<br />not extend or post-pone the due dale of the month]}- installments referred ka in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or
<br />chsnge the amount of such insialhnents.
<br />10. Harrower Not Released. >vxtension of trite time for payment or modification of amortization of the scans
<br />secured by this \iortgage grsnted by Lender to auy sut•ceswr in interest of Borro++er ;hall not. operste to release,
<br />in any manner, the lisbility of rite otigina) Borrot3•er :uui Burratrer's successors in interest. Lender shall not be
<br />required to commence i!mceedings against such succe_sor or retuse to extend time for payment or ntlterwise modify
<br />smorcizstion of tha sums secured by this \iortgage ln~ reason of :m}- demand trade by the original Borrower and
<br />$orrower's successors in interest.
<br />II. Forbeartmce by Lender Not a Waiver. .ln} iorbesrance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy
<br />hereunder, or otherwise sfrorded by spplieable lain, sL•ail rat ire a +vai~er ot• or preclude the exercise of anv right.
<br />or retnedr izezeundar. 'tlte. procurement of insurance or the lss~•meu of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender
<br />-+all rat beastai:•er of Lender-s right to aceelerste rite ntaiurit~- of the iudebfedness secured by this Mortgage.
<br />l2 $emedies Cumulative. all remedies provided its this \iortgage are distinct and cumu)atire to arc other
<br />right or remedy under this \iortgsgs or affordtyi b~- la+c ar cquin-, :uui mad- im sxe:rcised concurrenth•, indepsnd-
<br />«'~ enter or succe<sively.
<br />13. Successors mid Assigns Bound: Joint and Several Liability: Cagtions• The cotenants and agreements
<br />~ -n>,aein contaaneia shat] bins], and is;c rights hereunder snail town ;a, the resnectitc successors atsd assigns ei Lender
<br />+~
<br />and Hormwer. sulsert to tl:e pn:tvions of psrasr<sph t ~ hereof. All eoten:utts and agreements of Horrower shall
<br />~` be joint. and seterai. The ragtions and headings of rise paraRrt;shs of this \Iurtaage are for sontenience onh• and
<br />are not to Ire ttstx-l to interpret or define the luvrisiot,s hereof.
<br />f4. Notice. arc notice zo Borrower rrattcis~ti for in this \tttrtgage shall be :titan b}- tootling suelt notice b}•
<br />certi5ed nt3ii ;t3dn•:~3d za Bornncer at tla Yrepert~ Address ststc.r hslusx. sxcent for am notice required under
<br />ay paragrapls IS lset:'<,t to ik ;ite:t to $arros+sr tat the manner prsscriiu~i h_t- applicable Is+c. Ant notice procid211
<br />~ for in this _liortgasc snail ix w`h'ored to hate ).:-en .ten to Borrow cr }+hen ;it cn in tlx° utatmer designattd herein.
<br />l3. Uniform Mortgage: Governing Law; Severability. 'this ions ui ntor:cage :ombines uniform cotenants
<br />for national use and nen-utsi€orm cacensnts nibs limited taristions by jurisriicfion to constitute a uniiornt secu-
<br />rity insfnttnetst cotering msl I'•tvperty. This Mortgage shalt ie goternsd l,r the lan ai the jurisdiction in nhich
<br />the property ~ lorstc-.v- In the e+ent that snc prottsion cu riause of this Mortgage ar rite Aote ranr;icts with
<br />"'alt iiv , ^~ l'rti .. ,~ :;i .~ .ter ,- nn
<br />sppiiesaie late, aurz canuzci ~s zfi'~ „•l;er .. i_.~ns rlti_ lia;-, agr ~. slat, \.otp u•hirh __.- br given
<br />zt3ert without the c+ustlicting prestisan. and to this end the ptatisions of the '1[ortgage std t}se ;\ntecare declared
<br />to be severable.
<br />i& Baaower's Cagy. Bormner sits]] be iurnishe~i rnnformed copy ni this \lort~age. at the time of execu-
<br />tion or after r+erenlatios lterroi. .
<br />;T, 'i~mrdac of fhe Property: Assumptaoa Ii ail ar any part ui rise Property or sn interest therein is sold
<br />or star=ferreai by Harower witaoL~ Lender= prior +rritte^ corsem, exrluding tsl t`te crestior. of a lien or encum-
<br />trtance su't~n?inste to this \Iort~sge- sbi the rrratiar. of a ;+nrchsse mores serurity interest ter ltoucehold appli-
<br />sntxs, 'c7 a transfer isy deri~. d:~r~ent er by operation tai )st+ ul,o.. the death of a joint tenant or ld! the grant of
<br />any leaselsoed interest of thtte rests ar ie_.- not containing n:. option to purchase, Lender may. at Lender's option,
<br />,Icelax+ia alp itse;ztttss secured try this 'ilorizage to Ix• ist ;s:sdtatelt due and iaarabli. I_tnder shat] Itar~~ scatted such
<br />o}sfion to azx+ela.'Bte ii, prior to the sale or zrattsier, Lends.: and the }rerun to .t-hunt the Property is to be so,d ar
<br />tturK..€et~d reach agiremenz in writing that the emits of sue?: person is sstisfsctan- to Lender and sitar the interest
<br />psrahec an the pis si-turcxi by this Mortgage alas]; I+r st suds rate ss Lender shall rcquz':t. If Lsttder has waited
<br />tare optaon to scceleratt proadri in this paragraph J; and ii Harrower': s::cerssor it: intettst ltas executed s writ-
<br />ten s~-uuaption agt+eetu~tt stx+epted tit writing be Ixnder- lender shall ;elesse Hurtvwer ir~a: all obligation; under
<br />this Alortgape and the Note.
<br />If I_ttndtr t~eexises a"urh option to sccalerate, lender shalt snail Borrower notice of aereleration in accotrittnre
<br />waLis;,arsgrssph I4 }aereoi. ~ueii notir.• >1sxL =aroci,ie s ynritxi of not ia'ti`~ than ;tt1 siati~s irotn the date the notice
<br />mailed a-it~*r' +s•isii•is Sarn?aer sa.ay pry the runts derlarr,i due. li Hornawer fa.', ts. ;.:tc _tt~°l, .._.; prior to the
<br />~cpirsraan of suc•tt period, (,ender :nay `s ititout iurtier nazi{~• or rezstsntz on Bu-musr. ustokc a.'.;; remtdies per-
<br />tnittoca bz parsgtaph ?>3 isetrai
<br />'+;~~-''~t~nxu t:an~~aa~. 13cn°t-tsa-rt• and Lander #•artlter ran-s~n:iut and =r~r~,• as Iollows:
<br />iti. Iliac: s'framedies fxrc•I-; • i,rc,,:,,c. u.n=g<- , ,: '.,,-rte- ul+:>n Brtrxxer' f>tearh e.f any
<br />rr:yertant. rtr• sgrt~ment n H~'srns~'rr in : ).i- i9att>_acr. a>k.lu+l+i.=e; ti,r <wr~sasrst, t, ;;ax it'-teat ut• ctnti• cant= -erara~~
<br />by slats' 1lottgsge, Len3cr }=trot to at-rs-;c•ratxr;t n+.anll rani: Matt ~• to Borrow.,!- issl i,tzttadsyd su 133s~t;ralsia J;4 lzeretrf
<br />~c+ri€ying: d31 t~ hresri: r~t thr arttaa~s n-.lusma :< rwr ;;uch hmsrh; ~3+ s dats~ not le>.. tfssn thirty days
<br />fmns ~ date the nctxr i.~ araiiecl tc+ ~,rn~a ir. 1,r as `rrl: >u~ i. ]ncaris s,tust fM• ewrd - anal +d . t i:at fniium to rut
<br />atrrls Isrearh sus or t+cltln• tl,r dart aprr:n'e+i zn tart nitirr si>ny rr-.uh m arct'iri^dttm; , f thc• >unts .s.-•cun~si by th.
<br />'til; sale of 3},e Ynil+eny- li tixs tarearh i nt-rt rurevi ou ar t>eian• slay ,intz~ ,I><•rifit~i tr, the notice, Lender
<br />at Lrssder•'s optitus tray d:rlarr sli tai ti;t• suns; scrutrd by this l+lartgag~~ su #x smns~isatrlr •iue and ;wyahle
<br />t-aibasst ittrtk~rdettrand and tray 'iron°.lt~ tiro-'tlz}rtracs• by ;udirial ptven:isn•~ Ixnder n'nall ix• .-ntttltYl to collect
<br />~ wzrm p;~.rn.;vs a.I ex~ si- ~ ~ f:r~r'!a~u~•. tvx•lu<itu~~. taro net hssxsti '--- r<~t_, ~: dixuntrsitrn eritienre.
<br />a~ aztd title re3m~.
<br />lft, fiot~nls ~ fo Hsima~. ~otattft-sanding IJznder'- xes~Jerstior, of the suns; secured by t}tis
<br />$oa3mtrd• shall ixs:~ the rapist tau bare sr« - prtxreclin~s leegun by Leaz,icr to rniorre this Mortgage dis-
<br />tat:Yimwoed s3 aasy tirrre prior to entn• of s ~tsd~ment eruoiring thi- ~lortgsge ii: +st Homuwcr pays lxnder all
<br />erhit~tt tsmarld ire ilstvx due ttoda'rnthis ~itu2gs{tc. tlx• \ate and Worts srt•uriussr'uturr Adtsnee~, ii any, had no
<br />owned: ihi Bomttser cote- sli hnearlte- of not ot}srr car.rnnts or >gn•ements of Borrower eon-
<br />rsaetad ffi r~C ~; tt) f3t~r~ostoer pays all rcazrmshlr exlsers_~2s itsrurztal t+r I.rndt-r in +-nforring the covenants
<br />aad sarte~hs of ~ t+naisined in shit llat•tgige and it: enioresng I.erdris rsettedies as I~rot•ided in para-
<br />grsptl+.8 hertwf, its, hot nos. lirttitrd to. tra,:t}nalsle sttomry'- ift-. an.i +di 8orn,aer takrs such action as
<br />larder reap rreasmatrfl' require to aasutte t3aat rise Iien of thi, \lortgagr. Lrndrrs irtrrest is the Yropert.v and
<br />~ etdiyps#iao in pay trite aroma seeatrxrl try xlsss lfortgaar tiro]] comittue unisnlaain't3- E'pon such ltaemem
<br />and era bg Baneerrrr•, tee ~itat~e ant! ttxe ohligatiotr~ sc~umi (tetchy -1+>il retrain in iuli iorec and effect as if
<br />rso ~ had rtaertrr+ecl-
<br />~, ~4ely~iltlf pI )~; ~ d fit~e: Leeules is Poeoaesooa- 3n ;uidi!ionat seeueity here-
<br />> f+a+rse~m+ebyas~ga m (.ender slay tenist of the Jrrolsortg-, }sinx•idt~t ttsat Botrovter shatJ, prior tv aereler-
<br />ktiee Iricri I$ hereof ~ sirandmrtoertf of tlse Ptaperfy. have the right to collect and retain such rents
<br />>b henanra doe imd psyahie.
<br />tmdee' psragtape I8 lretrrrf ar abandonment of ttse Property, Lender. its (tenon, by agent
<br />te~ by 3uliy appaenfatf remerver ~pfl be entitled tts enter upon. take lsossesstan of and usattage the Property
<br />and fo aallee3 flare iteote of 3lre 9, inelxsting those past due. All mots rollectrd lay Lender or the rereicer
<br />strati fse agpl•>,eet firth to psymeof of tfte costs of rrtanagement of tlsc Property and collertiou of trot., including, but
<br />trot limituf to, t+eceiv~'s €eee, pr~niurns an receiver's lxsnds and masvnahle attorney's fer.~. and then to the sums
<br />secured by this \foifpage. I endel8nd else r~ceiyer shall tx• ]tattle to acrount only for those trots actually received.
<br />