<br />- - _.- -
<br />i 203ih--a`Y'i..,.'..~c~F~S?F MORTGAGFrCorpnrarion Hu(iman and Felton & Wolf, Walton. Ne 68A61 ~
<br />IN CONSIDERt1TION of the pagmtent of €he debt named therein, !hz Commercial National Bank &
<br />Trust Co. , Grand Island, Nebraska he reby rzleases t{ee mortgage made to
<br />Commercial National Rank & Trust Co. bV Jim L. Buck and Linda L. Buck
<br />or the fottowing drscribed real estate, to-unit:
<br />(See Attached!
<br />of Section in Township .Rance of the F, dl., Hall 399
<br />j County, State p~ Nebraska which is retarded in Book 153 of Real Estate ~6fortgages, page ,
<br />. i of tke rrcrtr,.~s OfcaiR!~.~CoantZ.
<br />j:~rif'EST.L1dQA`l{ WHEREOF, the said Commercial National Bank & Trust Co. has carsed
<br />thesi~6test'sts to. br ziz~ttd bt itr president and ifs Corporate Seat to be agised hereto this 6th
<br />. - `„
<br />i daY-?ff' ~~~ ~ ~ ~' - ~ 7y r Commercial National Bank & Trust Co.
<br />~--- r ~ -:-~[.if .. .. Bp.~' r ~ ~ i;:a~ ~ ~~~ce..., Presitter~t
<br />_ - _ .-. .._-latest ~--i',.._:.~~ `,'Cashier, Secretary
<br />~`AT~t~....N~'-r~ ..... _ . ... Cauntti of ......K~I.1 .. ...... .
<br />v-.,,
<br />1~ ~t~tnstrument was acknowledged befom me ...Nauz~ber .6 : .....................19.?`~..
<br />Y $hasitas Cockle. Vice President Commercial National Bank & Trust Co.
<br />bs .............................................. of .........-..................... ~................
<br />,,, „ , ,
<br />l
<br />Nebraska
<br />a . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . ...... . . . • - ..... corporation, on bahalf o£ the corporatifin.
<br />DEl'tY EW.~~ .t , , j
<br />~...~,te.~.~.--r
<br />~ }~~ tom'
<br />...........
<br />=' ~ ........ Nctc't~7t.F~xlia .............. .
<br />" -
<br />;; ~ :::_.
<br />The North Fourteen (S4) feet of Lot One (1) in Block lbrenty-Two (22), in
<br />Scruff's Addition to rest Lawn, an addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska, and a tract of land abutting thereon and described as follows;
<br />Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot One (1) in Block 3`wenty-Two (32},
<br />ic-,Scarff's Addition to West Lawn, an Addition to the City of Grand Island,;;
<br />Nebraska; thence running east an the north line of said Lot i}ne (1) for a
<br />distance of One Hundred Thirty-Two (132) feet to the northeast corner of
<br />said Lot One (1); thence running narth on a prolongation of the east line z
<br />of said Lot One (1), for a distance of Fifty-One (51) feet; thence running
<br />west parallel to the north line of said Lat one (1), for a distance of One ;
<br />Hdred Thirty-Twa (i32) fast tta a paint on the westerl}* line of said Lot
<br />One (1), if the sass were extended to the north; thence south Fifty-One
<br />(53) feet to the Narthwes[ corner of said Lot One (1), such tract being a
<br />part of t~tltat fors$erly was West 17th Street in the City of Grand Island,
<br />~#ehraska, .as vacated by said C~tv. ,... , . , , ,
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />