<br />79-• ~i±`~3~~a
<br />Leader's written agreement or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums ir, the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with intemst thereon, shall become additional
<br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by [his Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other teritt5 of payment, such
<br />amonnts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shall hear interest from [he
<br />date of disbursement at the rate payabic fmm time to time on rnrtstanding principal under the Note unless payment of
<br />interest at such rate would be contrary to applicab'e lax, in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate
<br />petmisubie under applicable law-. Nothing contained in tills paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />env action hereunder.
<br />tw inspecaos. Lender may make o: cause to be made reasanat±it entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />:hat Leetder shah give Borrower notce prior to any such inspection sne.if}•ing reasonable cause therefc related to Lender's
<br />interest in the Property.
<br />9. Coedesteatloa. T'he praeeds of env award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, er part thereof, er for conve}'ance in lieu of condemnation. are herehy assigned
<br />and shad be paid to Ltnder.
<br />in the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums scarred by this Mortgage.
<br />with the excess. if any, paid ro Borrower. Tn the event of a partial takinG of the Proaerh`. unless Bormwer and Lender
<br />otherwise agree ir. writing, there shall he applied to the soma secured by this hior[ga¢e such proportion of the proceeds
<br />ss is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sum; secured M' this Mortgage immediately prior fo the date of
<br />taking brats to the fair market value o£ the Property immediately prior to the dart of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Barrowa'.r.
<br />If ihr Property is abandoned by Bormwer, ar if, after notice by Ltnder to Bormwer that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award or se[!k a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond m Ltnder wiihir. i() da}s after the date such notice is
<br />triaikd, Ltnder is authorized fo coIlcct and apply the proceeds. at Lender's option, either to resioratian or repair of the
<br />Propem- ar is tlx sums strtttt:d b}• this Mortgage.
<br />Unless Lt_~r and Barmwrer aihrt,vise agree in writing, sn}~ such spp!ication of prx~eds *.o principal shall not extend
<br />nr pc,sipane the dux dare of the tttenihly instaiimenu uftrred ra in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such installments.
<br />ILL Sarrowaar Not Rekasrd. Extension at the tune for pa}°ment or modification of amortization of the sums set^urtd
<br />:- ~s Mi:ngagt granted by Lat:der ro any su.:`r~sor in interest of Borrower shah not operate to reuase. in any manner.
<br />ihr fiabilirp of the original Harrower and Barmwtr's sucresson in intrust. Lendtr shall not be rvquirrt3 to srommence
<br />prax`eedings against such svtressar ar rrfusc to cxiend lime for payment ar othern'isc modif}~ amortization of the sutras
<br />strured by this Mortgage by reason of any demand madc hx the original Barmwtr a;td Bormw'ei s ntccrsors in irtcrtst.
<br />11. For6eatasee bt Itadtr Not a R'airr. An}' forbearance he Lender in exercising am' right or remetlc hereunder, ar
<br />otherwise afforded by applicable law, shat; not ire a waiver of or prtcludr the tstn:ist of anc stn-h right or remedy.
<br />TTtt amctrremeni of imtnance or the na}n»eut of taxes or other lies er charYes by Lender shall not he a waiver of Ltnder s
<br />right m acttkrarr the tnaritrit}• of the indehtedttess stcurtd by this Aiortgage.
<br />12. Resrdlet Ct~Niva !tit rcmtdies provided in this Mortgage au distinct and cumulative to am^ other right nr
<br />temtdy under ihss Mtutgagt or afforded hr law or tquin, sod may he : xernsrd concurrcull}`, indtpendenth' or su~~tssivriy.
<br />13. Statcessare ad was Eoaed; faiar tend $exrrat i.iabalfty; Capttoms. The cmrnants and agrttments herein
<br />contained shag hied, and tht rights heutusdtr steal! =Wore ta, ttr_ rrspcaivr suxtscors and assigns of Lender and Horrawcr,
<br />stsb~ to rht provisions of paragraph 1' hcreaf. AS3 covenants and agreements of Borra.wrr shaA lx isint and several.
<br />-The caPncros xrrd headings ,i{ tIu puacrapbs of this Mongagc are for convrnirncr ooh' and are not to K aged to
<br />inttt•pra or dtfine dte ptrxisintx tterrcxf-
<br />IE. Vatiitrr_ £xcrpt fcv any rtvxitt required under applicable law to be given in another manner, Cal soy pollee to
<br />Aarrawes provided fan in this Mortgage shalt k+r given h} mailing such ntvtix b} certifred mail addressed to &,rrc=wet at
<br />the Pmptrty Address u at raclt other address as $a;r~~wcr ma} designate by notix to Lender as provided herein, and
<br />tL+i an}• m,azce to Lrtt3er s1raA be gix^en by certifies mail, return rrmpt requestul, to Lenders address stated herein at to
<br />stx3 ether mddtrss as Ltnder may dtsignatr fiv tfotict m Bormwer as provided herein. Am- rtsx~-t provided fc_ in this
<br />Marig>ege shall ix deemed to have lw.ert gixtn to Bermwrr or i_ender when given in the mantxr dt~.ignatrci htrcin.
<br />lS Ga7arer Miottt~ Gavcraia6 Lane. $evesabi~t}. This f. rm of mangage combines uniform zo•~tnants far national
<br />:rot and t>ntt-tmifvrrt txvtaants with Limited variatx,as by iurisdtcaian to roastittnc a uniform ~.unir insirvmtnt covv:rittg
<br />real prv,ptm•. This Mortgage shelf be gev°errted by the ;sw of tix iurisdictz~~n ir. which the Property is Io~attd. in the
<br />teen! that env prov~rsian tv clause of this Mortgage or the ?:ore a'+nflirts with appiiv-abie law. su;.h cettflsy shelf oat atftct
<br />ate pmvrsioas tsf this Mortgage ar the Nate w•Ittch .an tr gixtn cfrrct witrxut the cv+rtfiicting provision, and to thin
<br />tad tlac prnxi3ioni of the Mc+rriact and the \ate are dcclartd to be sex•G*able.
<br />if. Jia~atrv`s Ce2rq. Btarrawer shall be furnts`rttd a ctmfonned cap}~ of the Natc attd of this Mtxtgagt at the time
<br />eaectsi.~ ar after trrardatitn hrr•~'+f.
<br />li. 2radsr of tie ~R*ti; AaaePliee. If al] ar am part of the Pmperr} or an tnttrrsi thtmn is said or iraasferrted
<br />M- Harrower witls,ut I.etadtr's prix wrintn can;cnt, excluding tea the crtatian of a lten :~r en.-urabtancs sut+ordtnatt to
<br />tAis Ititvgtage. tb1 the ~catttan e~f a purltasr msne, saa.urih~ interest for nausehild sppiian:-es. ice a trarsftr by devise,
<br />desc~t nr b}' :yteratxitt <>f law ttpnn the death .?f a p.?>nt ttnant or ida t}st grant of am kasche'd inte:est of tltrte }tars or kss
<br />not txatxittinj an t~tina to Tuxr-,.tract, i,tttder ma}, at Lets3er', opt~,n- declare all the sums secured b}' thin Mortgage to 6t
<br />itttsmediattl} due and payaLtk.. Lrnder shall have waived su.-h :sptis?it to wcektate if, prior to ttx vak ar transftr, Ltnder
<br />wad ibt petyan ro w~tt~t ~ Pra*~ptrn » to bt s.~d r transfrrted teat h agrttmrrt in w rating rho: the ;girt of st~h pers:,it
<br />rs satisfa-tat-y to Ltnder wad that ?he tntr:ess pa}~ah3e on the sums cured h} this Mangagr shall rte at such ra[t as Ltrnftr
<br />tehall rtgtaest. if Leader lass waivaxl ~ option to acttlrntt p.-avidv-d in this paragraph i7. a~3 if Satraaer's sucttssor in
<br />iatQat hu eaae-wied a w•rinxa arstrmgrritttt agrtemeat a:-txpird in writing L•y Ltnder, tsadts shah release &irrowtr from all
<br />a6ligati~s tmdet his Mt>~ wad the !1zKt.
<br />If L~ et;er^.isx ag~ion to ar,xir:ats, Ltrdcr s<ttall mail Hc?trawtr rtotitt of acxitration in accntdaor with
<br />pa:agraptt Id hrrcaf. Stteh rnuicx shalt prtnide a peritxd of teat less than 3tl da}`; from the date the notice is marled within
<br />-~ha:h iitrd3'bwer rely pa} the saaats dtrinatd dot if Harrower fails to pay such sums prior to the rxpintian of such period,
<br />Leader may. without ftrrtlaer ttmict or demand on Borrwta, ravpkt ant rtmedits permitted by paragraph I d hereof.
<br />NMt-Lih'tt=.osra Co'vErziwrs,. Hoarew~tr attd Lender further cavcwsm attd agrtt as foilrnvs-
<br />1~. , as ~eoofiied ®PeraRrtrpi L7 hereof, Wpm liorreaset's htenci of troy cotrteaat a
<br />tt taf Esnstsss is ~ ~.+ tIr csveaaals to Pa3' aisa ass ttsa sastffi xttsss+d by tits 4tortatge,
<br />fe~tlar #+ias to aeaieeatla AuH aui noire as )smrw'er as pen+~ ie P ld 6usef specify: fit) the bssaci;
<br />(?d tie acilae tatpied m ttant: aatei iteat>k tai a titer. art ieae tiro 3~H t from rte date the notice k ettAed to Emtwrer.
<br />ter atiiti aadr lattaei tat Tk taaei; tai t4) ~ fiii+as m a7rtt wri ttteaci tse a bdorc t-e tiro aacd8ed ie tie ender
<br />aq treatait Get ltes~tatloa of tie seats twcaned i}' this HfotlCstge+ fatetleratm iy IBdieis9 proreediag wed sank of tie PruPerfl-_
<br />73e aadee aW ttttttl)Ytr fatale 3wtrstrsr tt[ 16e rfgit m rtt3nsttae otter amlernttioe and tie m~bt !o assert Gs tie faroclosere
<br />Pte[ Ae aaa d a d:frtA ar atry a'l;es alefetoss of tietrowor m aceeleradtm teed foterbtraee. H tit 6retrh
<br />ir< art cooed an ar mate tiaa tie > i Lis andrt, Leader ar fsaidet's oFtitm retry declare all of tix strmc secured by
<br />Air lldattpa ~ !k iattntttirattty nLe wad payaiie witioat farrier deasend trawl tttay toreclase by jadicial Proceeding. Leader
<br />strap ie tasAtled b li ids P ad eaPrwses of fara:sissate, Indudlnp, bM aot limited te, onto of doeameatuy
<br />ttttrYAte, tsistsaeA and dde tePnrg.
<br />19 =attasttt's )Rill to Reietate. Nixwsthsundiag Lender's acctlerafion of the sums secured by this iviortgage,
<br />Sarratrer stsaLl lave the riElrt to have any proceedings begun by Ltnder to enforce this biortgagt discontinued at any time
<br />