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r <br />31- 0 4 - 0 2 7 9 ~ This form is used in connec- <br />lion with mortgages insured <br />MORTGAGE under the one- to four-family <br />~5~, p grovisions of the National <br />~~~J~ Housing Act. <br />(WITH DERERRED INTEREST AND INCREASING MONTLY INSTALLMENTS} <br />THISbtOKTGAGE,madeandexecutedthis 2ND day of November ,A.I). <br />19 79 .bvandbetween Steven Allen ?Siner and Helen Ann Miner, husband and wife <br />of the County of H a 11 ,and Stale of Nebraska, party of the first part, hereinafter called <br />the Mortgagor, and Mortgage Plus Sncorporated <br />a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the D n i t e d States o f Am e r i c a <br />party of the snood part, hereinafter called the Mortgagee, <br />S}`ffNESSETH:ThatthesaidMortgagor,forandinconside~ationofthesumof Forty Five Thousand and 00J100 <br />ths _______^•--_°----------------------°-- t?ollarsj$ 45,000.00 ?. Paid by the Mort- <br />gaget, [he receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has Granted and Sotd and by these presents does Grant, Bar- <br />gain, Sett. Convey and Confirm unto tht '«fottgagee, its sucrxssors and assigns, forever, the following-described <br />real estate, situated in the County of H a 11 ,and State <br />of ~tebraska, to wit: <br />Lat Sixty-Seven (o?), in Le Heights Fourth Subdivision, Hall County,Nebraska. <br />also known as: 4259 Manchester, Grand Islar.d,NE ;:8501 <br />aef tice Sixth Prinagtal Meridian, contaitstpc in art a au n t v p r. ap e r t y acres aecordictg to Govern- <br />meat stgstet <br />TO HA.YE ANU'i'U HOLD the premises akxive 3escrilxd, wi#tr all the appunrnancts thereunto belonging and ittcludettg <br />ah iteasixtg. plumbing atcel i~3tting features arn1 equipment tx~w ~ hereafter attacteed io 4~r used in cortMCtior. ,with said real estate <br />ttnta the Warlgaget- and to its sm crssars and as;igns, fornrr. The Siorigagor reprexnu w. and covenants with, the Mottgs- <br />gtt. that the Mc+u has gotsd tight to stI! anti co[ttir} said prrmists; that they are free fs~[n cttcumbrattce; attd that the <br />wiA [warrant and defend the same a#iainst the lawful claims of all prrstas whamsoevtr; and the said Idortgagar hm- <br />h} relinquishes aB righ2sof la~estrad. a~ alt tam'tiai right.. tither in ta>A ;x inequity. and alt abet contirt$+rnt interests of the <br />u[ arr3 to [Ise atti v r-urs~°tbed pr~iiscs, ihr inun i~it~ to c.~i e; fa~~ a3 skit, mute true, in;te s~p;e, sc~d- <br />i~ ~! tuts of ftomtstead, asd other rights and interests as of xtsaid. <br />Pfi€)~'II3EA AI_i1'At S, sad thrst presents err rxnuted and deticercd upon ttx fottowirtg c>ttditiw[s, to wit; <br />I7te It6ortgagttr attrces w pay m the Mortgrtg~, c7r ruder, the pxintifwt sZttn of Ferry Five T h a u s a n d and O G ,~ 10 0 t h <br />f'ti !lets iS 3 5 , 0 0 0. 0 0 ?. with inttrrst from <br />dattattherateof Eleven and one half ptrcentttm[ 11.5 ertptrannttmm <br />rite balaare suttd paid .The said princ>:wal amt interest shaft be pay able at tht nfftce of Mortgage P 1 u s I n a o r p o r a t e d <br />Englevr:au, Colarada <br />is . x az such other place as the holder of <br />the mag dtsi~Frate ire Sri, in ~=rv=Ft'&i~ i~iusls`atrlsis of (according ~ ., Schedule A a t ± a c tt e d t o s a i d <br />ante) -^--------------- flol3arsis --------------------~.zommrndingontlxhrstdayof <br />J an ru3 ar ~ i+' 8 0 ~' ~ the fvst day of each month Thtreafter untie the principal and in- <br />tetru are fully paid, except tsar '~e fleet gs}ntetat of principal and interest, if [tat swMr paid, shall be due and <br />pavalak am the feu da?' d D e c e alb e r 2 010 ; at! according to the terms of a certain p¢om[s- <br />mry twit of eves dart ttertts~ executed by Ilse said Morrga- <br />?ter leturtgagte in order ntmr fully to prnte:.i the strrtrity esi this tdtutgage- egrets: <br />1. That Tx vrdl pay the iadirttess, as hereirinefore ~avided. ikivilegt is reservcrf to pay the debt in whole, a in an <br />amorst equtd un ame a sort ax*athly paynxats on ehe pnncipat [hat are Mxt due on the note, cw the first d'a} of any month <br />prier to tsafit[ity_ iatotided, Isc~ec~er, Tsar wri~en tsotirx of an intentitxt to exercise such privilege is given at least thhty #:ifli <br />Sys t ~ pXmeat. <br />? Thaw, ittg>ezlxr sriti[, asd ~ addittion to, rite monody paymmis of principa! and itrtertst payabtc uttdet the terms of the <br />Wait stsxtnnd tortity, dte wtli pay to the Mattgaaet, on the first day of ear;lt month until the sate Hate is fully paid. the <br />follpwitaitsttss: <br />#aj Ataannt ~affir3emt to provide tht kidder hereof s~th funds to pay the nct[= [ttcrrtgage insuranrz premium if this <br />atsuutttetta sad the tree reesued httsby are ittwtred, or a rnoathly charge /in lieu oja mortgage insur¢ncr per <br />tranm} if they ate held by the f~c .rotary of Housing and Urban tkvelapment, as f ollaws: <br />(I) If and sa long u said note of eeett dau and this inatrutnent are insured nr are reinsured under the pro- <br />viitoIIS of the I~tiotu! Housing Aci, an amount aufftd•:zt to accumulate in [he hands of the hrnder one <br />S1'ATEOF VEBKASIiA <br />P*e!~houstmatre tS!>.ot+rs r~ir.-2ta3W {to~~r; <br />