<br />That the Mortgagor will pay the indehtedness as hereinbe(ore provided. _
<br />Tha{ the -Mortgagor is the owner of -xid pniprrtc in tro simple and has gaud right and lawful xuthnnfe tr. ,edl and
<br />rnnvey the same aril that the satttr~is, tree-and clear of any lien nr eacumbrxncx•: and that 'at.+rtgagav wall warrani an.I rietemi t},e
<br />tifte to said premises against the-claims o€ ail -parlors- whonisoever-
<br />To pay iiivnediately when due and "payahlr ell general iazcs, special tares, spectal - c sma nt' -ter charges, se r sc•n~
<br />s..~ ice carers and nfher dazes and charges agai f :aid pr: t. r~.' a d all taxes lea ird on th lebt -~ rare i hrrehy, and t<, furor. h tho
<br />syt ?A4nrtgsger. upon-request. radth `the nrlt,enal or duphcat. r et,rts then~f.+r The 14ortgagnr t,r~rs that then .hall be addcr3 to
<br />,tyP eac}i man;h;v psyment requrred herevYn let tr urdrr the ~ tc- f i tt -ecurrci h+-rrh at a t ri to ai S t.~ -he \t tat, t
<br />*•~ .,: he aY$rci -nt in_ enable f#ia Mortitagee t } - 3 they t ~ _r^ 1a - d ! tea:-~:, a5s.~>sme rt an i it ti it c.harg .upon t! a proms
<br />ices - Ia)ec. .,svrei anY d ~c-r~ - - •rar.~ -t ~ r- ~ - v - 3jji# e x,a~n n.: t_ t! r r- h .t i t }- ~t~.l y th
<br />\4t-rit,++ffior w ih ih • Jtc tkx r ~ irr..~n3 h t! -j•\I - t err \ •. fas It : t, i.r ihi a-a ra~ral h hall t,r •., ~ : ,rd a IPts<dt u
<br />pat meat at laces ac~es~mcn ,, c+-.amrlar charge: nctu+rr:i hr rrunciar
<br />T 'tit. - ai,-t Hat tae rt• shdi rt« }~.. - - .+.. t . - i t ~it,al an ~ t ~ r r : t 3 h--
<br />~ „.,. - -. t t t ~ the \lurtgaare ii h, uxT+ - . h t 17 t z a. r' i t fl + yr t t
<br />A F=n z ~. a ~ er v ~- .ir .d -, h \ - .s . Ef t• ~~- t-.
<br />mkt - ka1 4v rn-tl-w- ~ d r 4+ h t r \_ a tl.nt. _ z ir+ \. ,rt a ~t*- 1 -, - t - \2 -ri > 1. t -t a tla 1-r t
<br />ivtrag a,.h sh_e,? n :,:.a•ri,:- .. .trf.,. .. the ids-nr:+.~f i ,uran:r < ta. , Ir t ',. 1 1- :.. i .~`F a he ra
<br />pa-:N r ar xi? ask ix+tiar dad the r:arsit> am su!5c.. a... - th,- , + ..... : ........ .... \}„~..,-,_.. .-, a,, t+t ly d~ pc~-rt to
<br />t~Y prerzsums an ra'•kP r~;c.rcd In 4• tnsu r~; i*>~ this nrr.ri~ar ...
<br />pa --^.xanL- :tied, ) t . \ -r:;,drur ,t :d-r 'he a4x - w .. - . st - ~ t ~ -- \i rtfi --e t , h-,d he - an.i
<br />c, .. .:.~ .1 u,tS ot?ze r : u t..;.n,-, , ; :, ,.w:: Sr,i~ 'nr ~}, .,a} mini f >u, c. -. r.'..+..-:. ,.nu, •• :+f t•- . t. >.f. 1. , ay m nt, a., } . r: by
<br />tz~ragrd as sercn;)' f„r t^e ur,+a:' i>a:ar-.r~ .,f the m.,rxa_e inir4>t~~,in>-+c
<br />'r, L.r- ,i. - .. ~ ., •~- -. .. ,.: t a:r riei l .oLor~ an,i
<br />-,.• a :rrx~.d Srbce .1 - e.:, r t' c r tt,. .et,.-. ~ :. !.... - - i r i uhrr .sarahlr
<br />irvr; :•aia-, xrsd .a nti:igrn.-r a"' tar \tnr.ragc< nay' r.>rv.rr, n an ,n+.~.,nt ,fut. la~ ih nd<-btrdnra.. ,rcured by this
<br />_ - rte. _ ~ _ ~t , - uta6te tr: the .".iurt~a
<br />4tr'ga{,e. and art i_Ympkr- ~.~ at :. t- t --: ~ - -- ,- - -
<br />t;-e-' Sr zhr went xnr r. t-.f- zaa r t at ~ t \ t -~. _ t .'u rr :n<urarr n the
<br />:m-. '-,-.rt. yi• Fu4 i#yp- L a t}' f 31st 'a ?` - 1 d "•.l> i .1n.ti } r ., i - '-~r 1 'l'1 :l C _t dt t} Ya[ t
<br />- fc, z n >3iv s--~t.- an: 3 an.. <.-' ( t ~ ~•ti• - n - t +r Fe;i., re . F ? h \t,.n c - t f r - h -u ~ti r' H.l~
<br />as a.•,e ne, sin rr avir<Ki . la.l::rr to us„ 3 .a -r- - a ~ r j 'r- Ire ,hal! at i.`,< •: t , • ~l.~rtcas.Y` ~ t.i-t t~ - cult
<br />;ins. Th.- a :+~err . £ ..r,.~ , ... .. _ she^. .. tb. «,. rt •i ~*!. res.!...,. -. nt;;t•• an as t, mn, ut , ,r un'
<br />u:,dr<r ;iee• r:<:^u- u; mar.: ,h;r ., .
<br />yarn ni ,tremiutr.
<br />An. local rr<,z ~': , th*- \i,•r:~a„-•r %, era. - --f i.:r. - .:stn,+-5 ~ -.. rr=i aFau>-,t ;naa '.,r rrxar n<~ ~ }.t~ ihr \f - t a'ec•
<br />ar•v ;:.{.ap=red row ar,a t::r _ =r:., ,.,. :ham :i.=h- r - ~. ? , . tic ~r tt:. \s.`rtca,;rr ~ - m, ,•:xh,r wh-.1 - u in
<br />;ear: ~av tar peed oavr t- r ~S`..r' i•-. ,.` :.. - a '.ut u r .. {-u! -: t+w - ..r ih*.r purr .r °r ana~
<br />athy: ,"-ar,t'rre:.r ar ast,{rri ~trsfa:,,,.. ., th ~- \ .ia;re -...t .'?, rtt .i, h~ i;rz ~ r. ,h- -r ~. rt cart :-rr t?,r tc.t! art.:u •,t ..-, u.. .! h, .r
<br />hy~ tx,f,.re saxh parxtx~nt r.rr ic..i: i-''lard.
<br />Tc, Lanaz+ptlr r~;..a=r, ~c-,• r rrhu t ~ a ,w~i sin ~r impr.•.rm -ni. ne„a ..r ".:r.;tir: ~,;, ihr pr'mz- uhicn may M
<br />rnmr di'aa~od or dastra xri t-. A~'i - - a --nr- - -n e' -J "< +i-t:a~n an~i rata r arrci tr'c•=- fin-m any' n •a h,tnia' ! n .~r ath t tea ur
<br />:i-..;.,. mr iie•n nni exi:re>is whi<r3inaira3 t., ~t 4ae .+.-r: t.rr,+t. n~..,., wflrr „r 3x-^ta~i an) unlaK?ui u.' <i car any nux~ane•r i. xrs.t on
<br />slid FiS nor i:.` trrxmrk wa~t~ im .atd prrmt•:rs n. - 3 an ~ ~ rt ~r ~ t -he by t`:r pn`;x ti hr'-M , r.':•yatii sha11 i>ftume
<br />-s~iualde. .nar ac+ d:rnsrash it :taxaer iU a-a:ur by -~i a,t „r azr:i>c.<nn .;, a.. ...;ny:1. w;ih n?1 r,yuzr+,mrnt .>t taw +.'iih restrw:i
<br />- is ttar ~aarti i~rrnatsz=s an3 :~ uu tisrm:i,
<br />That ,-tuuld tt ~rHr,zxs .r ani L.erc - -i ;r- tsl.-^n ,~:•u c r -, -•~ :~'n nt -,r cv d-r- atic,n
<br />prs,eendtng. ra itnds'r tix r..gh2 z*r marrrr,t dcarna_' _r :n ar> uihrr meta :_ ti \l.-xea;_ - ,i:al, tit: t:. a3! ci-.;mp,-'t<.
<br />aw•artiy. axsd aay otiaer L>aYxaert <,r rriiei thr•rrfar. ani :lratt t,e enntint at atz t.Fxran, to tx+mtrrera~e appear in am3 prcyseetxte in its
<br />ayes ~naaaC• aa) aiczresn c,r pr+y~tit-c9irxd. r=r t:= xra1Y anY ^s`rr=prnr_rasr x,r .r-ttirmrni :n .";,nettac.n with such 1at.inR s,r ,iamage .all such
<br />- ~. a zaghr td actian and pracern9s are hetehy a~igrrd to rhr 4lnrtga~c- whn may, after detluMing
<br />~ tirosetiaasm as st+'. - = y = -"~';-` ~' '-'~'-"~ h`' is ox are i4:e sine cut an>• irzdctata'tiness secured iseretay.. The Mwt- - --
<br />ayta'dµ b t4er'ute snt"a turt4rer a~agnr+~+rr't o€ ary ~3prr.aiisr. 5u'a:s'~, a3anasge5. isnd r.rhu of acitun arul procr;+eis ac the .*FK
<br />.. iLtc sear ~ .,
<br />v,
<br />'TS+at rn raasr t:f fsil'rrrr t,ca perfe.rm an)- ,1 t3rr Y>aanan;s isrrein. iirr 4lortEagrr rna)- d,r ,.n the ?dnrtgaFru" behalf ea~er.~ihing -~
<br />" ~ ~,;, that t3+e slaasgagt,r neap alsr, di. an) att it :r:a) dc`rm rmvasary- t,~ 1rr.~taK^_ ih.• iia•n tiarre+e+f, ths' the \tartgagar well
<br />ry+,piy ,irPd+ +~atwt a3n-c irscxaevs paid ~ur dxt;,l>iar+sr i br thc• '.A c,rigagwr #c>r any :•~t t?w ahrn'c Purix~+,•tes arui surA mcnrys iaget6rr with ~""
<br />iatereal dyereem ~ tie rate f'irm'i~ in said t>trtr shall hr~•,atiar an :Huth aciditiorxai iaciehiedness hrret+~ sxrurci9 and may tr in-
<br />t3~der? ~ apy gee fang s3us nr•-,nyage arut tr pnad .=ut .,f t.+n- rz•nis rnr Fsr,.ca~ds of xaie td said premisYS it not satherrvise
<br />~_ ~ ~ aahati aiaR ~ ~ ~ ~, blottFagar to taquile rnto ttrr validtty of any irrn rn ^umhrancea, or claim an ad-
<br />r'~4C y~ya as ah~etre antiyaasadd, but xtt.iturrg taerxrn i;uitatnet3 a}rsi9 bra ratnsiriti,d it< rrqurrrng ihr h4t,rrgagee to advam ~ anY
<br />t ~, ~ ~} ~,.~ >~ t:a da ,ts.. act iyexruader; and that Mangrq,`t•e ! ax,t incur any° prru+nai liahihtY hecsusr of any-
<br />t~ it. tear da ~ asaN m tits hpxcytnd~r,
<br />;n tb,e .rny~aat ,~ iiye ,~dau,;t }ry" 'vtiuygagav as the yuyam'nx of any tnstatlnyeni. as rx>Quixct3 by the 'Pate srcu red herehs. +rr
<br />is itie ~, ~ 1Ae •ateiiyausar in tins mtutfiagt crr xn ihz raufe s~erurxd thereby- ~' 1lvrigager shall 6e erriitled to deriar•e the
<br />_ y~ ~sinb! +raxf -ode wi~;hnut sxx. zax-'<•. ana tlu R:]cutgag~•c sf+a71 sae entitled at tta rptian, wiifsaui notick. eitttrr by itself
<br />~, ~, a ~ }$.~ .~#ad ~} tlae szrirr# ttarrexrf- and witiawi regard to ttae aderpuar;}- of an)- secunty tnr ;hY indehtednrss rr-
<br />..~ e~• `~ aad "~}~ }fit of ihr m ,rigaged pretrriara. acrd i. tvsiletx. and rece+vr the rent. issues and p>•cfits
<br />gjs,aj,' attsd a~p17-Hie ,~.3es3- casts trF trceraticyn amt mlk+rtio'a. rtp,an iM itrdrabtcKiraeaie sKUrad €ay 2kis mcrtgage: acid xenra,
<br />iwgee trod {tsaiin brinE ~'t$c F(a'~agyyt a3 Zasitrer sxuzit3• for the pa)^ment rat alt irwietatrdnrsx setnred hert~ii)'.
<br />parr a r~ii leave #.~ 1~~F to aay;s avy agent er aS+rnty it may desire tar the purptiae of repairing wid prt•m•
<br />liana; tAe atl~t: t»n% ;he r~#a, rcnrauea and in~tatne. and rt ma5 pay our of said rrKx.une al! expenses stxurred in rent-
<br />a~d tin[ i3ye aarue and ai< iaif the reataia tlserc€ram- ~t3re hslanc+r rrrnainirag. ii any- sha!i be appliesi toward t}K
<br />I ;- d ~e iadei3f@dsaa. Ttria asatgnayent is to terasiaatt and trercam• null acrd void upon release at this mortgage.
<br />
<br />