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<br /> <br />~4'HFREAS, the Mortgagor may Erom time' to time Ix- or become indebted to Mortgagee on the balantr of <br />Mortgagor's current account with said $ank, whether in ttisprct of uunu•vs advanced or paid toot Eor the use a(said <br />iSlurtga<gor, or charges incurred on his account or in rrsptrt of negotiable insu-ununts drae•n, accepted, guaranteed. <br />or endorsed by him, or on his tx•half and discounted ur pxid tm held by said Bank either at A-lortgagut', rrq urst u; in <br />Fhr cuutx• n( business ur udu•twix•, rn in u•six•t t ul nurnev, which the said \Initga};us shall Ix•tunu liable' ut pay «, <br />s:ud Bank in any manner s+hauix•vet,:uniwbet her ,ut h uu>uor shat! ix p:ud ur irn un od un \fut tgagrn'a tx•hell alone <br />orjtantl? with any tuber pt•rwn ut }x•rsorn ur u,;ihn:uiun: and <br />S7<HER>vAS, the Murtgagordoes for himself and iur his heir, n•presemativ:•s, grzntet•s_,utcessn,and assigns, the <br />owners of said lands and propern, hereby exprt•ssly vv:trrnu, tucenant, a},nc•t• and stipulate urand with the said outer <br />parties to this instrument and their successors, vendrrs and assigns: <br />FIRST: 'T'hat the lien created by this instrument is a (lest and prior Gen and rrxumttranre on the atxtve described <br />land and isnpruccntents. <br />S1=COND To pay the indebtedness as in said no«• provider(. <br />17lIRD: l~cr pay, on drmautt, the h;tlancc• u( tlurt•„tgut's t urre•ut at;uunt t+~ith sand Bank. uht•tht•t iu respect at <br />moneys advantt•d or paid nror for the use ui the said Afurtg;rgor, or rhargrs incurred on his account, or in respect of <br />negatiablr in,uunu•trts eir;n. n, ac r eptrti. guaranteed oe erniorsrd by him or un his tx halt, and discounted or paid or <br />held by said Bank eitht•r at Jiungagot's request or in the course ui business or uthenvise. or iu resptrt of tnuneys <br />uhieh the card lturt};agor shalE txYUmr liable [u }ray to said Bank i^ any ntanner whatsoever, and whether such <br />moneys shah br paid u: irn-unctil un ~lurtg;rgtx's lxhall alone ur jointly v+ith any u;hea prrwn ur }x•ruxx or <br />anpomtiun. <br />F()t R171 lrrprtxmeandntatntatn}xrlitirsullire,vvindsturnr,a~~dcxlakrsiuninsuranrronthebuildingsrrtctrd <br />arxi ur iae cell ud u}xnr the atx,vr dex ritxti premist•s itz :t tvm}xruv ar cunzpanirs acre ptablr to the I'nitrti ~lissuwr <br />$ank crl ian,as C:itv. \ :~.. ur rite amoum ui __ Sece_rty- Ei~~ht I`hou_sand and1to~i00 -~ <br />-----'._-- '.. '_-- _ -- 1>i>ilars +S__..7S,QOO.i?~ --- - r wish nu co-inwrancr elawts m the <br />}xrlirrc•s u1 utsusantr ank•., tlx- t'nittd \irssow t Bank ul t.en,a, t:rtv..\.:~., ,hart tonsem thereto in writing, tier <br />losses. rl an+, }ra,,+b1r ro the L'nrteti \tissuurr &tnk u) (yens, tats. \,:;.his further as,Reeci that alt ptrlicit•s of <br />tnsuratxr of r+hatrvrr narusr and at ++hau•vrr amount. taken urn .,n s:ud tmpruvrntrnts us fixtures thereto attacntd <br />during the rxrstt•rnr u! the debt, hrscbv see un^d. shall tx• r.rnstantfv esstgrx^ri, pledged and delivered to said L'niteti <br />:~li:sousi Bank ul Aansa, t:in, ti..a., lot turtht•t strut mg the tirvmrrst thrreot and drat all renewal }xrlicies shall 6r <br />deinetrtl to said L'niteti \tiswuri Bank ni l:ansas t:ity. \.:l , at Irast thn•r ts~ days before the expiration of the old <br />policies., with full ptrv+rr hereby conirttrd to seine atzd runrptirntisrell hrss claims, todenrand. receive and receipt Iur <br />all mcrnrvs brronzing payable tltetrundrr. and the smzr t„ sppty toward the }xtymrnt of said obligatiot>s, unless <br />otherscisr yard. of to rrburidingor sruoring Iht elamagt-ei !:•,ridrrg as the t'nrtrd ~fissauri $ank at kansas Cite. \.A., <br />may rtt+rt. if an, of said agreements lx~ not periurmt-ai as aturt•s.rrd. then satd t`nitcd Missouri Hank vt Kansas Cin, <br />S3_. may rlitax and prt,curr sorb in,urazxr. pay tog tltc .,,,t tttera,t, acrd {cx the repayment ©t a}} mums s dtus paid <br />ts-rth imetrst thereon i n~am tdrt• ttme of }aavnrerzt :+t t ttr r ate ui rrg}u per tent per annum, these presents shalt ter security <br />in like manner and with l;ke rtlru a, fur r}tt• }aavntrm al >ard note and lather tndebtedness here6r secured. <br />The L oiled 4iissraurt Bank o; l:ansas t.aiv, \..>,., t, hereby expressly authorizt•d and ern}xn+•end by the ~tcxtgag+rt <br />to rtalin t and rcrrrv.~ it onz any insurer ,suing p:,liters ut any ktnd r uvering said prrnzlses, alt such amounts as rosy trc• <br />due „+ t><rvabk• zo t1x- Mon ,agar by way „i unranz:vi pu•mmnzs or u4rrrw'rsr, un env such polio or }xalit its ,d <br />tmurernr. siruuld,aril}xrlsrv ur }xr3lrtr,,u tr•,uranrrtx at .env timetarnrllrcilusarrvCauseurup~nanvground,arni <br />v}xhr the rzzrtp; ..,t ,trz h unretrn•ti przztzturn from ,utlr rnsurz•r to insurers, L•urtcd \lissouri $ank of li:tnsas City, <br />-.~•amvr}xBarrtburnthr naarze_txhaliarxlstea~luithc•ltortur,ashu <br />.tgrc-rrt 3-hr t stttti',Stssr,uti t3ank r_l tians.t, C:tty . i A., is tx-n-bv luribrt z-v.prrsslcgivrn bythe ~hstg-agtxiutl}xme: <br />to rradur,a !; r+ name u}x,u .env vhtik,:rt voutbrts ~rvt-n io },evux•m t,i s.rtd premiums w tttet Grrr signature tai the <br />L~rrn;x.i }#ssvinri H:rnl rsi S~a:zs3st acv. S-A., ,halt ix~ taken w uh itkrrlicti t as ii the lSrstgagur had individu;clly signed <br />ear rndtusrtii s.txi t 1r;-t;.c „r v~ou: hers- _~11 >uc h :n.;tx~v, as ,hell lx- tlatts t olltvtrd and rrteiv-rd bti• ttze t?nit~ ~lisstwr i <br />$attk ,ai ); ansas t:rt+. \'..1., ntav br .a}>taiiz-d by rt to tlrr e,„t „t l,t,. mtne other irzsutasxe un thrUrvtarrty conveyed by <br />th rs m,,;tg.arr. atz=r any rxt~•,s rematrnag, at atty. t., tx-.+;;r!;rri :,,v, a:-± t>;;v.azrnt cal intrresr attd or }~i~tc~ipal then t:t <br />t}at'r caller ata;i3 irtL`. <br />In tfsrra~rnt r,i t.a:ei,r,ttri ttrtrundrr. ila liott~,acr^r,hall heve~ tali and:,nnplrte F<,,wrrtuasstgariottx-puttlxax-t <br />is pirrxixa~ t s at sot h tvrrrg Irrsurr .ak auv and ail }, rrs ~ d m,ur anve v. tut h may rltrn tx m lurcrarnd rifer t u}xan the <br />}ur.pcrt, hereby i.,n+c-~r1i ru rte tali ernes},u r.3 lean +~Y sn, h tx,hz+ „r lx,b, trs. and the Mrxt};agur frail not tx• <br />rnutkx3 +„ l;<irr ,.;rd ur,urar>zr+artcrllrxi end tr, ncrsvc-the unrarrtid p,t uuu:u rkrrrtrn. <br />F1F 111 l hat ilar v hr ale . rl tl k~ }rr o« rEwi sum ut sard nu« , t u x, mac h t txv r,r! as steal! rrrnaiu un}a,nd. anti the whnh~ <br />tai en, mdristrdnrss to S_av,.r :,i std Bank as p;~n rdrei eta p.uaEt_aph numix-trzl hhttil hrrmt. shall 6c•ttunr dtte at ihr <br />ir},u,~:a..t the t nr«•d.'.11sse=va t Berk,=! Isatrsas L_rty. \..~ . are tIx , ,rsc ut rs,{ e, ut,! ,rr tdtsratrnrl drtnult tiran,rt rrrnur a! <br />,>! atsv d,;etldnzg rr~rrt~ u~uz s.ui, t,release., ur ur tix~ re,e ,d the malui.;wun iur puhhe ux•, untdrrnnauutr ol, ut <br />rxrl~rac- t+i id'tt~ rrghe tr rm urrnt :i:nnain dry arav publrt avdus uv v+uh resixYi to any puruon vi said land and <br />irt}al=,vc•rrx•nts. anvtlrr[xg lrrrrtn ,.,rnarnrd u, the c„nuaty nutv+rtizstandirtg- <br />51\ 1 H. I zr rxtraxr auv i w rlrrr rtx-ressir v assutarx r; z! the ti t it a, seal prrnusrs and will f urever+. at rant ,yid ti tle. <br />§7" t'E\ 1i1: 1 u'st•t7a all ixu ldtngs and other rm}an,vrrrrrrts on :std prttinix•s m gzx>d repair and nei[trer torommit <br />rn.r sober aarv v. a,tr up.,n ,std pet-tu a,es. =r, ri t, ~ il„any . nlr<~+. ai l vv ttrrrhr the- pt:,}ae-rtv hrtcbv t unv rvr:l ,h:ell tx~tumr <br />k•ss v-afv.rtriz~ ll a:::,- ui vrd .agtr~trs°nt, tr, n.,a },r;fornrzci as eluresatcl. t~mtrd ]itssouri Bank ul tans.t, t.ity. \.:1-, <br />nra+. Hlr t-r'1t3; rxi H14C,~1 clrr"SkA:ttt. :':1<41:ins: 4!laY L'3Y-.ill lt'} X11, nr JL„eplln, In rlt: t-S,aft I+, pIY,Yrtr Ihc'i[Y in ttt Crt this <br />insirt:mchrt. },+n mg der ;aa,t rimer+li and t~ rr t i>;~ sc-t>av tnc-m ,ri .tll m, rtte~, slew yard rsuh t ntrrest t trrrcuu Irom the tune <br />rii paytntxrt at d~• ra t-rglzr pt•r tt•nt pt•t annuns. tizrst pn•sem, ,ball ter sri w uv m lrkr nwmte; and w itir like rllri i <br />as Ito the payrnrni ui said tautr arxi rather indetatttlnrss hereby st-t acrd. <br />1:1C;tfI!-I: lia }a;tv lcrtlrs.sth ail tsars, esxssrnrrus and public rhargrs, Krnrra! and special, and pen.tltirs nor; <br />rxistirrp a#;arnsa saki lands atad itteptra+alrrx-nts and to laev atn•u due atzd payable all taxes. assessrnrnts and pubhr <br />chat~C->, };c~rx•ral and sprtaal, attd prnaltu-s hrrrairer 6e•truning dtrr thereon +rr thrrrior and to exhibit to t'tntrd <br />Missouri $ank ui S.ansas t;ity,'.V-:1., all nreipu:cx oitix~ .:rtisix Cur : ev itk•ucr,d sac h pay enrol: and tokrrp,eid I'ands <br />arxi tm}aruvc•mratts tree- burn all lints arsd t Cairn, crl rvrr~ kind. whrtlter statu«ar v of otherwise, and to (stater t the title <br />erred putarssxan ul said prttn isrs uv that this mcx 1};egt• +lrat l 'tx• acrd rrrnain a t it s t l ien tirera;n. li any of said agt e•t•mt•m, <br />be exert perfvrmc•d as eltxtsatd, t'tutrd l4iisscxai Flank of Kens;u t:ity, ;R.:A., without notice [u ur demand burn tht• <br />741ortg-agar. may' pay stxh txs, asst•ssn:rnt, that Kr acrd prnaltin, or :,nti hart tlirrt•tr(. and ma} alst, pay the tins( <br />Strclgxrxxsr: ul any lien, ar soy claims wnxlr t, w may Ixv omt• a Kett. r bar ge or rncumbranrr ten said land and ur <br />impravemrnts. inc ludirtg attturx-y ~s (tx-s and alt rents mcutr-rd ,rr ex}x'ndr<i ;n the defense of any lien, r (aim ur euir, <br />acrd the Merrt~or aKrtxs eo repay any amount scr paid. ;u the tutted Missoun Bank ,ri k;tnsas (:icy, \'.:1., with <br />mten•st tht3x^em at the rate e~,J rrghi }x~r lever ,per antrum, u•ithotn notir r ur demand, and fur such rei,aymnat wrth <br />intnrst ihrse pn•xrtts s~u13 br reatrrity in like manner, erne! with like r3trt t as Iw the p:tynrrnt of said note' and other <br />