<br />~~~ ~~~~
<br />REAL ESTA?E MORTGAGE Coen ~~a zoe (aeu. 1-~~) s
<br />Dariei E. Riley snd LeAnn M. Riley, husband and wife; and James D. Riley and
<br />i Sharon J. Riley, husband and wife
<br />, ..~rcgag-.n
<br />ci Hall V Nebraska
<br />t .. ^_dvancE .,. :2e ,. ... - _ .. _.., -__lte~ _.. LhE n.te *a. .. _..Ef M. .,_.,. r,pa.... _. ei;. ~. 's,*,t:h ;s scknowl Cue sera*v
<br />THE FEDERAL IAND BANK OF OMANA, a Corpora{ion,
<br />of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address
<br />is Farm Credit $uilding, Omaha, Nebraska 681 Op,
<br />I :!a-Tntiee - t .o oil, g3 i ~~. _~a. t ~ crtaa~' ee_s e ,e.-~t t
<br />'-'~..r.. -_tva ~ Sn 'nit _ .. _ _ _. _. ._ _ s ,
<br />. _ t_ .^s _,..__ __ ~ _ , s. _ ...r._ 'DS _. a._ .?;Ps'y t.:_ _„1..,v...~
<br />~.serizaea i~ee_ _tate ,,. Hall ~~- .. Nebraska ,
<br />Si~i~t {except .212 acres, ffiore ar Iess, cons*eyed to Hail County
<br />and retarded in Deed Book 150, Page 38G) - - - - - - - - - 32 11N I2 W 6th P,M.
<br />d tract of land camrising a Bart of the Saut??west Q~~rrer
<br />{Si~$c), more pazticularly described as fallovs:
<br />Segianing at a point on the vest iinea °f said Southwest
<br />Quarter {S'~;}, said point being Thirty-One and Fifteen
<br />Hundredths {31.15) feet north of the southwes*_ corner
<br />of said Sauthv_st Quarter {SiF'~y}; thence northerly along
<br />the L~rest 13~ of said Soutlivest Quarter {STd~), a dis-
<br />tance of Six Hundred i'taenty-Three {623.0) feet; thence ~ ~ ,~,~
<br />defieciing right 89°~3' and running easterly, a distance 1~~ ~ -
<br />og Ttraa Yhousand Six Hundred Forty-Two and Six Tenths -,1-
<br />{2,b42.b) feet, to the east line of said Southwest -~ ' - :~ti~
<br />Quarter {}; thence defle=ring right 90°29' and run- _ ;* f ~. ~--,~'
<br />Warns =,autherly along the east line of said Southwest
<br />Quarter {SS~SJ, a distance of Six Hundred Ten {610.0) ~ ''~ ''`'' k~
<br />fit; thence deflecting right 84°l~' and running wester-
<br />ly adistance of Y~ro Thousaad Six Hundred Fozty and Suety-
<br />. Six Hundredths {2,5~O:6b3 feet to the piste of begitming - 21 9:d ~' {~ 6th P,M.
<br />~, ~- ~ - H s r ~ r
<br />r ~ Cka.'E HL^r~RED NIT+TFTi TS3fl THOUSAhID O'tit£ 8i.'~1R£D A'V"D '30/100
<br />. t ~. _ .:1': r25 _
<br />>.. _. __.Gi__ -
<br />- ~ i2 _¢#. __`Y' .._525 2~ 3f{ht~..
<br />.. -. .. __ . __ .,, E
<br />'' ~ 1 - _ _ ~ ~ tt 3 a &
<br />s e "^trit ~S -r' -r
<br />5 f ~° +'".; -3fli'".- Rfi ~ it L r-T ~1 L L+3 ~_. -25~ _ Efts - a ,ptt 1 L95 e " i
<br />~ i°S.`M' £Z:E^ i°'4 ti "F'r~AiE~ ~3J' LLPc i7n1 LB ~ - t~` S.1t t@.. ~' h aJ{i12 r ~'92, .y - CA,.2 -:i
<br />j ?.c i+~'1` ",.+^k Sri .ILSS1:r4e 2veST sCL, °^Ve^_,973t -: w.~i t, ..n L1 .~~ "r _ cr, - .r - r -
<br />- s t~:.1L$~ ~- L-~ t9se even• na^esssz3' a'tt'~ .~ scrota trjE rein=u2, ..*r r ~ ~t. ?r o ~ ~~, a„ J
<br />- s s3.1~ w5,y~ 1eaa~. ~ encnrse Ln the Mnn3e3e_ eae~ .~=a~E, F.er21 t, lc_gnt, ?. _Y: _Ke .7 '<t ~ Yaz_rs~ _qrt=
<br />_, ~ _ ,~~...:P .~45~~^. 'S'T .^e-4'~1-rte Rv ttn:'C.g~,c€e Si_ ~tiII'~iV ~Iy^Y*(?.°.,.., r _
<br />~'~ ~ ill '?"A3t iIl !3Sf 91j$$L ',.yy 1'•l,-'L ,.~T£e 15 a ~}a;'t} "i =„Ct' ISISgSilrri 977Ev C?Ltg C11E SE.^"1r1:Y Cr tht' ~ = 'IOi'U-
<br />y; ~ 8~, 7~i~W,`3$. 9$Y SQL Tay rise iWrtga~sae to 2:;rec1a a ~s '0nI't;,}'.tTE r 3.s*.~ suit, 1n a~t:'chi c. ~ ~sy y E nv^~E^_
<br />a ~"-3 eSesdtnt ?~ a~lctt it is riL`li3at to ~g ,, i*.~ r1gt,L er lie::. ?; oluCieig e *e~a[ n z ns ul .
<br />~"-'-.2~- ire 3~rt-3t~oe-~srtY itrestr ~enaeH wzQ .~v~.ce palre t *a= abs:.ra~*_ See_, ac- r^ Y z s -_rx'
<br />,- - ~ .~ ~ ~}, aunts, er7ea~es, nna at~er etlar~3as '
<br />(51 ..."- s Lts> e~ ,pe !iG7-C~,3gaxs Ssa 1 to Fs3~ ~nen cue ar - ns ens 1
<br />ma'~n.aSa ,.sssrsprr es :_+ereL>$eior- prot::;ed, cr ,ail ~c S - ed;~Ei:'--, -_i~e= - Sail to
<br />{ „r n PaY --' fe uvrges y:c - e ergs * ~ ~ iea e,
<br />3 ;za*ae.t, ..~e.se ._ ^.ri~ilege; „r '4~tB a3ee 's rag''*e~+ c~ - gTe .3 ~ * cra es e •*-iet e
<br />erea.~, a~ tfier ~~a^ses in cnrayctlon sri:.t 'Iti~st an, W.rr c~¢ ra3y r..re ,scA v Yrer~ ,~ ovi r n~ r e,
<br />,r .ncs^ s1rR rhiigati os, srtd the sms~nts ~ri!d t,*,are7nr ~saL e c. ~. _ -_t rn - _e,, sE '. d::e
<br />aa1 t~apie Smae3iasa:y, s,fd aY1a21 bear SL+L¢.re3i S. aru h_ 9 t_ a7 ,,...-ant Gt ffi~ ..use ra s provl - t`_ :.e7a~Ic
<br />