<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23'5
<br />Subject to ,
<br />>~wAU.MravBV'rH~sta'Rt:s>~'rs:ntat Timothy L, Dunagan and Cheryl R. Dunagan, each in his
<br />and her awn right, and as spouse o~ each other
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or Hare, in considrratiao of toe aem of
<br />_Twelve Thousand Six Hundred and No/100------------------------------------------- DOt.[Atts
<br />inra.~ to ~.i sooriga~gc,r by Tig F,quitabk Building and Loan Assocvtion of fratd Istmed, Nebtas'ra, Mortgagee, upoo 1 25 shares of stork of
<br />aid ASSOCSATtON, Certifinte Nn. t. 23,508 , do hereby grant, wnxy and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the foBow6eg
<br />daQt3ed Ral estate, 9CUatrd in I1aL Cnuaty, Nrbraska:
<br />ac~e#Av with aB the traeamts, herrditsmuets sad apfaetrasstces thereeie:n heloregia~, mclttding attadted floor cmaiggs, alt wirdaw saeeaa,
<br />aeedtaw b6ads, sarm viad.»s, aw~gs, hratieg-air rveditioxr~g,aatt phtnbivg and utter equipurnt and aamories ihnrNa. t,sto+es.
<br />sfiigsaaoes, sad otl,rs fislma std t now or heresftu attrhrd to ~ ~d in rxetttection with said Beal eaUtte.
<br />Ard vhaea tie said saortgaga+ Au agaead std does hereby ageer ilut rite ntrntgagor ~ attt! wi8 pay afl taxes and aa.~eats ieeied or
<br />saeaed ~'n said pewees ssd apou the and the bid seeatsec thereby before the same shag beeeaoe de!stgomt; to fianiah apptonad
<br />iraeratce tepm she bed m said presses sinrttet lit rhr sun of S 12,500.00 WYabk to ,aid ASSOCIATION sad to rle&aa to aid
<br />ASSflC4A7lON the paiaes foe smd im,aaote; std salt to rntaatic or permit any wear on x about aid premtses;
<br />iaa sae of defat+h a tix peafartmnx of as of the trans sad eoediuats of this mortgage ar the bond aectrred hereby, the wee s6sa,
<br />on deat®d., TY eatidnl ra Ott of the prt»tisa and ittr ramtgagm hereby aaisns, transfras std ssts asn to the
<br />aoc;per aH the rasa, teuaattes sod iocttmr to he dt~sed feoto tie morrg~ed preemses d>Yiog a,rh time u the mortgame ah~ teasa®
<br />~~ aed tie aW ha'e the Po"vrr to apywtnt amy afteat u agars it mry drsire fur tb< prupoa~ of espaavty and peek sad rrstin~
<br />tie sas snd mtlertia ft tie sees, seaatuns and waome, ~d is tszy pay get of aid ma,mo ~ ettpmaes of repasiot said pemiaet sad aeapuey
<br />mtresi~iora std errpenex ietneeed ®t~ sad ttmagjgg the omr and ~ coBeetaig re:nah theeefsom: the lokeae +~[, tf awy, to ie
<br />arwaad Ur of said moetgege -~ then »dtt: of rlr martp~agee >my be esetcfsaf st soy tune dig tie etduesoe of area
<br />itegeMiee of say y waiaee of tits mme_
<br />'[sear tic lareaea, tre ~ the Cneditita, 7bst $ mr sad Mzssigagnr shdt tefay aid toga oa or ttefa-_ the eattseitY of aid aisrta 67
<br />p.,yaaar; }eey asxillr as aid AS'sdC7 AT~.'i ~ the suet apx~'sd is ihr Bead xctnerl hrre6y ss atiema and peiaapa' oa said loss, oa m bel'ase
<br />ale Yrroiaieti$~r u#~ sad may mmth.,.mt3 said loss is fseey peid: pas ~ taxes amiasemnrats itvied a5auot aid premises sqd ae tffis.i~fart~e
<br />ad are t\ad saetsed rieaeby, idam ; fmaeat appre,erod iasaantx trpoa the buadags thereott;e see a®of s 12 , 500.00 pn~
<br />as ea'd AS90[3A'iMBf: acpeey m m3 ASSOC1ATiON ,q,na deaoaad sS mosey br it pad fcr etch tarts, easements sad ardh iattaet at
<br />ahc toetierm ~ ~ theeaw fram d~ of psy~ ~ of s+buci lFottL.+lWx herby agrees to pry; pesmir eo wa9e as aaidl>retamtKlramp tnA aumPtY
<br />sti~ai ~c arguawtata sad z>oa~tiaes of the tiat,d fi~ 3 12 ,5th. ~r thh say 3 f5~ tit said ldsatr to a~ .ASSOC'iArfON, said ~pas+
<br />+tde~ a~ tic argsr~ at rsr C.mai;a4io®mt Hy~a atmd acaie7,71tkt.: rhea ties Ixes®ia tiatx heonme mu8 ad +aid, otha,eie tiey
<br />alt! sawei. a irf0 fierce ad msy br fo:adased n tit of the said ASSOCIATSON after faiitre &ar thra mostha ro mrte ay of attid
<br />iryaersrEa ar k ahtee aoseahs m ateax ;a and enaatfi3y paymrmts, or s'n tsep sad comply vide she agreements and txmdieiotea of mid Flood;
<br />sail fir>~tr aNau ao imc a ,acmes appryuoiai fw~rw~# is mch fateelawtte paacee~.
<br />q dotes >asY thaege m ossr+ahip of tie ant eeaaae meartgrgod ham, iy ade ur orhesviae, ties tie em6e eeatsieiaL hereby
<br />aacteed slat„ a tie nptioo of Tie €gaat>)de >6 and rust Aaecaatiun of Caaad lEystt,Nehtatia, itoatme immrdiaseiye due sad psyabie withwu
<br />$rainr nrs9m, ad tic a essanina~ due tmdn mid band, and say atlter btted for soy sd6aioeea adsmen made tiettvodex. ahaD, ftam tlx
<br />dsae of easeeeae of mid a}rtiea, Itrs iatraraa a t3+e mxxaamt kgd sac, sad the mortgage tats tin be Gasclored to astiafy tie amtwnt doe set and
<br />ttoed,ad ayarhar Iarad far aidiliioaa adaawexa, tegetiea arti ag amts pad by aid The > asd Inca Asoeiaim dC.tad Gimd,
<br />Iiriiraita far ieamaroe, ta>axaadmoei®ent,.,aed e~bslraaatgextea9m t~srgrs, vitb tutees theman, Erma dart of payment u tie msximom
<br />~-
<br />As ptmaided ie tic Bond atsaxai 1, athik the motta~ege temaas m rffea the ' may herrafter adsancc additional n®a to tic
<br />stttiaees at aid band, stets aaei~pe ar atr¢ewxr as iattseat, viiclr arms slab be within the aecwity ~ this mnttgaee the rarrc as the hmda origmaHy
<br />aeesod >~A°. Mro aumi aaaamt of p debt sot to erased u avy time the arigitm! antotmt of this mortpge.
<br />_ f3rlcd~t.-t diy *t~' A~IYT A. D., t9 J~
<br />dA ~-
<br />~.
<br />Y' ,..
<br />~~~~~~, ~~ 1st days November t4 74 .beftreme,
<br />tle , a Nway Public ®aad Era aid Cormty, petaonsily carte
<br />T~aDt~}t l., ~tilia itlid C~leryt R. t1url~an, each in his and her own~ight, and a~s~s~o sr~e o~
<br />e+wets ©`~ are
<br />tra tic tlte-iratioei pmart s t~ ttaaas are afftad to the abate as ttangagor s .nd they seseraDY
<br />a3caetin4~ad lie Arid imRtaroeta io be #,~@~ Y ycttmttay ea amd deed. -_
<br />#I1l~S my irmd aed fiotarial sea the der J
<br />- .r y - ' ~~ /' - Notary Public
<br />irate le Z--- GFME77ri ROikB~` - fiats ,f Htrbr.
<br />~.`"~ Ms' Lca~-i. tz,. .'vc.. 1?. 1479
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