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<br />MORTGAf E _ _______ <br />ti012TGAt;t LOAN NO. __ L_ 23a6~3 <br />~t•~IS~vAC.f.MENav~rffESErxrsEN~s:~fhat Ronald J. Grabowski, a single person <br />!s4Prtgagor, whether one oe mar:, in mrtsidtra[ion of the stmt of <br />T~teniv-eioht Thousand and N~1100---___--_._--____------------------------ DpL[.Ai~s <br />banes; is saki ~t by The' €quitaa* ¢ Suildit+~ and 1_.ctan Assr.-.iatran at' i,ra.'td island. Nebraska, btartgagre, upon 2$D shoes oC stock oC <br />said ASSOCIATION. Cer[ifuatr Na,. L 23 503 , da hcccby grant, a,nvey and martgage unto the raid ASSOCIATION the faUowirsg <br />dcstsib.^d real estate, siinats si in ball County, Ncbtsska: <br />THE NORTH FOURTEEN (14) FEET OF LOT ONE (1), IN BLOCK TWENTY-TWO (22}, IN SCARFF'S ADDITION <br />TO WEST LAWN, AN tDDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, AND A TRACT <br />OF LAND ASUTIING THEREON AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF <br />LOT ONE (1}, IN BLOCK TWENTY-TWO (22}, IN SCARFF'S ADDITION TO WEST LAWN, AM ADDITION TO <br />THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA; THENCE RUNNING EAST ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT <br />ONE (3}, FOR A DISTANCE OF ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-TWO (i32} FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF <br />SAID LOT TONE (1}: THENCE RUNNING NORTH ON A PROLONGATION OF 7HE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT ONE <br />(1}, FOR A DISTANCE OF FIFTY-ONE (51} FEET: THENCE RUNNING WEST PARALLEL TO THE NORTH <br />Li NE OF SAID LOT ONE (1}, FOR A DISTANCE OF ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-TWO (13c""} FEET TO A POINT <br />ON THE i#ESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT ONE {7), IF THE SAME WERE EXTENDED TO THE NORTH: THENCE <br />SOUTH r"IF;Y-#JTiE (51} FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT ONE {1), SLiCH TRACT 6EING A <br />PART Of WHAT FORMERLY WAS WEST 17TH STREET IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, <br />NEBRASKA, AS VACATED BY SAID CITY. <br />lo~rtbrr w7th all the tcxrnaeats_ hrs3i:amerss and apl:unaran.-rs thrtrtsrtc. bcta_ngtnR, tn.ludrng atta:-lted Ilene Ivsrrings, a!I window scrrem, <br />miaas.a slsades, bfimtz, a,rtn wzrrdar's_ ass~im~, f:cattae, an a~ndttioning. and ~s:mbing and mater ega-pmrnt and acsxmvries there [o, ptrrstps, stoves, <br />reCrpetatssrs, and Pther tcxtturs nerd cviutpmr:tt tsers. ,x ,~~-rraitrr attar~rd to at u~srS sn . ,nnertior with ,aid rent estate. <br />Aed tvhrseas the sand trnxttsex has serer-d atr3 3crs Mrcby agree .R~: rae trarttaru* stsll sa3 aiH pay as tsxet and at~~ts levieU or <br />assessr# ~n atl premises and :tp~a ihn martgaKe and rite bond tecarrd L:~!rb, (sefare trx Mme shy becxisr deyngi>rnt; to furnish appn»ed <br />ist~vaattr apctet the bui3dsses an sad premises sitssasr; m the tom. i 5 2$, DDD, DD payah;e *.a .said ASSOCtAT10N sad !o dr5tet to said <br />A~OC1ATfQN the po4cies fat said ems.+n^n, and n:>t t, ~nsmit yr prrmnt s+y caste or, c,t abPUt s_:d permi~s: <br />la t» of sirCautt m the prrfPr~maa~ aCaay of tis, terms and amttitiotts of ihi trautgagr v the t+ssrtd sew-:teed hereby, the tnastgasee slsaQ <br />ib b[ eastn.b3 iP tmttSLdtaL passessiPn PC the tsstrrrgagcd pemta-s and i}ar Rlai?gigP6 fL'rrbti aAl~'tti, SrlnSfrR and tti OVR tP tlfe <br />anaetg~ee aH the unit, rrsentrs and mavae tP br desiv+ed fn,tu the morttat}d demises dtuit~ sorb tine as the marts indrbtedrr:ss stall rtmain <br />uss}saisi; and the mtxstyeax'r shall lsavc the piswrr to appaint any agent .x sgrnu it may de9rr for the puspPSe at repairits5 aid prr_nisea and rentissg <br />itr stsmr and Pa~sx.s~ the tents, irvcPisra and irsmtnr, ant it may pay nut at saw9 ux-oux alt expenses of repairing said pretiufes atd neeemry <br />tzm~ins assd et¢erasrs im-urtrd in rrntittg amt ~n~~ tlu a»r and of cvlk 7sng rentals the:rttuna; Lhr L~lance trtrainns6, if any, to Lx <br />ioi9rd tar dzs.~itargr of said maat?agr tndrbte3-tess.:hese r{eitts ;,i ter rxrr_rpecc sr.i tr exercised at nay tirrr dtstirtg the taistrna tvC suss <br />defsrdt, itt~,erirvr of any temµ»>R ~aiset w the ?aaoe_ <br />Tis~ Pttacrsts, bPwrvrr, ue upar. the { omirtx,n, lTust d the said A9:•cng:gtx shall rrfwl seed kun Pn ar Csefore the ratsui[y oC aaid share by <br />pat~se•ett; pa} rurffitbty *__, sari :iC~.f)(`~ ATtCri of ahr rrra s},znsr.3 m the &h-cd aezxrr3 i?r;rby as utte:r~ and ~itt~pal .;n said teen., oat Pr lKfore <br />the Ta~rntrsn day of rac3r azxi cvrr^s rrr,atl,. until sasd :tx,r, ss fatty gawi. ~y ai3 taxes and assrtstnznts levied agtiaQ said pre^.sses and an tftis tiottgt~e <br />aai the $or 9 axyrr.~d tt+erriby . be:cwr drYsr.}sxrs ~~. istraui: appranati msssrarxr ufm L%rr t.,uit3mgs thereon m the acm nC S 2$ , flflQ, QQ paZ'ahk <br />to said ASSClCIATIt)N.:tpay to sail ASSCiC"IATIt~A uFr n drnsand atl m+,nr~y~ M :t geed iu; snh taxes: s<~a+~•+~it am! uranaissx with interest at <br />the ssarirattrn :ur t9sna+.en irssm dxtr i.C pavttseat all .~f wh.,:~ hltirt¢sgca hr;r`s agues t.: pay, }Kmrit sk v,:ate on saw psr-mrses- k need m <br />. aP mpb' <br />vah aR the agrrmeau and s ssda~xts of ?hr Rc?rwi lc,c ~ ~-$ [3iu'ty On , S.v ,~,s gtr_a by tl:r » A! x,gs5:.+r ra ssx; A,~St~'iA77t~, and wraply <br />tsritb a6 2hr rexpureasrnss ref i}tr '.inn.ituuut :red ay-L.a+vs ui ssed ASSOCIA720`, then ,arse preseatx sfiaii 6rrPmt r;tsll sad v~d, otberr-isr tfsey <br />~ acmain in fill foxes and ntz; !r irerr.:irssrd se rte <rp:ssx: ui the sari ASSi7CFATlDN after taituse Car throe ttsanths w make any of said <br />paymtnts tY be Ihsar rrw-esit~ a; arrears rs makusg sec=t nA'usthf± ,*a,-yrrnts, a ru ketp newt a*mgt} ,with :he agrertt-.nt, and mnaita~ns of aid Road; <br />aed )~rt,~v atom to Aa+,? s resxrst, appuntrd itrrtbu~stA ua auir furec5cnanr Cxs,rrr@mgs. <br />it tfierr as a8y to asrcsrrsitrp of the real estate tn.w_gsart? harm. by sak ui oterrw-iac, then dsr cutter rtanmistg rndebicdrua tsrseby <br />aereuad , at i#9r apbtxn of 7`fr f.tfuttatdc Suiia~ ae. 3 L.cucn Assu:-avts.en ,=f t;saml lslaad,tirhtsska, btu-azsne itnmediatrty dr vsd payabk wi[hswt <br />furt}tr, ntaxr, and the asnourst rrr_usnu g dvr urwirr saw:. ¢.r-s3. red any- .uhes barhi ieu say additwnai adran.~ea audt thercsn+det, shall, from 13u <br />dear 3f r~,caaar r,i aaid .gnxm, bear uar,rta at rte tsaxrrnu¢ ie-eat rate, amt i_hu tswtrigttge nay then 4x tcreeFosed to satisfy [he amaun2 due oa std <br />1xm-.nd ~y cubes 2w,en }av addatxrm' a3ruaz;. t:~rtirr r tb a!1 sxrn pa.iii by >zwl 7'hr flu±tah4r ~auikding and L.asa Ana+'~atioa of C.tand lsfastd. <br />',Yelxra~a f~ seaisran:.r, taxes and a~a~. ttx~nt.. e-..: st+r..n.:vae .-harerx, w-etir en*.errst ter: r<tn. fram dste ut payment at she vu:irnutn <br />ka~: ram. <br />As prnrsdetii is tree &+ad ararred }scr:3+y . a•tik :~:, rnasir rrrnauRS ra etlr,-. tier memgtger may herrsitrr sdyaace additianai sums to the <br />staixrs of art $ztnel, tbesr ascnCrts to sw.c-~sxs is seer, rss .Much se,.tzu -~ha:9 he w-a>~.m the retvnty of tfru tnortgigc the same as Ilse Grinds Priginalty <br />at+aus+d themD}, Nee tail amoims ii F'x:ssefpa±cleht a t tP rx~x+d at say tsar tfer arigmaf amaurt of she axtrrg~e. <br />,,~Damdtis 31st ^d-ay~irt Oc#aiser A-n,1v79 <br />Ttona7~ J..~ratl~rsk~ <br />SSX3'£ OF'~3LAiSKA, ~ f)ts xhvs da t>f t 34 , before me, <br />txnttav~rtau.~ 31st y` Ot.obee 79 <br />Ilse tsndQSigt>Gd, a Notary Public io aaa ftx Baia CPUnty, pezmnally came <br />Ac~la2d J. 6rabo-vskd , a Sirlg3 whP 1 s persoetatiy known to <br />tae ~ ~ ~ idcs<tl~l f '1t"~~~.'• -~~s~zed to the above instziun::nY az mortp~or and he sevtcgtly <br />ssisva~et~ed tlfe aaa3 i~rsea>att to br r;~,:` " ~.. ., fe[ jna deed. <br />YtT7'ta'ES'S ivy bead aa~ Noty>~5tmnt ~ ;:iorrs~d_ -~? <br />MyCattimamoaecp~I tr,~-)~i ~g~p 'r l~L~~~L !~ ~~/ ~ ~j-.~ <br />s~_ - _ - - ~ Notary Public <br />sxauuas at ~'- - ' ~ ., <br />