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<br /> <br />MORTGAGE _ ___ _ <br />- _~_.__.._-~,_~~____--N(]~TGAf,IiLQANNO. L ~3,6I0 <br />#~u~wAf.I_MeNBVTriESretzrs~'v~:That Larry 0. Dethlefs and Betty Dethlefs, each in his and <br />her own right, and as spouse of each ot~er <br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, in ~nsidention of [lee sum of <br />~~~-nine Thousand Two__r'.undred_and Vo%_70a------_-._-_--------------------- -- -oouAxs <br />irraaet; to said morfgagUt by The Equitable Bm7di.~g and Loan Asso.:iation of (.rand Island, Nebraska, Mortgager, upon $42 shares of stock of <br />aid ASSOCIATION, CeriiCtcstr `ia. 1. 23 r () 0 , dvr fxrrb}~ gram, atnt~y and nwrtgagr into the stid ASSOCIATION thr foliowirtg <br />descn~Eed txa3 eVazr, situated ur fiats C~.rtity, Nrbrsska: <br />L07 SIX (b) IN IMPERIAL t1ILLAfE EIGHTH <br />Sli6^uIViSION, CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL <br />COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />tr+¢ihv with till Itse icaements, he:txiitair,rnts acrd appurttnaztcrs r:hrrcunto beksncirze, including atta~-'ied tkxx :avntirigs, alt wirtdim sneeas, <br />window shacks, tel~ds, sletm*ws, awnm~, beating, au xa3eta~Rfng, snd ~iurtbi~g snd w~te: egrvprnent and a.~crssaries ihereto.}wtrµts, stmeiy <br />tefaigerxtors5 attd otkrrt Sarltttrcs xnd egsiiprric:t sow or herrafter attached io of :urd m c mnrctiaa wit}; aid rrai estatr. <br />And whrrras tree sit mortpgor I~ agues arni dues he.2b} agree t, ~? the ;rlnrtESit r shalt and will pay aD taxtt sad a7S~Cdta levied or <br />assas$ itpata sadd prcart.aa~e.s~~sad itpan rhu arorteagt acrd ilrr bawd xasc-d tharby hrfor:~ the acre strati 6erome del'enqurtet; to furnish approved <br />ins iip?rl the brit-.-q~. on Sad prrmixs s:tuatr-d in eta sun of 5 4~, 200.00 µtysbk to said .~'SOCIAP0N and to d,:iiva to aid <br />ASS(,X t_~1F4(3N t3sc pdirs.s Yv Baia irsnrancr_ and nat _n a~rn>sr;t .:x prrm~t xny w^u2r on or al+uut saa3 prrstrses: <br />ie tax of defurtt in Lfx perfarnanae of xn_v tel the tans and asnditiaru o1 rhs rrrartgaee or ttrr t~rnd xasrrd hereby, [hr lreortgsgre shalt, <br />m dc~d, Fr eatitkut to itmrerdiatr u'taessiotr of thr morttaged prrrrtisrs and ihr rasrtgtietttx tx:eh} assg:s, tnsrs#ers and xts over to the <br />>ekss'~e a8 the rusts, rrsestres and sca[[[r tv br aociir`d fram thr morrgagrd pr..,i~s 6~¢ring su3r ti=1x as thr mtutgage indebtrstriesa steall reaa® <br />~= asd the m'rrt~r s€raH have the paver to mint m;y ay5rnt or agrrets d may drvte for nx purpox of rrpairi~ aid psc=,>ises and renting <br />tLe setae acid mlkct>r~ star ernrs, trwrnrrts a€td sua,aie, and it avv pay ouz of said intyatnr all eapeaxs =:rf rrpaaring said prernixs tired rwcasary <br />oo atsd ealraxs is:-arird ~ ronvng arzi ateflafiitik thr same sad ai catkety~ ccntatS therrftum: xtr balance teau~atg. if any, to 6e <br />tawad itie disd+azpr of said zrrariFA~ iatletrttxfrresa. *hex sights of the zrwirt~gcti ma. be Kerciard at anc tithe dirtiag Itie ettistena oaf suds <br />irrxf,~ietYisr c>f my [e!vtlrmart •r-IioeY of stir satrte. <br />ilsrar ltesest;s, !r.-~+vrcvrr. uc upt~n tis Con?st~n, The*. rf thr sas.1 ~te..gagaa sts3il rrpay saxi ;oan ~v± er helar. the _;aturi[y of Bard shares by <br />pg; per mce°t}riy to said A>aCtCLATS 7N of stir sttm specit'ied m the 6~vrd st.urrd trerrhy as inureu and prmrips: un said satin, 00 or bC{ML <br />t!e Ttie•atirth day :af [set: Baas rm- r~ttE, unrl said lean n fu13y paid; pry art tnxtt and -~~•nts 3rsrd againu said premises and to [leis Mortgage <br />sad Mir :- arrsrrt tkrerei» , firforr drlitrlurr -r: #su:t.~ a~ai:+ved iasv:anrr ripw elir b-as~t~s tb~~rraFn in tlx sun of S ~~ , 200. ~ paysbk <br />to saw ASSO['I.ATIOti: rcpn to Bard ASSCiI'.lA?lOti apse: demand tits r.,,xiry by is pswt is srit$: taxes, assrsvaeats and wsttraate with interest at <br />for msaims~+ ~ rasr t;x:nm frame: flair of pay-tn:m aI7 ssf v:~h,:3,. 11art_e= hrreb# agares iJ :u} : prrrrt no vraste ar said Drtmises;keeir awl wmotr <br />aoia.6 till the agacmeatz acid auwirtions of tix B~vtd lot S ~Y , ~{ . i'~0<;tr, Say giszn by ehr said N.xt¢5:,r to slid .+LSuOCiATSQN, sad am9pfy. <br />ariLta ~ the =xyrrar>rrrsenis iif tku C.:mstirutkm rn:d By-tswx of sea' A~SCY'iA3'i0\. znrn thrx prtxats sbaIl bomzuc rwA and told, othenvix they <br />stem tee m ig#t lar~ aa3 my b; furktsa-d st tirr apuon .zf zM sae: ASS(?ClA :lt?\ afiet iuls:e sot :hr~ rac>3uths rn trzate arty o€ ai:t <br />ptvneeats cv Ise [[star aecrnrls m atrrats to makrrs. ssr. rrww:ttu? payrrrnts, :x to Arrp and ,:,.mpty wstt the agecetmnts and condtteons of std Baid: <br />r~ liaripe):rw rtJres to lrsvr a rrsxtvrr ap}aurntr~ fvtt3`twn3t sn s:a~h iotr ~:rutr a::wase^drt1-~ <br />if ttrex a ary is owne~rip of Ike rrat catatr maYt~S lrerem, bF sale w .;ibrr.:ce, tlitn [tie ratirr tettuirtaeg iodebtedoea hereby <br />zcaead ~~ at 1Lr opaioF :3 Tlie k.yuitabk Buildrtt3 atnt t.osn Asiactaerun .sf l;rand lslaad,'.etrrmi~ lseza>mr unniediatety due and payable wittrwt <br />fucsLet arxxx~., and the aaaeunt trir;ursane d:x runic, stint twtnd, and shy otiirr wzed tc,F arty addiziot_il adrarues madr ttitrcttwics, strxfl. from tCx <br />flax ai rsarmr tS saw tslninn, ~hrar mtrresi as ttir reraxassua: kgai ntr, and tits nnsrtgagc ma} ttsa 6e t.xn3.ved to atufy the 2tfr0ernt dt)t ar sad <br />Irsmd_asd asrj ate t #tii add?titrue sdc3ru~%, ~-ayr-tbrr wide ail such psid by said Tare Etirtitablr rind I vn Assw-utiam o€ Grand Isitad. <br />l+k+bsaats €a mxutarirr, rues asd asxamnrtets a:- 3 atrsiTSCtntte tztenss... ages, vztk; uztesest titermn, # nrrr datr of pat-mcnt n thr ettaximtim <br />~ ~- <br />As psxt>.S 3n t*t; 9t'ad x::scz-3 ierrb~r, u°hik [.:tics t~xtp~r r:t;,x~s <c et'.e4. ;.#e zataflgat;er rmy irttnafiet adsattcr stMiticraa! suatt to the <br />aiaatcss d sssd Head. then assigtis .sr sa~.rzsv,-as m inta:en, whi,_tb Bruns stluii br rnthra the w.zvrity of clsis itrintgagr the same as ttx €uads origSneBy <br />setaaead . [tie total amoturt c+t Pr~$u'• ~bt not tc rxstd at any tin: tt,r .srigtna3 artmrrat of ttas trtartgage. <br />da. ui Nav~ber ' ty •'-° 79 <br />r, <br />at~el e s <br />J <br />~tty lefs ) <br />~~"~, a t3athic 2nd day crf November T4 79 ,befart me, <br />+LtDil1'ti'lf c~ kiAl1 <br />the riat€ersfgried, aNotary etablsc in and far said Cotmiy, personalty tame <br />Larry {f. ilethiefs anti sei:ty T3eth'#efs, each in his and her otvri righ~,~,and as s~IyAdeawn to <br />ea~b air are <br />°C tei ~ ~ ~ pe}S"a S wit' ~' S art afTtud us tM ahstvc '".r.•tasrnt sc mgskgsgtn S and they ~~ <br />admoa€adext ffic said iaaraaoau to be their >2tltattvl+ act and deed, <br />t1R7NfSS ray Freed acid tmo:atial Sint the date a€uresad. <br />II1I1pp SEtzFk Jt+Y" f;. =-.'~Ei ~ `~ ~ f J,~,~~'z~~~~ _ _--.' N"" >/~ <br />iaaaaa u C~I I Ny ~a•r~ ui~.::•~:at_ 1. 19B1 y // / <br />