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<br /> g, 1lasard ua- W►nper�y G�sw�aqce. B�muwcr stwll �r}� th; in�t�cc��eu�cnts iww existing ��� t�ere:►iZer erectai un che
<br /> I'raperty insurnf�sinst ta�c hy tirr, iwu�al� inclwJ..J wie:�iu:t�ci��:1°.tit��:,�ai ca�•cr.�c' acx!any uth.t�hxz:ntJs, incltulinr
<br /> Q.x�i;or it;.:3sn�, to;w•hi:h l.crs3c:c.�ui;:s in-u:��s:r.'�'his ime�errtt���ill h?Ill,li{11a111cY1 lil tI1C:i11kx111Gi iilK) �Ui tlit�1tXJ.ti
<br /> th•rt Lx�xkr �vyuire�. 7�e +i�.+ur�c cirricr pro��iding chc i►uur.usr:stwll l+r�huat�� by fA,r��u.r.ubjc.t t�i L.crxler's+��nn•al
<br /> whirh .hull n�t tk unr�;�uuut+ly withtklJ. If&�rruw�cr f:uls t:�i�uinwin �a�cr.►�:e dcsc:ritxd abu��e, l.e�xkr nu►y, •rt L.e�xk'r's
<br /> optiw�.��t►iuin cY��er.►ge ta pmeect L�x1er's ri�hu in ttu Pr��}Kn�•iu ai.u�J:wxr w itt�{ur��raph 7.
<br /> All inlur•rixc {x,licie� a�id n��xw•ais sh:►II t+e ac�rpu.t+k�c� t,e+kti•s arxf .rliali itklude a�.:uticiarci nwrtgage dause, l.e,-xicr
<br /> ahsll lu�•c tt►c right tu huW tt�e putlucs a►ri ru�eu•�[s.If Lecxkr raqt�imc.Hnt��wer�hall peomptly give to Lender�I! reccipts of
<br /> p�id preaiiwnc and senewal�wtices. In[he e�cnt of lcxs.Rofm+�er stt�il gi�•;:pnxtiWt�wtk�e to tLe in.wr,ztke.arrier;u�J Luuie:r.
<br /> Ler�„!�r may nuke prc�i of loss if�xu nncic prompti}•by HcirmN ct'.
<br /> Untc�.�l..�ndcr and Barrower otheru•ise abree in writiny,insunu�c pmccals�tull tK applic�to restora�iun ur npair of tlw
<br /> �'mpec:y J:uu:►ged, if Q�e cestnration or rcpair is cconc�mic�lly fc�:ble a.�c1 l.e�r's setucity is noe lessenc�i. lf t1x:tt�t��M�aticui or
<br /> repair is n�u ec�u►omically fcasible or Lendei s security w•aulJ be lessened. tt�insurance proceais slwll bc:uppliai to the wnxc
<br /> secured by this Sox:urity Instnrment, whether or nat then du�, w�i:h a.v exccss paid to Borrawer. If&�rrouer ab:►ndons ttu:
<br /> I'ropeny, or dces noi answ•er withi��30 clays u notire fmm Less�.s thic�h:in:urance carrier tuu offered to seiQe a claini, then
<br /> Lender may collect the insuranee proceeds. Lender m��• uu th: pm:r.ecls to repair or restore the Property ar to ppy sums
<br /> secured by this Sa�rity lnstrument,whether or not ti►;n duc.'fT�3i1•c3a,y period will begin wtu.n tlu:noiice is givcn.
<br /> Unle.�.c [.ender and Borrower otherwise agrae in w�riting. anp application of prc►cceds to principal shaU not exterul or
<br /> postpone the due date of ihe manthiy payments rGfcRed to in paruF;tilpt�s 1 and 2 or change thc a�iwunt of the p:►ymcnts. If
<br /> under paragraph 21 thc Property is acquirccl bp Len�rr,BorroH•er's ri�ht tu;ucy in.surance poiicies ar�d pn�cced�resulting from
<br /> d:u��e to the Property prior to the ucquisitian shall pass to Lerul�er ta d�r�4�at af the sums secured by this St;curiry instrument
<br /> inuwra�r,3tely priorw thc acquisitioit.
<br /> c�.{Jocupancy, Preservatiou.b7stinte�uwz�und Protc�eUa.7 uf t6e 1'tr:prrty;Bomower's Loan Applic.atlon;l.easeholds.
<br /> �xs+,�wer sh�ll occupy,establish,and use the hr.:�ti�t5•as Bottower's prin:i�ul residence within sixty days atter tiu execution of
<br /> ihis 5.:curity Instrumetu and shall continue ta�.�:•.�y the Pro}+eRy as Borrower's principa!residencc for ut least one year after
<br /> the�n:a of occupancy,unless Le�r otherwise�rees in wriurrg, which rnasent si�all not be unreasonably witlil�eld,or unless
<br /> exte.�u.�:ing circuinstarxes exis� which are beyoixl BoRa�c�'�, control. Borrower shall not destroy. damage or impair the
<br /> Praper[y, ailow the Property to detcriorate, or mrnmit waue un the Property. Bottower sh�ll be in default if any forfeiture
<br /> xtion or prc�ceeding,whether civil or criminat, is begun tfiat in Lenclrr's�aod faith judgment cauld result in furfeiture of the
<br /> Pcoperty or otherc.•�se materially impair the lien created by this Security I�ti;z�.tmeni or l.�nder's securiry interest.Borrower may
<br /> cure such a defacSt a.-�reinsmte,as provided in paragrapts 18.6y causing 1.Tsz action or proceeriing to be dismissed with a tuling
<br /> ttMt, i� Ixnder's���xd fuith d:t;�mination, precludes fntfeitu sG af the Barrower's interest in the Proputy or otl.es�r�xr,;al
<br /> im �' ., �nt uf tlse 4�n created Q�� this Security insttumecti or l.ecxlar's security interest. Bonower shull also be us�f�:;.c if
<br /> Borivwer,during tfi�;toan application pmcr.ss.�,.�re n�terially� fat3e or in�.�e;.*ate infom�atian or statcments to[.erder;rc fiit'�
<br /> to�rr�+ide Ir,ndeT a�ith any material infur�rutioai i�z connection with die los:�evidenced by the Note.including. but uot�i..*�riied
<br /> to,crgr�entations conceming Borrower's ooa�l:y of the Pragerty as a principal residence. If this Security Instrurta�.at is on a
<br /> lease:'�o1d, Borrower shall comply w•ith sdl Uce provisio�s of Qit lease. If Botrower acquires fec tide to the Pt�3L. tht
<br /> lcasehold and the fea title shall not merge unt�I.�nder asrees to the morger in writing.
<br /> 7.Protectlon ot Lwder's Rightt in 1he 1'ntperty.If Borrower f�ils tn perform thc covenartts and agreemezus aaitained in
<br /> this Secttrity Instnzment, or there is a legal�prix�ecdin�tt�t ma}• sieniflcmt.Lp�ffect t.endet's dghts tn tt►t i'roperty tsucn as a
<br /> praoeeding in banlcrupcty.probate, for rnndemn�tion or forfeituro or to enforce laws o�regulations), then Lendu may do and
<br /> pay far whatever is necess�ry tu protect the value of the PmFerty and Lender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may
<br /> include paying any sums sccured by a licn which his �rinzity over this Security Insirument, appearing in oourt, paying
<br /> reaconable attorneys'focs and ontuing on the Propeit}•ta �m�air�.Although Lender may take aaion under this parst�ra.ph
<br /> 7.I.ender does rwt have to do so.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender unter ihis pnsgrcph 7 sttall boaome additional debt of Borrower sa�uod by dus
<br /> Sec�.-'rty Icuuument. Unitss Borrower and Leadzr agrce to acka:r temu of payment. these a��ounts sh�ll bear intei+est from the
<br /> date aF disbwsement at the Note rate and s'u12 be payaL�I�•.. �:�ch uuerest. upon notir�e from I.eAder W Borc+ower roquatin�
<br /> PQY�•
<br /> 8.bIortgage �inwr'a�oe.If L.e�xler reqtuce:u r.wrtg�ge inwrance as;� '�ition of making the loan securod by this Security
<br /> U►sirume�st, Borro�a;rr s.'tall pzy the premin�ts �equired to maintain the .:k.�age insur�oe in effect. 1f, for any reason. the
<br /> mortgage insunnce mverage ms�eiced by Lender lapses or ce�ses to be in effeet,Borroa;a s}�11 pay the premiums requiral w
<br /> obtain coverage substantially e^y�ivatent to the mortgage iruurnaoe previousiy in effect,�a cost substantially equivalent to the
<br /> cost to Borrowes�rhi the mortgage insurance previously in effect, fram ;ac�alternate mortgage insurer a�proved by I.er�der. If
<br /> substantially eGuiw�t mortgage insnrance co��rage is not available.l3�xevwer shall pay to L.e�xler each month a sum eqtu+l to
<br /> oae-tweltth of the yearly mortgage insurdnce premium being paid by Bocn:wer when the incurana coverage lapsed or eeased to
<br /> be in effect.I.ender will accept.use and retain thesa payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Los� reserve
<br /> EoaQ 3028 9180
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