<br />tiSjy-REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-With Tax Cituae The HnHmnv Genarq Bnpply Honse, Lineoin, Nebr.
<br />TH<4T Robert F. O'Brien and Virginia L. O'Brien, Husband and Wife
<br />(Mortgagor )
<br />oj~ Hall Coanty, and State ej Nebraska , in conridcration of the snm of
<br />Twenty-£our Thousand and No/100------------------------------------------------DOLLARS
<br />in hand paid, da htnby SELL and CONVEY s<nta Security State Bank, Holbrook, Nebraska,
<br />a Corporation
<br />(etlortgagee )
<br />aj Furnas Countti, and State of Nebraska the following described premises
<br />~~kd in Hall CorntS, and State of Nebraska to-uat:
<br />Lass Pour (L} and Five (~) of "Hawthorne Place" Located an Part of the Northwest Quarter
<br />{Ni:~} of Sec[ian Twenty-two {22), Township Eleven (21} north, Range Nine (3), West of
<br />the 6th P.H., hall County, Nebraska,
<br />j Ati;3
<br />~Tne liesterly Forty-sia feet (45'} of Lot Eight ($} and the Easterly Thirty-nine feet (39'
<br />of Lat Seam (7}, Block tine {1}, PieasanL View Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />_~
<br />_.
<br />LL
<br />':
<br />'1
<br />__ j Tir iRGietiea brim to rereep htreby sn abznitetr tit3t in jrt aiiwJatr iwctr~disy a!i tht rigits aj itanustecd eaad dower.
<br />Tp H.~lYi:.lhTZ) TO H(7Li) the graewsts mb~oerc dcxTitbed, ~ aii tit nppio3e+ta~ces thcreiatto 9'~9
<br />! tht , ~ asd !0 1r5 ies7's oaaa' ptf'SSQii, fora'Ptr, ~ ~, rtatd ihr# prssnts arr Ypa.
<br />tic ilf7tSf tatadt~lasat itMGt it Sit a~joraaaa~d f@rl'S : L3721S heirs, iirtat0rt; adiraiirtrntars Or GTS7ffllt titnR
<br />-~ ~ 9T tBiLLC to ii1i." poi 36 tie mid ~ , 1tS ~a7rf sa'rtlEttN't, Qdllti117t'traiart ~ msaiyar> tit asnas pt
<br />~ ?west}-f~ttr Th~xsaxxl a~i ttall~---------__-,r__r--_------~-~~rs, pa}~f+1e as fod{e~s> to-tit:
<br />=- $?~,C~.#3fl Liotiars~ the 2bth dayoj ?pril , ip 80*-a
<br />Suaject Lx~ reneilals aixl Dsgmrs mr !hr duY ~ > iP
<br />eatensions thezeaf Da7iras ow the day of J9
<br />s L~uiisrs on iir dad aj iq
<br />IJoliart os the dey aj cg
<br />astir nCsarst thr at 12 ~* cnu P~+ , psys~s y at! accrardiay to iie tenor prod cfsrt
<br />~ejatertais~iuury~ofmid Robert F. L't'Brien and Virginia L. Q'Brien, Husband and Ki£e
<br />spas aids aw~a taiarsc h's~t- pad ahaA ~ inns mad astestensetr leeerd npow tn~id root esto3e, mad aii oths-
<br />tltuet, Jaaasit7 saai atsuarenta it~ird aipmw Slit reort~agc ~ rhr sort srhirh tiffs +~'t3'mb'c is git~tn to sttrr, bcforc tht
<br />asrre barsaars aia~nsat m.d ~`p tie ba8diays as .mid preatitrs iwiirrc6 for the tips oj; 2t+,00O.00
<br />las3, ~ awy, pTiis.tr- tali a aswt warL,~egat. tars 3i~e pnt+aets io t+t void otiatpise to # ~d rrmai~w ~ jrl7 jams.
<br />d8" dS FL3RTH£~ siGRE~ {3) That iJ fhe saint eaortgsgter sialt fneT to pap tiaci tests or prorwr twth
<br />taasa~sarrr, tie aid soap !'sy t+tti t¢res awd prac»e asr# ijuiarmttr; atd tis :tan m odertscrd, eotia interest
<br />+# 12 }ice t~f ~ pad tr~rmiai taar#~agar, ewd tiir srertgsga suit s#awd as sernity jsr tie ta~se. (r} Tint
<br />s # t4r -a~?~ sand a'~ rites p+~t~+~i sr irttratt tdut parrs aacs aEw> er a jw"rrrr to rompty wits
<br />~? #~ ttj rlitie . ~ ' pews tile aiedt alas aj tafssry hrrein sccwad to bccoac dw and rotlettiDk
<br />oat spats aY tiffs e~tlm ~.
<br />F4th d~ ~ t?rtuher > t9 T9
<br />4G(J't ' tij ,~ ,,
<br />- ~:.
<br />- - •----u~ar.~.C...., r
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