mmde• m2 ;?w=* , e<;„xr:t d, r n .: s L ztw•s2 s_q ,'te'e, a uvblic use. thz caTa~ s
<br />awtaea. ~ ~xaeas #ot the takrrrg and itn fire c~r:srt~annn f_r s,srt, ace4:,s~uan W t:'r2 zt.tzr:t'7` ;re 'uti of-c:;nt cr the ra:ea,ning unpa,d tndebt?C
<br />aess strare4 ix ~s age, f~ and Denby are_ assignee ~ Camtae;r,a; ~!+ snot ,~ oa,d form»,M t[ Cec,<rerc,at tc x applzed sn a[[ow+t a!
<br />k!e #as? trig r~2attmaEts M st;~ Fress.
<br />As ~~ day ni t~+ ?9 . ,,a ~
<br />/t ~ / Robert E. Schroer
<br />-err __- 3iI c _
<br />f~ ~' "
<br />y~~, { Cb!lspy~ ~pfla: Jeanne ~• Schroer
<br />.ISATE t3T NL.-~f,Jllff ~' i1~ 19e
<br />Oa tits 6~ tflf+ of ~ t9 ?~ . bP#orP rrte. a notary puDh= ~n and for said County parsenai!y came
<br />Rabat £. Sc3nb~ a>m~ Jeatme 8. Schroer, husband aad wife.
<br />~ are tell mean to 9e fltE rta# ~trson or pttssa wDnse name is nr names are afha2d t7 the above ^rarig;ge as grata .sr grarfots anC they. hz
<br />flt : several#y eCkMw#cdge the Said iasfra,-aert ate ate zxzcu#fon tDPtcrof_ th t>e the,r v-:tunlary act an ead.
<br />#i9TTdf~ my harts and ~atariat Seat iAis7tp year last ahtim wr!tten. /
<br />Yl n y
<br />~ ~7 ~y//~~f~ ~ Notary Pc !,c
<br />lily Cn7Ft9155,4n CxplteS OR fife! -L_..--ltay U#-Ser~"~a.f~-V~-r-~E-i_.-.. i`+ rA~S!1
<br />