<br />Thal the Mortgagor will pay the indebtedness as hereinhc•fote'y~ayi~ed7~y
<br />That LIte;Mortgagor is the dwaer.of shod property in tee simple and has gnat right an<i law•ftil authority to srU and
<br />convey the same-and that the same is free and cizar of any lien nr encumhrant'e; find that Mortgagor will warrant and defend the
<br />title to said premises against the claims of a^ pennns whamaueaer.
<br />Tn pay immediately when due and payahle ail general taxes, special faxes, special a..=e~ments, wain charges, sewer sert•-
<br />ice charges. and other taxes and charges against said pn=F~'rty, and all taxes levied on the debt sera red hereM~- anri to furnish the
<br />i\tortgagee, upon r+egaesi, uzih the txiginat or duphrate receipts therefor. The Mortgagor agrre~ that there shall ta• added L>
<br />~'~eae?t monthly ~vment rt~tuired herrmdzr or ender the ecidznce of de^bt secured hereb}• an amr~unt rctimatzd by the A4origagee
<br />1+~1s~~~ !x sui;i~ent to enable the \teriragcr ix= ua}•. R t1n }' :~: ame due, s;! taxes, asszssrttents. and .imilsr sharers uY ~n the prem-
<br />{ .f"'°~ subject [hereto; any deficiency hecau,r of the insufTictrncc of such additional payments shall i><• furthwrth deposited by the
<br />Mortgagor with the A4ortt;agee-upon demand hy- the if ortg;arez. Any default under this paragraph .hall hr• deemed a default in
<br />1O~psi-mwnt of taxes.- asseacmrnts. •,r similar share: rtKiuirrd hzn•under.
<br />dad Thz Mc=rtgagnr ag rrzs thst there shall aL~o ba- added to each monthly Pao ment of i>nneq=ai and interrsi rryuired hzn•~
<br />under an amtaant estimau~# by the Mat-t_gagee fa hi• cufftcient to enable the Jortgagee to pay. as it becomes clue- the insurantr
<br />premium tut am loco toner ix=licy delivered to the Mortgagee. Any drSciency 2=c•cause nt the insufficiency elf such additional Iaay-
<br />.',~ mrnts shall hr' tarihw-ith dep+r--tiro by thz Martgarnr w-ith the Mortgagee upon demand lay the \trr[gagrr..any default under this
<br />"•., paragraph shall hr do coed a default to the pa}•men± of insurance premiums. If the policy or ptd t. te. dep<>.ut<ti: are suds as tx+me-
<br />oa-na=rs nr all tick policies. and the deposits air insufficient to pay the zntirr Premium, the ?aiartgagez ma~~ apply the deposit to
<br />pa}- pzrmtums on risi;s ;rquitck3 to F>z in.ured by this mnrt rage.
<br />Pa}-ment made hr ihr LSer:_aitor ortirr th<- ahc,c~ 7 3rag n+phs maw. :a the =,i,t+,.n „f :no Ai~~rtsak,r lK- h,•hi he . ,•
<br />nvammgie<i ..ah other such funrL az it< r,,,n Sands for the pa~~meat of >arh irzms, and until sn applir3, such payments are heretic
<br />pledged as sec-urih~ far the unpaid balanr of tht n:nrt;age indehtednesc-
<br />Ta ptrcure, deliver in, aitd maintain for the i,enent , f the Mortgagee during the hfe ni this mo: igage ,viginal }xl:cir. and
<br />renew-ais thereof, delnered ai least [zn dots hzfon• ihr rxpirauun <~t any such i>rdictes, insunng against firt• end ocher insurah+ie
<br />~~ , .a oat3~. Q..°na, -.,se:..~.-;~ ~ ~t~ w_ut_~_p,_~ s~,r _~~.m, a_n 9mouitt aortal to the indrht...a~_. se_rvrerl by t3tis
<br />'•trtgage, and to mmpamzs~atrrptahlr to the Mortgagoz. wrti; 1+~-ss pay sblr clause ni fac,v of and m form acceptable t[= rho Mortga-
<br />gee In the Brent any }r~uiey t> not rznrwrd ,+n ur ta<•fore tr : da}s. eF rt. expirauun, ihr 32r~rtgagee ma} pnx-ure insurance r,n the
<br />,mp~revement~, pay Laao• prnmium therriar. and such sum shall }xrmte intmrdta:rly due and payahle with mterzst at the rate :<-t
<br />fo.-th in rand orate unto pain and c}iail hr :rumi by this mortragz. Failure an the pa ri ref the Mortgagor to tarnish such renrwal.s
<br />as w }serran required c=r faiture in pay any sums advanced hzreunder shall, at the option a*, the ~tartgagrr. tt=nstii ate a default
<br />sander tix• terms at this *ncrtgage- The drliczn~ of such p„ii: ir. shall. to ihz rvt~nt of default, c•„nstitutz an assigamtmt of tt+e un-
<br />earned preen-i>,art-
<br />Anv sums re.-rived by the ~torcagee I=} resnn o1 1•vs. or lamage in.urzd against ma}- he retained 6y ihr -Lt~+rtgagee
<br />and al~piird tcsxud the paymzni of the drht hereby =cured.:: r, at the optir>n of ihr Mortgagee, such cams althea w}aolly ur in
<br />part may he paid rnKr to the ltartgasar t++ hr wed to repair sorb buildings or to huild~new twilding< in ttartr pLcr .+r for any
<br />oL's~-r pur_x+se oz rait}ecf catu'factar±' ra the ~i~rteaeez wtih,~ut aftrrt:ng the tiro ,gin the mortgage for iha ful; am.:unt -:rru r<~r1 hrrc
<br />lay trtewr suCt ps}-ment ever too}, pure.
<br />Tu prvxripilr rrliair. rzstcr• ,~r rrt>uiid ary tuiidings ,~r ampro.rmrnt-c now ..r he•rraftrr ern the prrm;+r~ which :nab he~
<br />inzar• damaged ,ter dzsin+yed, t. kzep sail ,>trr.isr= in g x,d a~nltuon and rrnatr and free fr.+m any mrc'ttanic'> tarn cr of her hen ar
<br />tiaim of lien not zspre>ciy sthntdina:r-~d i.+ihr hen h<r,-, :. n,t to .after ,=r i>,•rmit ana ante-clot use o{ nr an~~ nutsaikv to rxtsi an
<br />said prxperty nor to tartmai waste cri seed premi~.e=. n.,r tt, do any- of her ar:.. he n•h} the proi>erty~ hzrrb} ranve~yerl shah beco:ree
<br />Lest aicatdr• nor i• diminuali cr :mPair its , aloe by and act ~:.r ort:assinn to set t.= cnmi+i~ w with all n~~uiremeric of law with re=peer
<br />W t.'se rnorigag:-d > -mi.r.; and the uK ihrrn,r
<br />"T"hat ahc=u:d the prrm:.r. or an- t=art tlx~rrnt t>? taken : r 3amagrc4r :~ex_~,n ni am pahi n,~ , ^. .-nr o ,<•nden avnn
<br />p-v~~ng. ,_: usadar zh« claret .:i .- n.-s:::i..aaa::....r axe an::>r4;Er ~rnta ...«~ `..1--:s.i.:..- ..h.u.~ t..- ....:r:a+i ,.> :a1i .v.mta•u~:»w:.
<br />awards, atsd an}• s=Slat•r ;tac^rznt c,r retvrf then•fc=r and -.hall Zx zn utled as it opu:~n i;• ,Y=mmencc•. apt>rar in end prrxsecutr in rue
<br />^+a--ra ria:nr ant acta,+n ,.r pet-.~r3ing r,r t,+ zral:e any .ompr[xtnxcr v,r >et2lrm:-nt :r .~+n~~•cunn xith su:h taking oz damage All such
<br />tt<-aapxurtratrt,n. a+. ards damages ng;vt cd act.oon azsd ptvYS~e~s ar.• barel=y asigrus3 is thz .'rf nrtga~,re. who mati~. after deducting
<br />t~za•=r:~; all a;:. rxpr^.ai~, to-!e3ae a':y tn:nav_ s=? rc.ne;s•?c? t+i st .,r apply the :axre ,~^. any indrbtrdnzs: strun+d hereby The itart-
<br />SaEOr a£rrrs ta> rsecttlr sueii further asai,Fnna-nts :.f ant cr+mi*znsau+~•n. aw azds, damages. and rights nt action and PrcKe.•d+ as the
<br />Mtsri may rt~uirr '
<br />T1sat an t-aar of failunr ice per#e,. ro an} ,:i tree rn rna;,te hr:r:n. the '.11.,rtgsg~ mss :30 :,n :hr >iortgdgt+r's t>Fhalf ztrr}-thing
<br />so tvuenaate,d. that t:iar M2.rtyager mat also do any act is mat 3.-,•m tt;ti-r+:sa r, t<. prutrr2 the lien therecit, that the tsinrtgag,,r will ~-;
<br />reI'wy uptrt rizmaod say m:,nrts taaitl .~r dishu eyed hy~ the 1t.~rtga£e= f.•r ant cif the atx,.~e purixr-.t=s. and .uch morseys io,etiirr with ,
<br />iate+•esi t2texx*ron at ihr rear ~.^c»ndri ir: ,aid Hate stall h+-,,.mom +,. mu:n aci;i:ttunal tnd<•ht«dnrse i+ercbv se•cutrd and ma} tee in-
<br />t3adezl Sze any dei`re+r fcvn^l•.w.irxg this -t>.sigage and t~ Fsaid <wt :=t the rents or prvicerds r.f sale .,f said pri-mines if .xai othet-a~ise
<br />t3tat it tYSal3 M"< }e vhtigatx:n- u}x:r. *,?tt- Atort."ag+'r to irtqutrr ante: the vaiid:ty of any !ve=t, en<~umhranr.-: nr maim in ad-
<br />raaeang mrnrr•s at'. atwx~a° auth„riz i. "~.:: rwthinK trrra•:n .aa tau:ed shall tz c in>truc-i as t^rquiring the !,tx~n.Kager to advance any
<br />}'a fca arty sorb purpcasz nor io dr• a.7y art hrszutidzr.. and that Maft3agrr shall nc.t incur and- o-rrx,na; haF+thtyi+rrac,e of anv_
<br />t}stxg # ~y tto ar u~r2 to do iaenutnder.
<br />3za the t. mt of tlae 3efault h_s Ts9 tart~ag-_.- ,n the paynr<~nt i=f ary vnstallmenc a. r~uir=•,i bu tF+.- !~.nr sc.-urrd Sae rrtxr' or
<br />m rylar #.ay'frrn+aru+e+ of Star ekurgatmn in this mortE.agr- er ui rte now srcure~d thr•reSy- the SSr~rtg-sre.~ >hali t,'e znr,drd u= dx.larr the
<br />da^FK atcvzed her hi :Sur and payahle wiii,cwi nexax, xnd inr ?torigagee shall t>r- rnutird at .t_, :_.},t...rr with.~ut n.~::re, ei#he: by i.::f
<br />or ley a tr;cr•=err tr, t•r aplw:ntx,l by flee Puri therer~f. and a. it runt ergo rd to ilia adctiuact an} .~ -aril. f..z ih. mdehtetfnras se
<br />t•arrwtl ~, #,~ rents upon were ;slt• }>_,~y+ir=rr of S-tre m.s; tgayx~i P.rcmiars_ .tr>L '..> r;i~t ash rrcertr :he rants. ,:sues and pr: nits
<br />i$>r e1~aa, arm ~pyry the sa.-~e, ~ »~ts of s~t~tiz:n arm rvllts"=ea, open the ~debtrxineaa n€x'u red lay ttu> mortgage. said rents,
<br />laRiMa am8 prtr$ta b'.utL hezcasy aa®gaed to the RSotigager as further sxvri#y far the pat-niert of all indzt,t^dne,.:.r-currs'i fierzhy
<br />7'1t• A$uri~ee strati Fare the Fstwrr t;:, apix~irxt any adrnt :+r a£<rnt it may desi.w fnr the Pu rixnr t+t repairing said prem-
<br />wer.- rarrstrr+g tAe soccer , irdlrttin& she rents, rot-mrt~ and xrrcr..mr, and ;t znay pay vat of swd m:•vmr ail r-.t,r r:srs +n r ,.- ~n r«-nt
<br />eat{ aar3 tuar.Rgi~ the aaare and of coiiect.itag the rentals therefrom T'ne balance rrmaxmng. et any. ,halt tn. aPpi+e'3 rtoward the
<br />r7- of the R9tis ataigztment is in termirea4s and become null and coa'1 upon zeleaai• of this mortgage
<br />
<br />
<br />