not extend or postpone the due dste of the monthh' instnllmeuts referred io in paragraph= 1 and 2 hereof or
<br />change Lhe amount of such 9nstalhnents.
<br />14. $orrower Not Released. 1lstension of the time ta• payment or madification of smoriization of the sums
<br />secured by this 3lartgage granted by Lender to an}• successor in interest of Borrower shall rot operaie to release,
<br />in any mamter, the liability of the originsi Borrower and Borrotxcr's successor= in interest. Lender shall not be
<br />required to commence praceedings agsinsi such c_uccessar m• triune rt extend time for psymert. or otherwise modify
<br />snmrtization of ±he sums seethed by this \Iartgaee ip- reasau ns am demand made 6c the original Borrower and
<br />Bo_*rower's SllcCea'Snrs in Interest.
<br />II. Forbearance by Lendez Na! a Waive:. 1uy torbtarance h}- Lender in exercising am- right or remedy
<br />.~ hereunder, or othern•ise sfforded by apl,hcable ian. siuili not ]n' a tt'ai~er of or preclude the exercise of any right
<br />ar rentedv hereunder. Tne pracutement ai nsursaace or the payment of taxes or other liens ot• charges by Lander
<br />shall vot i>e a n-ai;•er ei Lender's right to acceltrate tits matunty ai the indebtedness scored h}• this 1lotgage.
<br />I2 RemedieaCuznulativa. -1L remedies provided in *.iti: \lort,age are distinct:tnd cumulative io any other
<br />.~., right or reined}- under this \Iortsage or at*ardiri he Is\, nr egutty- and ma} be rxereised cancurrentlc. independ-
<br />enil_v or suecec~iv-ei}-.
<br />19. Successors and Assigns Bound: Ioiat and Several Liability: Captions. The eox'enants and agreements
<br />herein captained s]tsll mind, and the rights hereunder =hal inthi• to. the resnerti\'c successors and sssigns of Lender
<br />t75 snd Borrower, sti>iect to the pm;-iainns of t~sra<<•at,it ;' hereof- .A;i careasnts iota a rremcnt> of Forrnvrer ahal!
<br />~ be ioint mtd ~t'ersi. The captiars and hesdin,= of *,hc l;aragranhs of this \Iorteal;e are for rant crience only and
<br />sre not to be used in intenuet ar deans the pro;'isions itereoi.
<br />14. Notice. -3nv naticc to Harrower nrm:dx4t for :., t;lt: \iortpa:*,c :'n.ii! hr p;i;i=n b~ :uaiiinl; such notice be
<br />>~rtin~ msil :rdrac=ed m $erm,cer st tlli• I>roi,er,r _i.i~;rx~ss ~t_atc~l heimc. axes}tt (or sn:• aati_e inquired under
<br />Nsragt~ph IS ]terr'Pi to be _ ~e`Y m Barro;cer ill the nlatntrr ;,:e=eriiuli by sly,iira?de rt. Inc naree proviiied
<br />for in ti_`, >lartrs~ shall''=,e deenavl to 113rr hero tn'cn to $ vtaner a belt _ics n in the mamter designated herein.
<br />I5, Uniform Mortgage: Governing Lane: Severability. 'Clti- torn: , : lnort~:,e ronthincs uniform co, enants
<br />fornst3nnal use snd non-tnriartn carensnts xrith ':.,sit.°,? ;-iris:ions in- ithisiietiol: to eorstitute a uniform seeu-
<br />;iip insir,:;nent ~ averin;: real nraner;-. This \lar._s,c shat! ~orerned h.- the istx' of tit, ,:-indiction in which
<br />the Propariv is iu'rsted. ir. t3tr trtnt that alt}- pmt'tsiotl or csun•_ :,i this Alart_sge or the \ote coaBicts with
<br />spplieable lsw- sueit coa8ict -hail pat aift•ct ot::er l:ra•: is:ors x,i t?ti. \iortgage or the \ote which can be given
<br />?SSL'kT a-rhaut tilt ciii°sr,_ng 1~ ~;.-,v.,, a„~, .~ ...._ ~~ ...... .: ... .. ..- .. .... 'slip _--, ...... Zits, \ntF ;arts decl~'ed
<br />to be savarahle. ,
<br />1& Borrovrfer's Copy- Borrrower shsli he it.r.:i=ed s cnaiorn;ed top}' of thi- Aktrt~s~e st the time of execu-
<br />tion ar aftzr nc~rsatsnr. hernti.
<br />I7. ?rarsafer of the property: i9-ssumction- Ii x?i o; :ink' ;part of .tae Prnnerty or sn interest titcrein is said
<br />or zv-s,:..s'errel by itorrnwer without Ltnder's prior writtt•:s i onsent, exc;udn,~ is ~ th, rrestior, of s lien or ennum-
<br />ht~nce sui,erdinare to this _llon_aee. ~b{ ziix- crestion of :: l~urchasr :none}- securit\- intet•n:t for household appl*.-
<br />ant~. t_ ~ : 2_*•srsier tl devise. do~~nt or ion- olxt~ttiw ,,. ;.. t; u;tan the desth of a ?Dint tenant or tdl the grant of
<br />ang Seaselsoid intermit ai tistre years ar iris not conisir~u, :tl; aptiat to Intrcitase. Lender mry. at Lender's option,
<br />declare sl? the soaps acund t+y this 11;?rtgsge to !te it:. ~t:•.iiati•iti ,iuc an,i },ayab?x~. Lerr:er strati ha\'e \cait-ed such
<br />~~ to s,^xYiers2e ii, prat to the :aix• i r tra ~itr. Lancer and t ax• per`or: to a bolt; rite Yn~pertti- is to be sold or
<br />trst>sierrrd reaca sgnMe~ent rn t\'rung that ti;e i•rtviit ai suci± ptrsar, is :stisiac[orr to 1_rndir and that rite interest
<br />rtarisMle can t_}tc stuns srrurai by t]tis \iartgxec- s_+tsli irc at suet, :~~ I.,=ndzr sltsii -: yuest Ii Lender has wai\-ed
<br />the apiitua to ac\,clerate prctvi,;ed in this j,ars,r3pi: ?: altd if Borrauer's sacrrss`~r in intezzst has executed s writ-
<br />tsl ~ur.iptinn at~rc+etuettt aeec~tir in x\-nttog by Lerdtt. Lx4nder:hall trles:,= Bx~rrmcrr isrol: ail abligatfons tmder•
<br />this aiortgs~e• and tLe \ote.
<br />Ii bander examines uei: option tr. arcs=state. 3,ender shsll lust] ?:a.roaer notic: of scceleratiott in secotdance
<br />tx'1t.L i+arsgraph i~ herc•ai.. burr pat:.~r .]tai: }tra~pje s periai of t;at its: than 321 days iron thr xlate Ills twtiee it
<br />rustled vnthin vch=cx: F3t.,zo;c~r Insi- }=av tha ~i:n: ai~-isn,i 3a,-. Ii Borro:,rr < .,~ a~, ;,~- ~uci _,unc prior to xhe
<br />~:Ii*_t nE:tnn aI +i3Cn per}isu, Li'P;ler Ipa1'. \S-]t ^.oi:t '.til-[;!t'1' t:i~[tii• :,r +:Yl?73ni1 tell Lti~rri=1i'i'r.:1: ~,3~ri? ,gin\- rPnIPdIZs ilzr-
<br />mtttcd by paragraph IR ]te.~xrf-
<br />_"~~~-I a*.rt*p~ C'ivv£~+s:*~. Iixuroev«r ;taxi 3.ender ;ut-tit,=r cc+rt~tt:trit and a~rer v< lollttvvs;
<br />Ig- A_~jgg~iyn_-_Resnediea. ~rriar ~ ,ri+t~,i„1 In ltara>>ra~~ 1: htrta=_ u],.ta Borra,tre!b breach a> um-
<br />>'.r2ran; irr' agrc~tttaent tai ntra°,..;rtr it. t..s.: Z,x,~ ~_- its, , ,:i „_ ,,.et.z.,t= • °+-~..~ ..,x . \ nt. sec:are••i
<br />t,}' tine_11ort~a~, Lrt,:tr t,r?a: tc arx ,x-_..,... ..rAa ,IV.a: .v,r,c° to liiran:\trs - r~ro...;, ,- a,,,1 I4 lterno±
<br />iiy- -~3+ xl:e hranrit. ~ t :r -uo., rxn3ttax,3 t„ tort writ i,rcttelr ,3t r dot. o tt~> z.,stt tarty ;zay>
<br />in~nt thetiair tlx• nt,tltk° is nt-gift'.{ _,., li,a'rt,t+.y~- I,r +luz•ii rurf~ i,:~•urh ntu~ l..r cua•.•a. .. , -d~ tho', i.~:,:;r,~ tc i•nrc
<br />;uah tet+esrh rue or ttr*.~_, ~ .e dstx• -},r,-tisri i.: t;,r r--„xicx• nt3y r.~~ust :n :cx•,•r:,~rat;x~t: ,.. .,., >~unt~ ,_ruriv: tn' this
<br />9ltsrt,r and .a's ai tilt Pta:a'nrt}'- Ii ttx- s,r-Carl: t- n x our.•.i ot. ;,r f,e;on• t ito .3;;ix~ .4.a-ai.•,i to utx- n;,ti,Y•. L~n3er
<br />.sst Lender< a,etau, uxay .itcla.rc . ll r,i the .uln- ~a.ure,1 3,y ;i,tsltortga~, a i,r innnr,tist.r ,it:r sp~i pavsble
<br />sett-'snot iurahrrdctl:arn~l sad :3:yy . rte:n<~- t]:a- ~iart~.z~,r l,l- ]u:itcisl ; °.,e«~9:t~~ Ix:t,i<• =}t:,ii I.x- ,nettSz•;i :a eoile.t
<br />to ~teh pzta~:iri al; ~per.r. x.i ;.rxxk>`a:r l.v„u tit.„ .t-,: nc l„•_;,c,:. ._. ~. ,>< ..~.^.tzan' r\;aic•scr
<br />sty. r8ci~ :..-3d tit~~ tel:~ i`...
<br />19. Ho~rawnr'a ~ fo Reis»deAa._~otattiast.anxitng 3-endrr~ acceleration of tllr suuh seeurc-d tr} thi-
<br />lioei~age, $orrarer shah 't+a\Y the rigla to havr t,n+rardi.^.;> I.rgun i,r;.ic•r tti ert;nre. ttu~ \Ianrrage diu-
<br />at any lisle prior to en*_n• ci a iud~tent enfat3cinl; thi- ~ionesk= ii= is++ Bormx'er hays Lender sl{
<br />atstms vthieh ~t°ouid tse they dye wader t?lis \Iaz*~s>;c.: he \,xe told notes racoon}: I-uturr .~d\'aacrs, ii sny, had no
<br />1+r,c~leatsYt4n oreltrrYd: ,t„ $orrvaer rtrrt? aii C,renrhh ai atrc other r•nrrnant- ar start-rnlentr of Borrau-er eon-
<br />tilHed ie thic ~€ta'igsge; ir? $orroneer parr x17• es;tt•ti::er ineurzrri by !-sprier in x•nioreiug the eovensnts
<br />ate agreemea#s ~ firu'!ow1~r crmtainad in th }inrtgstr snd in eniorrirtr; I.c-ndcr's rrnlc-die; ss prac~ided in para-
<br />18 hereai, iastaditsg, tux[ pat Iisnitcxi tt+, t,essonahie aztorne'r tees: an,i id i l3arni war takes .vch nation as
<br />I.apder may r+eaat~fc' regttir'e to aseatse that the lien of this \langage, Lender'- interest in the Property snd
<br />S~pos•'e tsblegatiam to pas the et~ms steureai h4 tilts lfartg;sgc -hall continue uninapsireri. 1'}ton sued payment
<br />aed-rnsr'~ fir, ihi~ !~Re a~ lice tdsiigstlon= t~curtsi herelty shsll mmain in full imt•t-e and effect as if
<br />fits ~n had ueentre+d.
<br />3@, t d g~ ApQd~et of g~*as; I.eada: is paaa .~, additional ~curity here-
<br />$apigep•}~by ate us I,esdrrtlae mote of Slz+e Propetrn-. providzKl thst Borrower shall, prior to aeceler-
<br />a tsadtsrp4a'agra~t 4S tsermf ~ mast of fire Property. trove the right to collect snd trxsin such rents
<br />s ~ beeoeee doe aruf p~aya~s~.
<br />~Tpan a~eia3iam under patsgrapir I$ I~neo# ar shaudrrtntent of Ilse Yrnpertr-. Lender. in person, l.y agent
<br />1st by jtuliei:lly appointetf nxxiver sisail tae entitlai to enter upon, take po<srssion of and tnaaage the Pronercv
<br />stsd t,a arlled. the rzrrts of the Ptt>, iutluding thn®e past due_ _111 reozs collected hc• Ixnder or the receiver
<br />e~72 }se epgliad first to payasent of the t~csts of tua~ement of 'the Property sad rolk•r•tian of clop<. inciu;iing, but
<br />e! >:«=;',~f ta, receiver, feet. Itremitxtns azt receiver'; twndr and reasonable sttarney'~ ices. and then to the soots
<br />secut'ed by this Mortgage. I.mdes and 'the meirrr shall Ix~ liable to account „nl}' tar those rant. actual]}' reetived.
<br />