<br />KNOW ALL h1EN BY THESE PRESENTS: Thar Charles D. zed Glenda K. Frasier
<br />(~'zCoc,
<br />n consideration of the
<br />wm of ~ teen t Dusan seven an no, ------------------------------- (S 15,007,00 1
<br />DGLLARS, in hand paid, do hereby sell and convey unto State Federal Savings and Loan Association, Bectrice, Nebraska, the
<br />followirgdezcribedpremises: LOt Five (5) and the North Six (6) feet of Lot Foul (4),
<br />In Block Tt~elve (12), in West Park Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall
<br />County, Plehraska-
<br />1
<br />the intention being to mousy hereby an a6 salute rite Sn *re situp%c, :n ci;;ding cli me riches of hamesteod and dower.
<br />TC+ NAVE AND TO HOLD the prem;ses aeas•e aes:rata, ".. , „ . ?he sap rteea~ces t"ese~rtc belonging unto the said
<br />Stars Federal Savings and Loan Assacioiion, 3eatrice, Neeres:c, and !a ,'s'cssigns }crrver, ar.olaec alweSS, and these present: are
<br />upon t?,e express cortditian that it the seid. Charles D. anti Gllnda K, Frasier
<br />t^.e;r Hefts, e><eatcrs, ay.^~nisraten a assists sha!i ~~ or cause to be poid tc
<br />ttae said Stare Federei Savings and Loan Aswci¢tim, 3eatrice, Nearoska, the su^ of Fif[een [Itol,yaand
<br />¢ovpn anA ors [>00----- (S IS 007.OD ~ DOLLARS, with interest ?Hereon ar the rate shaven in the
<br />n a se cc>nng ttm carne, and shall poy eii taxes and an.' interest an, o: motoring Snstailmc~is of arinc;pnl ace an any prier mvrrgoge
<br />ana aszrssrmah levied upon said tool es?cie, ana al! other !ages and azzessmenis levied uaan t;^is T_artgaar ar the notes which this
<br />marrgagc ix given to secure, deface the same becc:r:es dc3inauent and Aeep tie premises ;ns;:red, as S: a!c =odors! Savings and Loan
<br />AfSlla ip4 ion mCY feCjV ire, with +aSS, ;' and. -a4'ablt '.a 5'~~i first .mortaa:ee ar ifi iz mortaaaee. ar aa2h_ tne3a these areSP_nfs to ae
<br />„id, arherwrize robe sad remain in f,.li farce, _ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~
<br />iT ?S L:NDERSTOOD AND AC>REED chat this mar+qa-3e %s suhiect to t+;e mortga3e to State Faderal
<br />Savin¢s ~ Laan kssaciation
<br />dated ti'K ilirh das~ of tlugti5t 19 ~~ ,and recorded as (!nstrumert Na. 210'i75Q19 )
<br />fB«~ I ~ p~ 15w
<br />]T i5 FURTNE"r. AGREED tir_t ii t?:e said martangors sha13 fail to pay sutia faxes and such interest «s, ar maturing insraiimenK
<br />of principal, dare an an:- prier :-tortaaae and procure ;uah iazuronce, coon this mortgagez may poy such in.es and such interest on, or
<br />ma^urtng itastn!imen:s es principal, due c .. such _rier ma: Ygoge and arocure such insvrante; ar.~ the wm sa advanced wit.. interest at
<br />ir±e e3e~ers per cent (l l'~3 sim!I ce Para b, cats -,u. rgagors, and rh is marrgoge shall stand as srcur;sy for the same. Tint a failure to
<br />,Day any of said :parse y, eitfier grin:":psi ar interest on ibis ar any prior nartgage, when the sn~*e Se_a.mes due or o ~ai{ure to comply
<br />with my of tfte {c~egoin^ oareements, s,'a:li _ause the w^tolt sun ar manev herein secured !c became due and callecrab!e at on.-.~ at
<br />the apt"tan of tht mortgagee.
<br />iT IS FtfRTN£R AC'RfED ti,,~ said mortgagee, "pending foreclosure of this mortgage and after decree and pending stay thereon
<br />ar l :herefram grad pendirsg sale of premises mar?gaged, may pay wch raxcs and maturing interest or mahrring instodlmenh of
<br />ptircipc3, on priar rn~4gaaes, pracure such ins_~rrxtcr and such wms shah be added to tlae amount dtK on decree and upo+t arnfimw-
<br />tian of sale 6y the caurt ordered taken our at praceers of sale- cr if redeertsed during stay, appeal .nr sale. such mounts shad 6e
<br />aoilected ii,c same m though. it were o pan e't wch decree.
<br />_ P
<br />3yy~ned t':vs ~..- . ~ ia.' a{ - ~ t.'I~u~ r" 19 -'F}~ .
<br />^~
<br />STATE i3F i''°~i~~r__z i' i
<br />~ ss.
<br />1
<br />Gr, tk.s ~•"~ ~ day 4 r . =~ L •° t" i "v s `; ,before me, )~
<br />r , a Nc?ary P;,hiic in and far said Laurt y,
<br />persw+olly :.gene '._'hfs r 1~S /) f; ~• z r r { 'r r' ,rS' ~r ~ ~'
<br />pe:,p?t71j}' 3vrorm to =ne fo Ice the identiaot }mrs.Hn '<s3 whasr nar^~ fs3 is afLxed to the shave rnd !'oragcing ;nziro-Te-r cod severo!!y
<br />a:inawiedyed rix execu9ior. therefv;! to be r-h c_i valuntc;y a~ and deed Set the purpose therein expresses.
<br />.'r`ITNESS my ?•aars~ and Aatxia! Sea9, a* `. ~r..~^_?lI~2s~2
<br />in said Osrueety, the da_r` and -ye-ar in tkro cc#i~tat~ abovs ,.rrit#en. ~
<br />~~
<br />Crssrsraissianexpires: ~disib~ N~ry Pvbiic
<br />M-32 Rev, 6-'i3
<br />