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<br />~'lA'1'N: UN' iV~t3tt~J1iA, County of ........................................................: <br />Filed for record and entered in 1Vumerieal Index <br />on ............................................................ at ................ o'clock ................ Iti., <br />and recorded in Deed Record ............................. Page ............................ <br />............................................................ By ............,.............,................................. <br />County Clerk ar Deputy Counh- Clerk or <br />Register of Deeds Dzputy Register of Deeds <br />79.-~1+1'73i~t~ <br />JOINT TENANCY WARRANTY DEED <br />LOITiS H. BEYERSDORF AND SELMA M. BEYERSDORF, husband and wife <br />herein .ailed the grantor whether one or mote, <br />in consideration of Thirty Four Thousand Five Hundred and Ne11U0 Dollars <br />n^eeived ftntn grantees, does grant, bsrgain, sell, rangy and eanfirm unto <br />RODNEY A. BELL AND .TL>Z1iTH K. BELL, husband and wife <br />a. joint Tenants and not as tenants in conunon, the falloring described real propertp in <br />._-_Hall v ,.._ County, \ebraska: <br />Lot Seven (7) in Fractional Block Seven <br />{7? in k'allichs Add?tion to the City <br />cif Grand island, Hall County, Nebraska <br />NEBRASKA DOCUMENTARY <br />STAhSP 7AX <br />~~ <br />.y~~ ~~~ r ~~~~0~ ' ~ ~~~ ~ <br />~a hate and to hold the abo~r 3escriht•' premise; tagether with ail tene:uents, bereditaments <br />and appurtrnancrs thrreta balanzi~g unt++ the {rantees as faint tznanta. <br />graniz+r does herzht re+cenant tirith zhe grantzz.+ that grantor is iaxfnlly seised of said <br />l*trtnisrs: that they am f_*rz frog ~nrum#!_*anez; <br />that grantor has gocxl right and lauftil antbaritc to eonTZ>' iizr samz: and that grantor tcartants and till <br />defend ~e titlt to said premvszs agaitast the lawful claim. of all l+enons n•homsnet•er, <br />r q <br />/V~ ~enzbe +:0 1V 79 <br />Louis Be rsdor Selma M. Beyersd6rf , ) <br />fi'i~a3 D;: >ti~$R~.'iFi.~. 'ann'r ,f ._......-._~al <br />Befozr me. a natary 1+ublir qual~ed far acid eoanty, peraoaallp tarns <br />Louis H. Beversdorf and Selma M. Beyersdorf, <br />husband and' wife , <br />katltcn to nee to t~ the identical person or petson+ trh5 aigaed the <br />fatrguing iastrumeat sad nekao~ledge the ezeeution #bereof to be hie, <br />her ar their valuntarp net sad deed. for the purposes therein <br />stated. / <br />~Pitt~a my hand ~ad~ayofarial seal on _.~.-°_---.~.~ -._S[t_-.--•........1979...-_., <br />3ptiFlllAat#it-ftl-+4tdkaab M,~~rE.~lit422£1....~~ <br />!~E ~ ~~~ Vic' ~'~s~~l~/Notary Pnblie <br />~~ UiOaem.w~a~'1-fti .. <br />_; <br />My commxaaion expires ...............................1~....~......., 19.~~... <br />Farm 4.a Approved be Nrbrasta $tata Barr Assoeiatian s~ a wdt ~. s.:.~. x.m. <br />