<br />OK'D BY:
<br />/N CONSIDERAT/ON ojrhe payment of the debt named therein, the
<br />., c hereby releases the mortgage made to
<br />_.,... ~...C.. ''.
<br />M
<br />P
<br />by ,,..,.. ._ _......,. ... ,..,...._..~.
<br />art the following described real estate, to-wit:
<br />ajSertian , in TowrrsF<ip ,Range ojrhe P. M., _.? r,
<br />C iuurtr. Srute of ... , . .' »>hich is recorded in Book i ~ ojReat Estate alarrgages, lwge ~ 1- ',
<br />of Nte rtcrirds of micl County. ~; i
<br />G\' TESTLMONY WHEREOF, the said -., ~ ~~ : ~ -- , 'Mitts racrsed
<br />these torrents to be executed by its president and its~Corporate Sea! to be ajJixed hereto thin ; 26fih >.:• ~ i
<br />durof October . J9 79 ~ .. ~ ~~ ,~`••
<br />Witne ~ ..HOME . ~~ CORyPORA`~'TI~©~d ~ ' _ ~ , ~°:~ ~.
<br />....................~-??'?c~:.... :Irtest...t:S~..~op,L4~ ,~$t;;Terrctatg~
<br />SrATEOF.. , ... - . CALIFaRI~LA_ . , . , _ , _ ila B. Scares '-•......••'` ,-:
<br />.... . . . . . . .... _ ..~2ANGE .. - - - - .. - Caunty~ :i On this ..26th .....day aj. Oc tr ; ,19 ;79 ,
<br />~ oejare me, the undersigned, a Natttry ?tiblic in and
<br />Jbrs:id Cvtentk, persnrar!(.v aurae Philig _ J,Cullen, Vice President of rhe..Home Loan. >;orgs+ratipn
<br />a Corpoeation to rare persotmll_r• known to bt the president and identical person whose namr is ~f}'toeef tti'ilte _,
<br />cbove r+derue and acknowledged thr execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as srtch ojfiEer, ai~~tht -
<br />>ntitrttar?• act atul decd of sQid Corpotrxtion. -
<br />_ ,. ,.,•
<br />IVitt~ss m3 hatrd atul ,l+orarial Seal at . , .N~ort.,1}each,..CA..... ,. in said County ~hrtday.aatl'wa~
<br />last amore written. ~ ,~" l~, _,
<br />Afy mrntnissivn expires.. _ • _ - - 7-1}-81 _ _ , , ,19..:~ {-.~~-ems.--r:..~. ~'.-4 :~--i__: sT~lq{§ty t~ttbfie f
<br />AF 7IXt
<br />i...
<br />
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