<br />79- {XJ'726~'
<br />TAKE NOTICE that the following described property, to-wit:
<br />A tract of land comprising the Westerly Thirty-Three (33.0) Feet of Lot
<br />Six (6), Block Four {4), Meves First Addition, together with that portion
<br />of the vacated alley lying Southerly from and adjacent thereto; and a
<br />part of Block Three {3), Koehler Subdivision, all in the City of Grand
<br />Island, Haii County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Block Three (3), Koehler
<br />Subdivision; thence Westerly along the South line of said Block Three
<br />{3), a distance of One Aw~dred Twenty-One and Two Tenths {121.2) Feet;
<br />t3:ence Northerly parallel to the West line of said Block Three (3), a
<br />distance of One Hundred Sixteen (116.0) Feet, to the Southwest corner of
<br />said Lot Six {6), Block Four (4), Meves First Addition; thence Northwesterly
<br />along the Westerly line of said Lot Six {b), a distance of Forty-Two and
<br />Y~ree Tenths (42.3) Feet, to the northwest corner of said Lot Six (b);
<br />thence Northeasterly along the naztherly line of said Lot Six {6), a
<br />distance of Ttiriy-Three {33.0) Feet; thence Southeasterly parallel to
<br />said ieesteriy iine ai Lot Six (6), a di.3tar~sce of Sixty-Nine and F-ft-y--
<br />Five Hundredths {69.55) Feet; to a point on the Southerly line ofisaid
<br />vacated alley; thence Easterly along said Southerly line of the vacated
<br />alley, a distance of Eighty-one and 7Wenty-Eight Hundredths t8I.2$)
<br />Peet, to a point on the East line of said Block three (3), Koehler
<br />Subdivision, said point also being the Northwest corner of Spelts-
<br />Schuita Addition; thence Southerly along said East line of Block Three
<br />{3), a distance of Gne Hundred iine and Nine Tenths (101.9) Feet to the
<br />place of beginning.
<br />A tract of land comprising a13 of Lot Seven (7), Block Four (4), Meves
<br />Fix->t Addition, together with that portion of zhe vacated alley lying
<br />Southerly dram and adjacent thereto; and a part of Black 'T'hree {3),
<br />3coehler Subdivision, all in the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />2iehraska, and more particularly described as follow:
<br />Beginning at a point on the South line of said Black Three {3), Koehlex
<br />S¢a;* division, said poa.;st beirn~ One 3undred h~nty-one and ~'~+o Tenths
<br />{121_2) Feet vest of the Southeast corner of said Black Three {3):
<br />tbeaee Westerly along the South line of said Black Three {3), a distance
<br />of (k3e Hundred Eighteen and RS~enty-Five Hundredths {118_25) Feet; thence
<br />iioxthexly parallel to the vest line of said Block :'9zree {3), a distance
<br />of Sii~ti°°e a~ Fifty-Five Hundredths {99.55) Fer't, to a paint en *he
<br />Sautiaexiy iine of sai=l vacated alley: thence Westerly along said Southerly
<br />li.ae of the vacated alley, a distance of Twenty-Tao and One Tenth (22.1)
<br />feet, tza a point an the Southerly right-af-way Iine of Memorial ar3ve;
<br />t Atortheastexiy aloha said Sautheziy right-of-vay Sine, a distance
<br />of Eighteen and Six Tenths {1B.6) Fit, to the Southwest corner of said
<br />loot Seven {7), BloJc Four {4), Meves First Addition; thence Northeasterly
<br />a3smg the D'Jortherly Iine of said Lot Seven {?), a distance of One Hundred
<br />qty--44ueE and Fine Tenths (123.5) Feet, to the ~iortheast corner of
<br />SaiB Irnt Seven {3); thence Southeasterly along the Easterly iine of said
<br />It3t Sevea~ (~), a distaza:e ai: Forty-SW ansi Three Tenths (42.3) Peet, to
<br />t3ae Swtl~st coshes of said Lot Seven {'T) ; thence southerly pazallei to
<br />fire $ast line of said Block Shree {3), Koehler subdivision, a distance
<br />€sF {k2e &,iasdred Sixteen d'..15.0) Feet, to the place of beginning,
<br />is subject tt~ a 'Real Estate Installment Purchase Agreement"
<br />da~'ci '~~ d 199, in which Rea3 Estate investors .; '- . 30 ,i~~;.'
<br />Tssc., is Se ler an Rick S, dohnsan is Suyex. ~ ,,.5{' '
<br />:~ _;.. _
<br />e --~
<br />REAL ESTATE INVESTORS iNC . ,; ~-~ ~' ! t._-`~ '~ ,-~=
<br />~J'~) ~ s~ C, r- r. -
<br />$"i'$ ~' ~ ~ B},~1(~-.,, Vii/ ~ ~_ ys "~> .
<br />~ ~ ~ t
<br />} ae. Pre$~.dent s~ -,~ ~ -r'.
<br />is~ inaCrtxaaaL wan aclmawledged before sm ibis 29th dal of ""'"~"
<br />.Rtela C, i~c?Qareott, President of Real 8atate Inveatars Inc., a
<br />ailaas, sns behalf a# the corporation. r~ i
<br />.,
<br />tarp Public
<br />