<br />That the Mortgagor will pay the indebtedness as hereinhetorp:~~ $~
<br />~~
<br />~_
<br />1
<br />'~
<br />f•
<br />That .Lhe Mortgagor is the owner of said property in fee simple and has good right end lawful authority to sell and
<br />convey the s&rite -aitd that the trame-is free acid-clear of any lien or encumbrance; and that 7~4ortgagc+r will warrant and defend the
<br />title to said premises against the claims o[ alt persons whcxnsnever.
<br />Ta pay 'itranediately when due and payable alt general faxes.:special. tares, special asessmentc, water charges, sewer serv-
<br />ice charges; and other taxes and charges against saiti property, and sli taxes levied on the debt secured hereby. and to furntsh the
<br />Mortgagor, Ztpaa::mquest, wit3a the tuigir4at or duplicate receipts ihernfor. The Mortgagor ag rr~s that there shall Madded to
<br />each inonthfy payment required hereunder or under the evidence of debt secured hereby an amount estimated by the Mortgagee
<br />t.. lee sufficient to enable the Mortgagee to pay, as they become doe, ail taxes, assessments, and similar charges upon the prem-
<br />ises .vthject thereto; any deficiency because of the insufficierry of such additional payment, shat) be forthwith deposited by the
<br />Mortgagor tsith the.Mottgagee +iPo!t demamt by the Mortgagee. Any default under this paragraph shall M deemed a default in
<br />pavmert of lases. assessments, nr similar charges required h+•reunder-
<br />- The Mortgagor agues that there shall also M added to each monthly payment of principal and interest required here-
<br />under tut attxvint estimated by the Murtgagra• to ih sufficient ter enable the Mortgagts~ to pray. as it t+ec:rntes clue, the insurance
<br />premium ern any insurance pohc:~ delivered to the ~Sortgagrr. Anc drficiem-c Meaux of the inwlTicienry ui such additional ptty-
<br />tpente sha}C ire forthwith de}xisafrcl by the ~iaxriga€uz w~iih ihr ~iurtcagrr v}x.n den:an;l i.y :hr \tortgagrr. Any default under this
<br />paragrapfi shell !re deemed a default in the payment of inw ranee premiums. If the policy nr policies dr}rt>_;tted are such as hume-
<br />travners or all risk pa?icie>, and the depacit are in u(Gcient to pa.° ihr cotter premium, the MoRgag~ may apply the depw'ft to
<br />par premiums en risks required to l+e iawrrct he this mortgage
<br />Pay-mrr.4s made by the \iurtgagnr under the atruvr paragraphs may, at the opti++n at the Mortgagee, M held by it and
<br />ooereraangiect with other such funds nr its own turuis fur the pa3•ment of such itrrzxc, and until sn applied. such payments are hereby
<br />ptedFtd ac secvrih• for iM unpaid balance of the mortsgr indebtedness.
<br />Ta pzocu. e. dNi;.rr !o. snd maintain for the benefit „f the 'ttartgagPe :iurini; :hr Iiir +.f thx. murtEagr <+nginal pnlir:e. and
<br />rrnevais thereof, ttetivrred at le>Lt fen days before the rxp:raiiaan of any such }x iicirc- insuring agarn.t fire and other msurahle
<br />Iiaaatttx~ taaatxeftica and contingencies as the 'rfortgageY efts} requite, in an amount equal to the ittdebtedtresa secured by this
<br />Mortgage, and in exrmpanirs seer}ataki3e to the \lortga€rr, r.nh lo..< Iwvahle rlavnr in favor of and in f:,rm acceptable to the ~tvriga-
<br />gee. Fn tare event anc police as nut rrnex M3 au sir 2.a•I„n~ irn des>. of rt. e>,paranaa the yir,rlgag„'• n:ay pn+cvre msurann• on the
<br />impatwernrrents, pay she premium therefor, and each sum shall ?xxc ,me imnari;strly +tur and payable sixth mtere>i at the rate set
<br />fatti?r in said rroie until paid acrd shat? ?x- .xu mi by this mortgage Faalurr on the part ui the \lurtgagor to Cu mash such renewals
<br />as art herein required sir failure io pay any sums advaxx~i her:-under .hail. at the option of the Mortgagee. constitute a rie[avlt
<br />trader the tertris of this rrsort,^a„ae. 't'he driivrry ># such }x+hcirs shall, an the event of default, r*,nsntute an assignment of the un-
<br />astrrred gremtir$.
<br />Aar sums received ty u+ae Alr.rtgagee by rea..-an of lass sir damage insured against lira} M retaimtii by the \iortgagtr
<br />sad applied Mward flee }rat:-meat cd fire dei+t herehy~ secured, or. at the option of ihr lortgagee, such sums either wholly nr in
<br />part taay ire paid Doer is, ihr ~lortgagar u, ts- used fo repair such buildings or to huild~new buildings in thri[ placr or ins any
<br />atlrrr purpose c+r art+ject aiisfaetxrry to rise jt sin€a.:re witire.ui affectirig the lien „n the mnr4¢age !or the full amount =ecured here-
<br />iry hr'firre bS]Ch pal'me92 a`r-er 2cKrk plaLY
<br />Tn pivmpuy repair. resisrn .,r retxirht anc iwdda ngs nr amprovemenG now sir hrttatter ern the Prema~es which miy 6e-
<br />ttrme daaragaad a destrtay-rd. i:+ kev+.p card yrnrm»es six gmd rondt lion and repair arr•_t Irrr faun any mechanic's hen ar other lien or
<br />etatm d lirwr a+r eapreasiy tsrbardinatrd ta, the hen leered. nut to svlfer or }:,~rmif any unlawful use of nr any nuisance to exist nn
<br />said property nog to petttui waste- on sand pumas.-. tx>r !o do any Mher ac-t xhrreby the property hereby conveyed shall hetrome
<br />teas vataable, trcu to dtitrxnrda ar impair ti* viler be any art or rxn:svcua to a<K ir. cc,mplr with ail rnqui retrrents nt law with respect
<br />;n The nrra'tgagtd pirmrs.-s arw t?re ut+r ihr-re..>f
<br />That sixuld ihr prx'm>k'y t*' anx pair tirrreot ire caeca a•r etansa};rd h ma+e.n c.i an-. pur4l.c amp:.,vemrnt or tr»atemnation
<br />proneeding, rv under ihr rs5lrt tit rmxnrrt drxnaan.... .n ant ocher manrnr itti• M:.rt i;agrr sl:ail t,e• rnvtied to ail rom}rensatanrs,
<br />axrards, arr7 say ocher twvme~nt a rrtw-t ih,:<~fz.: sr-s;'~~~ha3'. *,w entittea :ta .. ,... ,.., :' .....n. ...~ p7a-ar ~.i a,,;7 primeacute ~n its
<br />ttasst same say acwrax u: }.rooasatrsg. ==r u, itrak+ say rxrnrpr<rartse car srttlertsant ance?aneetx+n a~ith such taktttg or damage- A11 ouch
<br />cpwpeaas9m accords. daarau-';^.~. ;agirt .d srticrn anrd pncreds ar+ hatch} aasi};rned tr, floe ?Ncaatgager. vvlw may, after dedtactirr;
<br />xl9emfa*ns sIl its trxprwra rele=ase say moneys tau re~tw+..xi irk ax ar ai,pi>~ tiw same can ang iradetiv~rre~- ssc~utn~ herby. T.`.2 Mart-
<br />~ argxemt t>a tar+e[ttte wch frer[he•r isrsigtrrae9n .+f an#- et~.an}aencaaia.n. au aids. darraesa-s. and rigtats ct# artioar acrd nrotreds as the
<br />ran' ttepsire.
<br />T!sat. m sass d fadrut w per'fvrm any .;t t#x ,ti..rnantn hereon. t# `et>trty,~er crag do ern the yourtgagui s irehalf everything
<br />esp. ear%aasiad; that ihr to arttcagtr s+a3 air: =%+, an} act arose- deem nraY-.wst-. i., pr. t<.^t ihr lien ahercuf, that she Mortgagor wiU
<br />repay uyam ttr~waari a»;- mctar.s }raid =..r .ia>tw rand t+: ihr \1,.r4gaRr• tc.r ant c,f tiw abn~r purµ•+sea. grad such moneys together with
<br />; tfterexaa at ihr rr,r~- grrtfi.~witr5 an sasd raEdr xha3) t+ec.vnr s++ rrxu-h ar#dxtac+nal andebirdneas hereby sarured and may he in-"_
<br />riedad is sap tlrxrr+r,e fartc•Spairxg thss r'arvsgaFe sad lx Paid trot c+f i3er man at pnpce~ds of safe of said Premises if no4 otherwisrl~
<br />pd¢; ~ it a4rNt apt 6e tt6ii;gafmr utran rlrr V+*rtgaCM' w anquire inttr flee validity d say lien. encumbrances. nr claim in ad-;~
<br />trastatrg ms's as above aathuoraaed, ^r,.^ 9aiht9g txis~+tn rrmtaarrrd strill tae r•csristrurd x rr-gv:rvre the Ma+rtFagee to arts~arrnr any ~,..y
<br />morecys €rsr say swc#+ pury sae nor t.. ,u~. ss;~ a:: nrn~uradrr. ana that yi-uriai.~-~ s~~.i n.a ;3: u: an i•rnu ;al I,ah:!it} !+rcau-w ;.; a::r - -..-.
<br />t~T[ it amaY t!p er tarot IA t3o tllEfeRradPC 'a''t
<br />jty lire euust of floe delsult by~ ~ ire f3rr payment of say irtstailmrent, as requirtd by lire Note secured hetciry. or
<br />is the 9i fire •pl liRstatur ira ifiis rrtt•rtgaCr :.z :n Ltee note arcrsned theratay the ?tSurtgagre shall t~ «ntitta+i t:• d:-elan the
<br />deaG aeG1TEd ia~-rhs~ due arm paya'~e +vttla!uzi nctaae_, and tiro '•Scrrtgagra shall be eniiised at t7.> upv„n. as ithovt. notice. either 6y aF.se3t _
<br />~ ~ a raccierr to i+e spf..esoteai t,y floc ruuxr rtsrrrol. and witiaovt regard ter 13re adequar}- of any scti'~urit i- fur ihr irsdrhlr-dsa+'s: se-
<br />3tme~y..~ a irprm sad takes? pcrawasiua d flee murtgPged premises, and to collect and rerYrve ihr rents assure and profits
<br />tlst~mi, sad t'ba stone. Sew roosts d irperaurn sad cra7;ec nor upon the iadehtednea, ,e~•ured h>' ihi> murtgagr: said rents.
<br />uaa~ ~'~ tretetry i w #3rr Aiorig:Ecr a,c further seK'urity fur the payment of alt indebted ne•;s sr~cured hetehp
<br />'lyto ± stoat ifia paarzt ~ epppi~ wig agetat er argeMa rt may de;<im for the purpose of repairing sand prem-
<br />ima; t!a -sass; at` tare tiwts. aevharres aril income, and it troy pay nut of raid inerrxrx sit expenses incatrreai an rent-
<br />>ar[ sac! wanrstisit the aas+e sad d txilecfirtg the runtak ttrerrfrom- The balance remaining, it any. shall be aPPlied leeward ihr
<br />~tsae{e nt tie ~ 7'Sitt ,tar+i;atssserrt iz to terrnirute: and herrune nail arsd void u}wa rrfease of this rnartgaRe.
<br />
<br />
<br />