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<br />79-? t~'72'7 r
<br />(4) That in the event the Mortgagors fail to pay when dve aqy taxes, 11 ens, ?udgments, or assessments, or fail to
<br />maintain insurance as hereirbefore provided, or fail to pay rents, fees, or charges under the terms of sly lease,
<br />pe!tait, license, or Privilege; or Mortgagee is required La incur expanses far abstract tees, attorney fees, cesLS,
<br />ezpenses, and other charges 1n connect ian with litigation, Mortgagee may make such pa}m:ent or provide such insurance,
<br />nr incur such nbllgatlan, sod the amaunts ga!d therefor shall Decome a part o2 the indebtedness secured Hereby due
<br />and payable Lmaediatel_Y, and shall best interest Tram Lhe date of payment sL the same rate as provl deg for detault
<br />Sn tre note.
<br />(51 T9aL in the event aqy awards a^e rnade to the vartgagnrs or their successors Sr, interest Sor taking or damaging
<br />Dy the esarcYse of eminent domain the whale or ary part of the mortgaged premises or arty easement therein, the Bald
<br />awards are hereby assigned to the Martgagee; LY,e Mortgagee is hereby authorized to collect, receive, and receipt
<br />timrefor and to app>y the sere Sn Payreert of 3cyy indebtedness, matured or unmaturetl, secured by this mortgage.
<br />(~) Est in the EvanL Y~rtgagors default la the gaym2nt of said grinclpal sum, ar of soy installment Lhereo<`, o
<br />-nf snv Interest trerenr., at the time when the ss,>se s?rali De due, or with respect to aqy covenant ar contll Lion here-
<br />of, tDen, aL the agtiaa eS Mortgsgee, the entire Indebtedness secured hereby shall forthwith Decome due and gay able,
<br />sitali bear interest aL the default ra*e described Sn said note, and the Mortgagee may immediately foreclose this
<br />mnrtgsgE nr pursue anY oL9er available legal reme~•.
<br />(^? Tnat in GhE event sc*_len is brought to fare.^.l ase this marL,lsge, the Mortgagee shall De c.lLitled La immediate
<br />Po-~esslaa of the mortgaged gre:eises, :.std the court may apgaint a receiver to Lake possession o2 ssid Premises, with
<br />LLe usual-pa+rers of receivers in like cases.
<br />X81 ~1'hsL :allure nr delay of Mortgagee to eserclse sty ,; .ts r'. g_*,LS n^ privileges shall aot be construed as a
<br />msiv2r '..Ae.^eai: Lhst s>,y sot c>` Mortgsgee wsiv!ng env specific^, default a' Mortgagars shsll not De canstrued as a
<br />xaiver of any fut~*e defaults: that In case cf defa;rlt !n the pay'meP.t ei at>}• amort!:.atian installments or Interest,
<br />ar In case a2 gay-meat. Dr Hti^tgag?z of soy lien. 1_dr,.,en*-. Lae, lnsursnce, cast or ec~;se, or rents, *ees or charges,
<br />said !Sa tgsgse shah Slave the y=IVilege, without declsri:rg the whole SndeDt2dress due and psyaDle, Lo foreclose on
<br />sCCe;:ni of s3:u spat i_*Ic dataslt _*or such sums r, a^e ir, d=lsult and such Soreclasur= grnce2dings msy De hsd end
<br />the land described D2s•e In m$y D2 sold, suDJ? t. t.a tba unpaid Srdebtedness hereby scow^ed, aed tills mortgage shall
<br />amtinue ar a lien far ary unpaid bslsnoa.
<br />izt That £he 34nrt~ee asy aztend and defer the mat•Wrlty ai end renew sod reamortite Bald indeb*_edness, relessa
<br />~'t-a¢ liapSlity stn g$r.y _Sab1e thz_^a an, sntl release Srnm Lhe lit hereof ParUlans of *..he graperty covered hereby,
<br />FS*_hn:rt ~*fectin{£ the ,r1or1*y Derec? nr th= '_IaDllity eS Mar Lgagnrs or aztY ether party ic_^ the Paymeni oS said
<br />itrdetat•~drress, all s'~c;l ezUe':sians, deSermants, renzraais, and reaenr!.Saatlans to be secured hereby.
<br />(9t~1 Traransfer cf SeccvZ'1 ty. 1*.. 1s s~,~^2ed Def~en the gartles hereto, their heirs, legal representstives and assigns,
<br />L$at the ihteg:•SLy and resgarsi.!1!ty aS xtie Mertgsgers canstitutas s ;art aS Lbe canslderaGian for the note secvred
<br />nenlav, and LDaL Sn Lhe evgpt. t;ne h`a_^tga,_2^..rs Shall soli, Lrsnsiar, ar canvev the p.rogerLy described herein, the
<br />!irr'tgr~ee ~y ai its option declsre the ~iLire Indebtedness Itgacdlat.e ly Sue and payable anQ may preceeQ In '._Ae en-
<br />Sarc~aent of its rights as na ~' atTer detault is the teens of the Hate sod martgsge_
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<br />}am'rrs aAd. as axscu.dne, ?easai+x, Lr aesaa+ ~-e+zi.2~, ~c~3i ~ :o i~.e carters.
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