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<br />.; 62y2---SECOND REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-~4 ith Tax Clause ..,r: a+rtt ener;,i gnPQly Hau L~n..o.n, NeLr.
<br />' 9- t)t3'73~ ~'~ xrvow Ar.L n~rr BY ~~E ~~ ~s~ra°r~:
<br />1`H~T I or T3'E, Michael L. Hartman, a single person
<br />of Johnson C'o:rrnt ~ ;:e:,i .Stsz, of Nebraska ir. rersiderativ>z of t{oe stcru of
<br />:
<br />One Hundred Thousand and no/100ths--------------------------------------------npLLARS
<br />~ in ?read paid, do kzrtby SELL and CDNt: E}' vri;~ The State Sank of Elk Creek, Elk Creek,
<br />Nebraska
<br />(trlvrtgagaei,
<br />of Johnson Crnnty, anrz Jt,rt r Nebraska lre:n desrribed > es
<br />situated iu Hall Cotr>±ty, ¢r. ';t,'. 1 Nebraska ~~~'1 9 A'8a+45'
<br />The North Five (5) Acres o: Lat Twelve (l2}, of the Count
<br />Subdivision of Section 19, in Township Ten (lQ), Range
<br />Eleven (il), West of the 6th P.M., according to the
<br />recorded plat.
<br />E Tke irtaar#isw iaisg is rnamr;~ ktrrn~ au a:solatr r~ir ix jrt sirrllr iu:-ludir:.,? a'i : ,e ri~?7zts n kerarstrwd and dru~er.
<br />7'© tIr4I'E A'~'J Tt7 IiDLD t~rslrtrsites a ~-+rr descriF,:d, ,c~t1: u11 thz af•^rcrtrr...•r:.<s ii;errur:ta b:1~>::ging unto
<br />i uc essor
<br />tit :mstt ~aa+rtggyu or r,uort~apres~mca-tcr#~rmite'rrr-l~nra-tsrirre~css:,m:,i'tsTs=tierce st3i a;:etal's, ar..i thesz pres-
<br />eatr ors ajs~t tke' trpruss taaditioa dust if titr said xaartg~ag¢r yr u:a»rg~ _lors/,-iwss;-tSrr-Yn-~rxr-iserirr,-raYteeerr,~dtaia-
<br />~s'tt+igss shall jrsT or caasr tv hr I¢id in tJ.r said naxrfrsagre ar nrorzeagr~rs .:Rd to his. hzr or tkeir krirs, es-
<br />~, i ors teirs av asaagrs, tkr ,nwo of
<br />i.1ne Hundred 3Yaausand and tH)/1(}Oths----C$1QO,fl00.00)-------- _:,';;t~~, wl~~le ::s foltuss. !Q-ugt:
<br />tviti isterrst tkertas ~----~w~-~~nwsuw, {+au:~k semi- surtt;a„I.t. ati:+r„iny tcz tir3• tele¢r and zr~rrt of
<br />tie ~Q~, s:tt atatk iaierast .•':nstans .attork_d of s~i:t »1!r.gg.-r.;. ^~~arirtp .°;.:u dot:- ::ith th.rae prrs-
<br />e~s, awd tltoU ~y all Rtrrs rain .sac tote-rr+-t .~r€. rr m.:zstiria;; iattal~rn,s c>j {: i,tici, »', du: zn a»y }rior rec;rtg::gz aas
<br />aasssssse~te 3essad a~at srras' rrai rstat, ease a:l other ia.rr_c, Irws ¢a;;Y a.ss~.tsuxs'r±ts l~;xr~d at~~rs ti:is revrtg~ae ar tt.°
<br />:c+dr ~s+lriek l7~ia nsorttjtylr is ,garx u i..~ srx-xr, , ~,;iarr tirr ss~ 'vtcr~xaes ir~tuy^urnr vxd :Ftzl tiz 3aiddixrs au staid
<br />}rsar`sit ietasad jrtr tltt .sscwt y1t~,DDt3, (i~ss» if Way', ¢vyahlr iv sx<r rrst zr:.;r;y.:~e.rs cc thin rnortg.rget, ur Lut1:,
<br />i Mess fists bt sae is ~t end rte is jrc»° #arrr.
<br />IT IS £t;RT}~£R ~-ti!+'~.£I> ! s i 7'kat ij tkr slid ra.sr:?7~7tsr skrul ;¢il t., Ir.'.' suck tarts ¢nd sach iatertst oa,
<br />ar ~-'S1 -sa#atinsents of ~~F~. dur x-e .asv~ pri:,r rrw-r r.,ugt arsi rr.,rnst s;er,i :H.s~ r:zn: <~ :3:err zi:is rne~r:gagra sway
<br />~ sxC# A~rx's awd svtk interest an, nr ssat.~scr-:ng instaitsn.tntsri'?~~~"a~'~ i~F81~" .v r s:.,f ~,;:ar• ,end Ir-.cure
<br />1stt7s iummsrr, sic$ #kt stns ss ar7ramrea' ga:it~ Marts: agt~t~ }=tr ttrr s. r zsr f+aa . t ~ said rr ...gufvr, and tFns wser:-
<br />tkatl stmt us .sat'xsity jer zke aaseir. ) z; T.fta# a failart to la}~ ¢s r ni snid nz=>~.~ :~, r~zthzr pri~.rit ~'i v-~ intares7 s:tt '..
<br />t~pis ar ~ i a~39°9e„ ad~rw tk saaar Irarvarer 8me or a faih+rr tv toanTi_y s~-atk ats: v# tht for,~arrina amttntmit, '':
<br />iiYH s+wwt t71e artisla 3~ua ref rtevt~ry irereps strx~e3 3o bec¢arr doe and tvlBettalrie at a>+cr at the apti€r» ai tkz ntori-
<br />_ i
<br />~?' IS F~RTfiER dGB+EED Tkat rst~ s~rigsgtr, ;eying fz5rrtlasxre rrj tkis rnar.'gvs7t and after dtertz and
<br />atop srsa ~ ap~aat tkarsfrosa a~ ~ of Irt~aises nwrt,~sgrd, ~j+ lay sutk tares aMd rmttaring ;
<br />isWcit er *9 refus ssf .~'asrrlapt, ors ;Irior rw~*rtyrrgrs, Jxotart sack iasar'¢arr and suth rams skall tae
<br />gttRgd b ~ moaspu r~ sa darss rta~d a~!as ,voa~atioa crf sett h3+ tke t:n+rt vrdrred taken oat of practrds of sale.- i
<br />~savFg +~~: a)w}sal e~ xde, srndi saazestats skall Lt ra~rritd iha ses+re as tkaugh it r•rre a pert of sntk
<br />SiynsiT tiir Ft~,3t dad of -=erte~ber . r~ ^4 ~
<br />I>r Pnssacr atf t
<br />,______.~_,..._._._ ?t
<br />` -
<br />.,
<br />`~"~ t3L~=2f ~- 1 "
<br />